Popped my bondage cherry!

Fastcar's Avatar
This morning started out as a favor,helping a young lady hang some shelves and "retrofit" some furniture for her more adventurous clients. I show up with toolbox and hardware and we begin the greatest handyman experience of my life. At one point,I'm hanging a shelf in a closet while she's on her knees with me in her mouth and still handing me the hammer and level. Then,after I attach eye hooks to all the furniture to fasten restraints to,it turns into "hey,let's try this out". I've nibbled around the edges of bdsm but this was serious. I ended up chained to a chair (that I had just built),with a leather blindfold on and alternating clothes pins and ice on my balls. This won't be an every appointment thing for me but I liked it more than I should admit. Ended up there for 4 hours and easily the most unusual morning I've ever had.
This morning started out as a favor,helping a young lady hang some shelves and "retrofit" some furniture for her more adventurous clients. I show up with toolbox and hardware and we begin the greatest handyman experience of my life. At one point,I'm hanging a shelf in a closet while she's on her knees with me in her mouth and still handing me the hammer and level. Then,after I attach eye hooks to all the furniture to fasten restraints to,it turns into "hey,let's try this out". I've nibbled around the edges of bdsm but this was serious. I ended up chained to a chair (that I had just built),with a leather blindfold on and alternating clothes pins and ice on my balls. This won't be an every appointment thing for me but I liked it more than I should admit. Ended up there for 4 hours and easily the most unusual morning I've ever had. Originally Posted by Fastcar
So, what stands out to me is that you BUILT the chair. I mean, if you assembled it, that's one thing - but damn, if you actually built it (as in turned lumber into a functioning load bearing chair for BDSM), well, hell . . . . That's just fucking hot.
Fastcar's Avatar
Sorry,built was not the right word. Adapted,updated,re-purposed would all be more accurate. My point was simply to say that when I was attaching the eye hooks and D hooks,I wasn't thinking about me being strapped in. I was also tied to a door with my hands over my head with something I can't even describe.
Ah, shit . . . the whole 'built' thing was making me wet. Oh well.

Happy you strapped in and enjoyed the ride. The ice sounds fun . . .

You might like to try one of these sometime - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saint_A...oss_%28BDSM%29 - easy to build . . . here's another image - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:St...Cross_2010.jpg
Fastcar's Avatar
Jackie, great site! And......you know my goal was always to make you wet,I didn't know it was a carpentry fetish though. I should invite you to a barn raising,my names barn,James barn.
AllThisMeat's Avatar
This morning started out as a favor,helping a young lady hang some shelves and "retrofit" some furniture for her more adventurous clients. I show up with toolbox and hardware and we begin the greatest handyman experience of my life. At one point,I'm hanging a shelf in a closet while she's on her knees with me in her mouth and still handing me the hammer and level. Then,after I attach eye hooks to all the furniture to fasten restraints to,it turns into "hey,let's try this out". I've nibbled around the edges of bdsm but this was serious. I ended up chained to a chair (that I had just built),with a leather blindfold on and alternating clothes pins and ice on my balls. This won't be an every appointment thing for me but I liked it more than I should admit. Ended up there for 4 hours and easily the most unusual morning I've ever had. Originally Posted by Fastcar

Wow! That's quite the experience! I'm glad you had a great time with your first time, Fastcar!!
Smoking Monkey's Avatar
I've always wanted to explore some lite BSDM, but some of it sounds a bit scary plus you have to find the right provider that you have some trust with. I wouldn't want to pick a random girl from BP and say, "Tie me up and whip me!"