Need my review accepted

Need my review from Trac6444 accepted and posted pleassssse guys

Taylor Smiles
Wiley64's Avatar
I have looked and as of the time of this posting I don't see a review for you in the queue nor do I see a review by trac6444.
We typically check the review queue often.
Wiley64's Avatar
Update: review approved and assigned
pornodave69's Avatar

Reviews are assigned when we have the time to check in and do so. You asked for your review to be assigned more than 12 hours before it was even written by trac6444. Reviews are posted as soon as they are submitted by a member. We can't assign reviews that haven't been written yet. If you see a review that hasn't been assigned after a few days then feel free to ask. Until then, we get to it when we have the time. Thanks.