Providers like us exist because clients have So and something is missing from relationship..or clients have commitment issues so rather have variety of women, or maybe some men have secret fantasies that they cant get their so to perform so they look elsewhere.or theyre just simply nymphos!
Us providers maintain and provide simply to either make a name for ourself and be a world known top notch provider for A LIVING, or simply trying to provide for family and selves..hell maybe few also have a pimp in this lifestyle or simply just nymphos as well..
Either way with all said, i dont understand why theres so much negativity on this board..shit talk..etc
Were all out here trying to gain or accomplish lets enjoy, wether its looking for a long term discreet friend or a quick nut.
Really Starting to irritate me to hear about providers infosharing with clients for their gain or clients simply bashing providers simply because theyre not they're type or just natural born assholes! Its already enough bs going on ive encountered here