The Jolie Inquiries 1

Frequently, before a date I have some of my most erotic thoughts. I fantasize about how handsome he will be, I imagine his eyes being pleasantly surprised as he sees me, I close my eyes and wonder what pleasures lie ahead(sometimes I let my mind go here)..... I wonder if he anticipates the good things to come as much as I do. Is this just a destination for him or is the journey one he wants to lose himself in too? That process is so arousing to me.

My question is how is it for you? Do you anticipate and fantasize about what is to come? Do you care about the journey or just the destination? (After the hunt of course)

Afterwards, to you come back to the memories you created with this person and indulge your mind in the moment again?

Is there anyone thing you usually always reflect on or remember - or is that different every time. I always remember the eyes and the smile.........always

I attempted to re-write the post and I just realized how intimate this post is. Sorry, I just get curious about these things.
Well most of us look and research well before we make arrangements, I am often very pleasantly surprised in person, kinda like this week.
so after the hunt SP do you fantasize about what pleasures lie ahead before your meeting?

I may like the fantasy/anticipation more than i was curious how much others engage their minds before and after the experience.
Yes I do and again sometimes I'm surprised but sadly more times my imagination is better than real thing.
SP well i was curious about that too. (imagination being better than the real thing)

I can tell you I have been more pleasantly surprised than dissapointed. Why is that I wonder? Is it possible that I am just a lucky girl? I think I should knock on wood or something.

Oh, frick, frick, frick I would be devasted if I knew someone was dissapointed in my services. What a horrible, no, no.....that is not the agenda. I mean I don't expect people to just see stars and stuff but to dissapoint would make me sad. We are pleasure seekers and it should be a pleasure spending time together. Maybe there is something to be said for you can't please everyone - but hey its a good goal to shoot for!
Clouddancer's Avatar
I have to admit I am one who does fantasize about a future meeting. Since I usually schedule well in advance, my imagination works overtime. By the time we do meet, the pent up passion and the release is often amazing. Fortunately, I have rarely been disappointed. Hopefully, I have never disappointed my lover.
The anticipation and fantasizing about meeting someone new too often leads to disappointment. I do this for fun and realize that not everyone will find me attractive or we may just not be compatible.
I prefer to keep an open mind and be pleasantly surprised. A bad or less than stellar appointment is not the end of the world. Another day another $250.
I rarely find myself reminiscing about an encounter. I usually get more of a thrill from the hunt
When I do have a memorable encounter, I just go back.
pmdelites's Avatar
like clouddancer, i usually plan well ahead and w/ women i've seen before.
i dont so much fantasize - i think about what we might do during the visit, what she might wear, what i might do, what she might do, the order of things, etc.

after a visit, i sometimes relive what happened [sometimes i review, sometimes i dont, the review helps me remember]. and sometimes when i relive it, my body shudders w/ pleasurable delites. kinda like a mini-body orgasm - twinges, sparks, muscle spasms throught my body. in fact, i'm having one right now thinking about my last few visits and the upcoming visits. YOW!!!!!!!!!

hope you have great memories, too!
Clouddancer's Avatar
Sometimes the actual meeting is better than the many days of fantasizing ......

Thank you Jolie
Clouddancer I am blushing and I could not agree with you more.
gman44's Avatar
I fantasize about future sessions too and meeting with providers who I've met previously at socials is great too