How many providers offer a discount for reviews?

pmdelites's Avatar
you give them the discount AFTER they write the review and come see you again!!

otherwise, it'd be like - here, have this lobster thermidor for 50% off if you'll write a review of us on Yelp
ANONONE's Avatar
Wow, first I think it is awesome to even offer such a discount--never heard of that being done before--second, yeah, knowing most guys, they may conveniently forget, so you may want to take the advice above and make it an offer for their return visit.

Of course, many may say that it might pollute the integrity of the review if gents get something in return for writing it. If it works for you though, go for it.

Hmmm. . .let's see in the last year or so fifty-two reviews. . .what about $25.00 off each next visit? Hmmm. . .that would mean at least another half dozen sessions! The greedy/frugal side of me says it is an awesome idea, but I am sure their are other perspectives to consider.
Guest101610-2's Avatar
ohhhhhh noooooo. Well never mind PMdelights covered it. Hi baby!!
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
yes that is smart pm
i also advertised a reviewer special
i got one response from a guy with no reviews so i changed it to you must already have reviews posted.
i like reviews they tell what my session is really about and lets the guys make informed choices on who they want to see
TomCat's Avatar
I know my opinion isn’t popular, but that’s never stopped me from expressing it. I don’t believe there should ever be a discount just for a review. I think reviews should be factual and honest, not quid pro quo.
Black Sedan's Avatar
If you are going to try to encourage reviews like this, it's a reward, not a promise.

Giving them the discount on a second session for a review of the first brings them back in again too (more for you!)... Don't let them talk you into trusting them on the first session with any kind of discount.
I agree with TomCat, I don't think discounts should be offered for a review.
Guest101610-2's Avatar
There are only 2 reasons why a discount would be offered.

1. The provider needs exposure. (that bleeds onto num 2)

2. It takes an obscene amount of time to write one of those and it's a way to encourage the time spent. Yes I've done it for a threesome I've had long ago. Damn that took forever.

The main drawback is.... What if it's an earned bad review? Does she still give the discount? There are many times providers think they deserve a fantastic review just for showing up but the guy is looking for a story book GFE session that she is just not capable of (not a bad thing, just a thing.) It can get real messy in that end of the pool.

It's a waste to offer the discount for the provider. You may always post that you'd welcome them, but I wouldn't offer any kind of discount....
OldGrump's Avatar
I'd rather have a discount card that gets stamped "Buy 3 - get one FREE"!!!

Honestly, offering discounts for reviews sounds like you are new and / or desperate. Not every session gets reviewed but enough do to retain the integrity of the review process.

Now "Specials" are welcome. Just make up an occasion & advertise it.
Combustion's Avatar
I've never received a discount for writing one, but definitely would do an Honest review if offered an incentive. Writing worthwhile reviews does take quite a bit of time as you have to sequence events in order and objectively rate skills and enthusiasm during a time where all the blood is in a different part of your body.
daty/o's Avatar
You know, I kinda get the feeling that it happens on an informal basis already and that is great, because it is just good business and promotes good will. I fear that making it an incentive may just be opening a can of worms logistically and compromising the perception of integrity with the review process.
I'm offering a discount for reviews as well, just until I can get verified. Maybe you should remind the guy about the agreed arrangement.
I don't recall a wave of reviews for any provider offering such a discount.

I wrote a review for a discount one time. I wanted to see her before she ran the special.

I have been offered a discount on a future session if I wrote a review many times. I think I have only been back to see one of those who made the offer. And before she told me that as I walked out the door, I was already planning to come back.
Adonis's Avatar
I've been given a discount for a review in the past. I have to work the review around wife/kids/job so it takes extra effort but I will do it within a couple of days max if I agreed to.