'Five Eyes' in the dark

dilbert firestorm's Avatar

article says investigation will destroy trust in U.S. in inteligence circles.

question here is... if a crime did take place.. who's responsible?

“Getting ensnared in another country’s domestic political dispute is heresy for an intelligence agency, especially when that country is the United States and the most important intelligence partner for all our allies,” said Paul Pillar, who spent 28 years at the CIA, including stints as executive assistant to the director of central intelligence and deputy director of the agency’s counterterrorism center. “Now along comes Attorney General Barr as America’s senior law enforcement official, trying to dig up dirt overseas to serve the president’s domestic political purposes. That’s not only highly objectionable, it’s outrageous.”

fake outrage at its worst. CYA in progress.

looks like they resent the fact Trump doesn't trust intelligence agencies.

article ends with a pithy comment.

By all indications, Russia’s disinformation campaign targeting the United States and attempting to undermine U.S. governmental institutions continues to bear bitter fruit.

Putins' no dummy. but this is getting too messy for his liking. this is not the kind of operation he'd foist on america. this is interfering with his agenda.

there is an article about this. I'll see if I can find it.

Yahoo! Didn't they circularly report the Steele Dossier so Steele could report that it's been given some credence?

Yes they, among others, did.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Where's 006.9?
Old intelligence was easy. Shot the competition.
Wouldn't that stop the crap quickly though