Jaws review " the true story of animal cruelty"

budman33's Avatar
I am disgusted when I watch this film. It's so typical that people attack what they do not understand. A girl goes swimming in the moonlight and tires quickly, she concequently drowns and an innocent shark that happens to be swimming around the area at the time gets the blame!

The same night there are two fisherman out on a pier fishing away, one of them, being the clumsy big oaf that he is falls in the water, they both have a big laugh about it until they see something chasing the fella in the water, he swims to shore and they both panic and run off, it was only a piece of driftwood floating towards them, but the shark gets blamed for this too!

The police chief gets wind of this and goes round hiring bounty hunters to kill this poor shark for NOTHING! Meanwhile the mayor of the town is trying to keep the beaches of Amity open for everyone to have a nice summer, because Amity as you know means friendship.....but they weren't too friendly to that shark when they caught up with him.

A few more people have accidents in the water, which can only be down to their inability to swim. As well as this there are two kids playing in the water dressed as a shark just trying to have a bit of a laugh, well eveyone charges to the beach to get out of the water, there is a stampeed and some people get their heads trampled into the sand and one kid even gets his sandcastle kicked over in the melee, and the shark get the blame for that as well!

The Mayor refuses to close the beach as he is the only sensible person in this film and doesn't believe that any such shark is responsible for all of this, because it isnt, it's just pure coincidence! Well in a desperate attempt to get the beaches closed the police chief finds a loan fisherman at night, twists his head off and capsizes his boat to make it look like a shark attack, now can you please tell me, HOW CAN A SHARK TWIST A PERSONS HEAD OFF AND PUT IT IN THE HULL OF THE BOAT? HOW???

Then along comes this sea life expert or whatever with glasses who said he has the sharks tooth, well thats all the evidence that the good people of Amity need, but there is just one problem, THERE IS NO TOOTH BECAUSE THERE WAS NO SHARK!!

Now the residents of Amity believe all of this at face value because they don't know any better and everyone is kicked up into a frenzy for a good shark hunt so they end up hiring this shark bounty under to go out into the waters to find this innocent shark and take its head back home as a trophy!

So all this purely circumstantial evidence is mounting against a shark, who only swam to these waters for the hot summer, and they get together this bounty hunter, the the sea life expert with glasses and some fella who owns a boat and send them out to find and capture this shark.

In an attempt to lure the shark some diver in a pair of glasses, which have been spat on, goes down in a cage as bait so they can start stabbing it with a poison spear. The shark, having poor eyesight as they do and not being able to see the cage as they have just dropped it in the dark depths of the water, collides with the cage and busts it wide open, the marine fella escapes and swims away and hides and the shark swims off trying to recover from a nasty bang to the head.

They find the shark swimming around eating other sea life, because thats what sharks do, but what do THEY do? They start harpooing it in the fin so it cant get away, the shark, in a panicked frenzy, not knowing whats going on starts thrasing around trying to escape and inadvertantly knocks into the boat causing it to break and water to start flooding in. The shark still thrasing because they hapoon it again trying to keep it attach to the boat, knocks the bounter hunter off the boat and he lands into the sharks mouth and falls on his teeth, so now he is trying to escape the sharks mouth and gets himself killed by thrasing around on the sharks serrated teeth!

By this time the third fella on the boat has had enough, the boat is sinking, his friends are gone and he is convinced the shark will kill him. Suddenly the shark, swimming around trying to escape, and still suffering from poor eyesight swims sideways into a sinking boat, which should not have been there in the first place and gets a face full of glass, and for his troubles the third fella sticks a compressed air cannister down the sharks throat after using it to smash all it's front teeth out. The shark manages to escape the confines of the boat and begins swimming in circles. Dazed and confused it being swimming towards the boat again while trying to get the compressed air cannister out of it's mouth, the third man, seeing this, being the sinister monster that he is takes out a rifle he had on the boat, takes aim at this compressed tank of air and fires!! Blowing up the tank and the shark's head into thousands of pieces. The boat sinks completely and the third man escapes on a piece of driftwood and swims to shore. This is the worst case of cruelty I have ever seen in a film!

And what's worse, they made a SEQUEL!! SO THEY COULD DO IT ALL OVER AGAIN!!