Just wanted to light a candle

Wayward's Avatar
Have a few friends drop by and take a moment to reflect on the hallowed ground of Annoyingone's last stand. We came not to praise John Bull but to bury him, wait did we just get that assbackwards?

That is not important this is a moment in SHMB herstory and we need to mark it. Besides I thinck we won some type of wager and being a good sport is important, so while he may be gone he is not forgotten. Just sayin'
dearhunter's Avatar
Having lost the wager, please do not judge me for the bitter taste of the loss.....he was a big man in the hobby game....he had the unique ability to send me to some of my greatest literary work....where is the justice.....why do I always have to lose.....why couldn't he wait three more days.....I was so close to the finish line.....I demand a hanging chad recount....I smell a conspiracy....where is my rubber ducky?
texasjohn1965's Avatar
Who's buying the first round?
Wakeup's Avatar
I'm gonna miss him...

Have a few friends drop by and take a moment to reflect on the hallowed ground of Annoyingone's last stand. We came not to praise John Bull but to bury him, wait did we just get that assbackwards?

That is not important this is a moment in SHMB herstory and we need to mark it. Besides I thinck we won some type of wager and being a good sport is important, so while he may be gone he is not forgotten. Just sayin' Originally Posted by Wayward

Why, the dumbass got what he deserved.

Mourning this shit would be like getting teary if your buddy became a zombie.

No sir, you don't shed a tear, you put a bullet in his brainpan and put him out of his misery--before the fucker bites you and gets you infected.

He got caught up in the pussy, turned into the scourge of the earth, a FUCKING WHITE KNIGHT and then pissed on a mod's shoes in front of everyone. . .fuck him he had it coming. He would be the first to say this about some other guy that did the same thing.
Wayward's Avatar
I still love Charles Bukowski by the way, have you actually read very much of his stuff?

Let's go out on a limb and accept that this isn't exactly honoring or morning annoyingone, then perhaps we can find some common ground. South of the Red River we tend to laugh about this kind of thing a little more. Besides aren't you the llama that was sorta his running buddy or something?

There are subtle and semi-polite ways to light someone up, down at NASA, it's that place where they used to be the sharp end of the stick for all of humanity; light the candle didn't mean exactly the same thing it might mean in church. Like Bukowski it's important to explore the natural duality of man or men in this case.
I still love Charles Bukowski by the way, have you actually read very much of his stuff?

Let's go out on a limb and accept that this isn't exactly honoring or morning annoyingone, then perhaps we can find some common ground. South of the Red River we tend to laugh about this kind of thing a little more. Besides aren't you the llama that was sorta his running buddy or something?

There are subtle and semi-polite ways to light someone up, down at NASA, it's that place where they used to be the sharp end of the stick for all of humanity; light the candle didn't mean exactly the same thing it might mean in church. Like Bukowski it's important to explore the natural duality of man or men in this case. Originally Posted by Wayward

I am not a fag or anything, but I do enjoy his poetry. And his dialogues are the shit. I think he is funnier and smarter than Hunter Thompson.

I am friends with Anon, but like I said, he fucked up. He would be the first to bitch slap me if I did what he did. It will all be good. I can't imagine him falling for the golden pussy for long. He is way too much of a horndog to taste the same pussy for very long.

You know while we are speaking of the duality of man, how stupid is it to suspend a guy who has clearly stuck his entire head up to the neck in a pussy. By cutting him from a board, aren't you pretty much asking him to crawl up into that golden pussy's lap while he is suspended. Kinda seems to me like giving an addict a whole bunch of whatever they happen to be addicted to and calling it groundbreaking therapy.

Nah, that doesn't make any sense. I need another vodka and tonic and need to chew on that one a bit. Disregard it.
I'm gonna miss him...

Originally Posted by Wakeuр
You do know you are helping him when you post shit like this. The guy is all about branding. When you go to all this effort to make (by the way this is really talented and creative) a piece of art like this, you are essentially being his graphic artist for free.

I don't know if I completely buy his bullshit on this branding thing, but it does seem to work for him.

Remind me to tell you about his sig line some day. It is actually pretty fucking brilliant, but perhaps should only be discussed among men, if you catch my drift.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
Have someone slap his dick for being twiterpated by pussy and then let him back in.

I like Anon but JB is a great mod.
boardman's Avatar

You know while we are speaking of the duality of man, how stupid is it to suspend a guy who has clearly stuck his entire head up to the neck in a pussy. By cutting him from a board, aren't you pretty much asking him to crawl up into that golden pussy's lap while he is suspended. Kinda seems to me like giving an addict a whole bunch of whatever they happen to be addicted to and calling it groundbreaking therapy.
Originally Posted by BARFLY
That is exactly where the humor in all of this comes from.

I'm kinda pissed that he let me down so quickly though. I had his final meltdown all mapped out. It was supposed to be February 17th.
The surprise came when John Bull Foul Hooked him and refused to cut the line. Quite the fisherman that JB.
chicagoboy's Avatar
He got caught up in the pussy, turned into the scourge of the earth, a FUCKING WHITE KNIGHT and then pissed on a mod's shoes in front of everyone. . . Originally Posted by BARFLY
As His Holiness might observe, The AnnoyingOne got all ate up with it.

Now you know why the Y mods never wear shoes. Plus, the uric acid helps hold down the toe funck.
Wayward's Avatar
Have someone slap his dick for being twiterpated by pussy and then let him back in.

I like Anon but JB is a great mod. Originally Posted by Marcus Aurelius
You should rethinck crossing the Rubicon in this threAD, just sayin'
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
You should rethinck crossing the Rubicon in this threAD, just sayin' Originally Posted by Wayward
I don't know what you mean.
Wayward's Avatar
The idiom "Crossing the Rubicon" means to pass a point of no return, and refers to Julius Caesar's crossing of the river in 49 BCE, which was considered an act of war. from the Wiki those cats are so helpful.

While I respect your right to your opinion, it is fundamentally flawed using an historical example was my way of gently suggesting this with out coming right out and saying it. If one was to apply that to your post for example, it might suggest another conclusion than the one you have arrived at. So your half right, if you see what we are saying.

Crossing the Rubicon also refers to declaring war on the people that you govern. It seemed to fit.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
Of course. This was used when I was welcomed to ASPD way back when as well.
That wasn't the question. I was trying to see what boundary I was crossing in this thread.