_ Go Wright Something Intelligent on the board... why don't cha ? "

I was the reciever of a smart ass comment of that nature some time back.. on an alternate board I was WELL reviewed on, here in the DFW area. Because I was desperately trying to fit in to some city ... some where... as some asset , rather than the liability I felt I was... I went home. Drank a bottle of Sweet Red ... in its entirety.... and sat in front of my lap top at my recycled kitchen table... trying to think of something intelligent to say.

I have to say... that my only critisizm of that form of 'inspiration'.. is that you can't tell a person to be intelligent or write that way. You can't even really inspire them. If they have it within themselves to be an inspiration to others on SOME level..; you only cover it up their nature when you saturate them with visuals, audials, and instictual memories... Especially when they are propelled by anger or resent.

Therefore... I won't rate my own thoughts in this.... post ... but .. as I sit here in my flannel bikini briefs and white bra... preparing to soak and fix the visual aspect of the feet I value more than any part of my body ... hands down.... I would rate this attempt at a thought process as IMPROVEMENT .... level.... NOT in the SENIOR LEAGUE OF LITERARY SUCTION.

My current thought process... is really a sub category to just giving the intelligent wrighting concept a stab.

------------------ to recycle or trash ------------------------

Regardless of your habits when ridding yourself of garbage and such... ; ( i.e., anything you deem clutter or un neccessary due to age or usage )
.. I have to ask opinions on WHATS YOU PRACTICE ? I mean there's recycle .. thrift store type. There's green recepticles and black ones... and grey ones.. Do you think there should be red ones as well?

We , as communities.. have troubles galore with garbage. Some people consider people like me.. garbage... and MANY have tried to throw me away ... in the RED recepticle.. so to speak... and even got so far as the ULTRA tape job one might need to wrap that up. Fortunately.. a few very understanding, very bright people saw that I might be worth something.. to someone. Isn't everyone... I mean? ( another topic later.. )

Trash can be from used profilactics to ' people'... I am not one to throw away the ladder .. but you may still be in the dark ages. And as a side bar.. on that topic.. anyone here who feels the need to shame one who shows their ass... to me... is SHOWING THEIR ASS.

Feel free to comment on this... so that I may learn a more direct way of communicating with a board I feel is an asset.


* To double clarify... THIS POST IS AN ATTEMPT AT COMMUNICATION FEED BACK. * I should have underlined the asset part and italisized the liabilty... but to be clear... YES.. I'm asking a question... on the main board... to get some feedback .. primarily because I want it.. and secondarily.. if you reply and it makes sence to what I was asking.. I'lll know I was on the track going the way I think I want to. And there is no ISLAND... **


When you sober up, and read what you have writen, you will, by all accounts, say "no more Sweet Red".

You seem to have some issues with something. Venting on a Hooker Board would indicate that you have moved onto the Boulevard of Broken Dreams.

You probably need some help with what seems to be self esteme issues, but not from anybody here......
You are not trash and oddly I get what you are saying.

Lots of hugs to you honey
Naomi4u's Avatar
I do not understand.
dearhunter's Avatar
There is too an Island.....
Chica Chaser's Avatar
You are not trash and oddly I get what you are saying.

Lots of hugs to you honey
Lisa Originally Posted by lisa.lisa0302
Ok Lisa, since you are the only one that gets it would you care to translate into English for us.

Trying to decide to just close it or if there is something of value to the board and to the general public here.
Naomi4u's Avatar
Ok Lisa, since you are the only one that gets it would you care to translate into English for us. Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
lovinfun's Avatar
I think you put too much stock in what some people think, do, say....etc....."like water on a ducks back.....it just rolls right off! NO Worries!
Naomi4u's Avatar
Someone please explain?
Trying to decide to just close it or if there is something of value to the board and to the general public here. Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
I'd say it has plenty of entertainment value. :P Not to mention the "Posting While Intoxicated" public service announcement.
Naomi4u's Avatar
I'd say it has plenty of entertainment value. :P Not to mention the "Posting While Intoxicated" public service announcement. Originally Posted by tracibrooks
lol. That's why I looove you!

OP: What lisa and lovingfun said. Wish you well.
Well I always love to see other people posting whilst drunk....makes me feel better about when I write a drunken blog...
Chica Chaser's Avatar
I'd say it has plenty of entertainment value. :P Not to mention the "Posting While Intoxicated" public service announcement. Originally Posted by tracibrooks
Hahaha! Very true.
We'll let it go for a while see how long this train will stay on the tracks
Naomi4u's Avatar
Damn... when I'm drunk I get super horny and want to f**k everything. I couldn't imagine being drunk and posting on eccie. That would kill the mood.. lmfao