The Happy Easter-Rockets in the Playoffs-The Astros are Off to a Good Start-The NFL Draft is Less Than a Week Away Top XX List

Dorian Gray's Avatar
In the spirit of all things great, alright, mediocre, & passable; I present this whatever's Top XX list.
Dropping soon-ish
Dorian Gray's Avatar
So I decided on a Top 5.

Why? Because top ten list, leaving empty slots, or selling spots to the highest bidder is so 2015.

Nia Diamond

Why: She's a redhead. Redhead's are awesome. So are her BJ skills. She short notice & late night friendly. Not to mention she's lost a bit of weight, & is hella good in CG.
Dorian Gray's Avatar
Merry Minx

Why: She has a veracious appetite! I had to double check to make sure veracious was a good enough adjective to describe her. Luckily it was. Also, she has one of the nicest incalls. Period. She dresses to the 9's. : Remember-There are no 10's in this hobby: She swallows.... HAPPILY! Honestly I could go on, but I'll save it for maybe a review.... I mean encounter report. Let's just say say, she's scary good. She'd probably be higher if I'd seen her more
Dorian Gray's Avatar
Honorable Mention
B Three

Why: She knows why. I know why. & anyone who's in the loop will know why. That is all.
Russ38's Avatar
^^^^ Won’t argue with that D....B3 is the shit....
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Luna of Houston

Why: Because a long time ago I read a junglemonkey review on her & thought, "No way she could be a beast like that" I was wrong as fuck & more. Goddess of Thick. More like a Celestial Being of Thick.