Strip club fun not like it used to be for me

With rates having gone up in the hobby I decided to go back and check out Palazio. I’m mean wtf? Now seeing 260 to 300 for hhr in the hobby? Damn! Just can’t do it. I have the means I just don’t want to drop that kind of money for mediocrity.

So went to Palazio. Straight to the bar. Took forever to be served and it was only 4:30 pm. Talent was less than stellar. Had a twosome come up to me. One was as skinny as olive oyl from Popeyes and the other was a young blond with a really stupid grin with a kitten hair piece.

Kitten ended up leaving but Olive Oyl wouldn't leave. Told me she was about to buy a dog and really needed the money. Trying to get it the next day. I asked her how much was the dog. She said $3500. And the reason I asked because I had a feeling it would be some stupid price. Hell, she didn’t t look like she could pay for food herself.

Another lady walked around like she was some runway model with that straight serious I know I’m hot face. I’m like get the hell away. I just turned my head and looked down.

Another one looked like her time was over about 15 years ago. Perm hair and caked on make up. Wow!

I’ve been there at night when it’s really cranking. I mean hot looking women. Here’s the deal on that, they don’t do the dance floor. They wait for the studs to show up and they go to vip and hang all over them.

I mean, wtf has happened to good old stripping. Wtf has happened to the hobby?
With rates having gone up in the hobby I decided to go back and check out Palazio. I’m mean wtf? Now seeing 260 to 300 for hhr in the hobby? Damn! Just can’t do it. I have the means I just don’t want to drop that kind of money for mediocrity.

So went to Palazio. Straight to the bar. Took forever to be served and it was only 4:30 pm. Talent was less than stellar. Had a twosome come up to me. One was as skinny as olive oyl from Popeyes and the other was a young blond with a really stupid grin with a kitten hair piece.

Kitten ended up leaving but Olive Oyl wouldn't leave. Told me she was about to buy a dog and really needed the money. Trying to get it the next day. I asked her how much was the dog. She said $3500. And the reason I asked because I had a feeling it would be some stupid price. Hell, she didn’t t look like she could pay for food herself.

Another lady walked around like she was some runway model with that straight serious I know I’m hot face. I’m like get the hell away. I just turned my head and looked down.

Another one looked like her time was over about 15 years ago. Perm hair and caked on make up. Wow!

I’ve been there at night when it’s really cranking. I mean hot looking women. Here’s the deal on that, they don’t do the dance floor. They wait for the studs to show up and they go to vip and hang all over them.

I mean, wtf has happened to good old stripping. Wtf has happened to the hobby?
GPS is an epidemic. Strippers THINK they are better than escorts because they don't (officially and openly) suck dick.
And, it is exacerbated by the Neo-puritans in the political realm.
Well, about a few years ago before Palazio made changes I would get sucked regularly!
It’s funny because I wouldn’t tell them to. I just zipped open, they would look and then go right at it as if they were born to suck!
bear557's Avatar
Whaling us the name of the game dude
Agreed, my usual spot @ XTC is the same. Before you’d spent for the vip band and be able to have fun in the vip… now the girls don’t want to do anything unless you spend extra for a cabana and then they suddenly lose the ability to understand English once you are in there. I’m taking a break for now, no point wasting my money for less value.
Booty Bandit's Avatar
No kidding!
What is up with these hobby prices? They're through the roof!
I don't care hot/fine she is. I can't bring myself to pay those prices either.
guys, re-evaluate which side of the arrangement you're on. You don't have to pay the asking rate. They are always going to ask for as much as possible. Feel free to respectfully ask if they can do a lower rate; whatever reason you use is your call. Personally I'm not paying more than 250/hour and I've seen plenty of providers who advertise 300 and up who were willing to work with what I was offering. If a girl meets you at your price then stick with her, be a loyal and supportive client. Respect goes both ways. Bottom line is you have to be willing to politely counter offer and willing to walk way. If you don't do this then GPS will persist and prices will keep increasing.