any providers been to lake c, la

Not quite sure where to post this, but i was wondering if you ladies and gents have any intel on the lake charles area,im going to be vacationing in the area for about a week, possibly starting tomorrow. Random trip forfun and casinos, thought i would enjoy some provider fun too... Where to stay,eat. Whos lookin for some good ole Texas fun... Lmk lovers and lovettes.
I get to LC pretty frequently for play and work, but not necessarily at the same time. Lots of casinos of course. L'auberge has a nice hotel if you like something more upscale...there are lots of restaurants there, they often host events like concerts and that type of thing. There is also "The Isle", Isle of Capris casino which is right off of I-10. I haven't stayed there, but the last time I gambled there I did okay. If you don't want to stay in a casino hotel, there are usually deals on hotwire and/or priceline in the same area.

If you are into nature, check out the Creole nature trail. It probably sucks this time of year with the cold though.
Thanks Gwen
Im not really wanting to upscale as far as hotels, im thinking i may post on bp also i see theres alot of reviews for that. I really just need a average d&d hotel. Not infested with crime lol but cool enough for mild traffic ya know . With a location thats "along the way" ya kniw what i mean. .
its gonna be 40% pleasure and 60% busy-ness.
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Hey Josie....
I live in the LC area Gwen gave you solid info on the casinos..... Lauberge is 1st class
The inn at the isle weekdays is less expensive and descent .... A lot of ladies stay there
This time of year there is not a lot to see or do...... We are also only an hour from Lafayette
Which is a little better play area......
Pm me if you need more specific help