Let the Legend grow...

boardman's Avatar
...Earl Woods.

Congrats Tiger.

Dude has seen highs and lows most of us can only imagine. He has endured incredible physical and emotional pain, much of it self inflicted. He's far from a perfect man but damn he's a hell of a competitor.
skirtchaser79411's Avatar
He is the Man
Russ38's Avatar
And he does love himself some whores....js
boardman's Avatar
And he does love himself some whores....js Originally Posted by Russ38

^^^^Yup! That we have in common! Tebow knows it's not our golf game.
VitaMan's Avatar
Never trust an Italian ! If Mollini wouldn't have made 2 double bogeys in the last 7 holes, we wouldn't have to be listening to all this Tiger crap. What kind of golfer hits a tree branch and then the ball goes in the water - the high handicapper !!

But Tiger is an american. Just get rid of the media.
If a chicken had a Peter he could piss
...Earl Woods.

Congrats Tiger.

Dude has seen highs and lows most of us can only imagine. He has endured incredible physical and emotional pain, much of it self inflicted. He's far from a perfect man but damn he's a hell of a competitor. Originally Posted by boardman

Yes, indeed....congratulations to one of the greatest athletes we've seen in our lifetime. Time for the doubters to eat some crow, I'd say. Here's hoping there are many more Sundays ahead for us to enjoy his brilliance.

That said... the title "Let the Legend Grow..." indicates we're (actually) praising one Eldrick Tont "Tiger" Woods....and not his long-departed pops, Earl....right?

boardman's Avatar
Yeah, it was a grounding statement and a pep talk that Earl gave to Tiger as he was about to start the final round of his third US Amateur. It's described in his biography and is the title of one of the chapters.
VitaMan's Avatar
Be thankful if you were lucky to have a father to look up to. And not overbearing.

On the other hand, many black athletes were raised by single moms. It made them strong at a young age.
boardman's Avatar
There have been a lot of stories about how Earl Woods was controlling and extreme in his discipline. He would build Tiger up only to tear him down and build him up again...repeatedly. He thought it would strengthen his character and make him a more fierce competitor. He was never allowed to be "good enough".
He has a killer instinct when it comes to being a competitor. No doubt about that. Some of his other choices may have been internal compensation as a result of never being "good enough".
VitaMan's Avatar
Sounds like military training (at least previously), which Earl was
And he does love himself some whores....js Originally Posted by Russ38
Agreed, have you ever seen his former lineup of lovelies? Some nice looking women for sure, at least most of them.
boardman's Avatar
Sounds like military training (at least previously), which Earl was Originally Posted by VitaMan

That he was.