Republicans Do Not (and likely never did) Believe In the Rule of Law

I think most of us already knew that republicans were immoral and hypocritical but those that are running to a Trump’s defense are simply the worst humans ever. They can’t believe in the rule of law. There’s little doubt he’s a criminal, but republicans are shoving their heads in his ass so he can shit down their throats.

This isn’t surprising but damn it’s on full display.
  • Tiny
  • 06-09-2023, 02:13 PM
Bla bla bla

How about the Obama Administration's use of drones to kill anyone it wanted including U.S. citizens?

And prosecuting whistleblowers and dissidents for mishandling confidential information, kind of like what the DOJ is trying to do to Donald Trump now?

Refusing to investigate and prosecute crimes of torture?

Violating the War Powers Resolution by overthrowing Qaddafi without the approval of Congress?

Conducting Operation Fast and Furious?

Failing to investigate the IRS's political targeting by Lois Lerner, who was egged on by Democratic Senators and President Obama?

Engaging in collusive lawsuits with advocacy groups to implement regulations without going through the normal legislative or administrative course?

How about Biden's campaign promises to strand hundreds of billions invested in assets by oil and gas companies in federal onshore and offshore leases with a stroke of his pen?

Or the current proposals to effectively do the same to natural gas and coal power plants, fields and mines through EPA regulations?

Despite all this, the USA thankfully is pretty high up there in the "rule of law" category. It's the second most important reason we're the most prosperous large country in the world. The most important, as you know, is that we leave more money in the hands of the people and businesses, instead of channeling it to an inefficient and wasteful federal government.
Tiny. Nothing you typed had anything to with republicans not believing in the rule of law. But you know that.
... And then there's Republicans wanting to see
Hillary held to accounte for creating a FAKE dossier
and scheme (ask John Durham) of Trump/Russia "Collusion"...

And of course Republicans believing in the Rule of Law
that Hillary would face obstruction charges for destroying
her phones and wiping things with bleach-bit.

See? ... The proper "Rule of Law surely wasn't applied there.

Maybe THAT'S why the Republicans question IF the
Rule of Law is being fairly applied - or just one way.

#### Salty
  • Tiny
  • 06-09-2023, 03:46 PM
Tiny. Nothing you typed had anything to with republicans not believing in the rule of law. But you know that. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Are you a lawyer or what?
Lucas McCain's Avatar
I think most of us already knew that republicans were immoral and hypocritical but those that are running to a Trump’s defense are simply the worst humans ever. They can’t believe in the rule of law. There’s little doubt he’s a criminal, but republicans are shoving their heads in his ass so he can shit down their throats.

This isn’t surprising but damn it’s on full display. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
I look at it a bit differently. To me it's more about self-preservation. Trump is a big mouth absolutist when it is about him. You are either with him or against him. For a Republican in office, it's probably not in your best interest to be vocal against him until after he loses to Biden again in 2024 in the "Battle of The Corpses Part 2". Hell, even after that, it's probably in their best political interest to just wait until he dies and then talk shit about him. Haha
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Tiny. Nothing you typed had anything to with republicans not believing in the rule of law. But you know that. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

what makes you think republicans don't believe in the rule of law?

anything specific or just general bias on republicans?
Blackman believes a lie that Democrats keep saying, but then they prove they don't respect the law and the double standard is obvious to all but the totalitarian Democrats
  • Tiny
  • 06-09-2023, 08:55 PM
The whole reason the Rudy Giuliani / Sidney Powell post-election circus was laughable is because Republicans DO believe in the rule of law. Republicans like Rusty Bowers, Brad Raffensperger, Gabe Sterling, Al Schmidt, Mike Pence, Mitch McConnell and many judges.
I think most of us already knew that republicans were immoral and hypocritical but those that are running to a Trump’s defense are simply the worst humans ever. They can’t believe in the rule of law. There’s little doubt he’s a criminal, but republicans are shoving their heads in his ass so he can shit down their throats.

This isn’t surprising but damn it’s on full display. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Which version, The actual "Rule Of Law" or the Democrat Version?
  • Tiny
  • 06-09-2023, 09:18 PM
I look at it a bit differently. To me it's more about self-preservation. Trump is a big mouth absolutist when it is about him. You are either with him or against him. For a Republican in office, it's probably not in your best interest to be vocal against him until after he loses to Biden again in 2024 in the "Battle of The Corpses Part 2". Hell, even after that, it's probably in their best political interest to just wait until he dies and then talk shit about him. Haha Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
In general I agree with you. They should have ditched Trump in February, 2021 when they had the chance. And yeah, anti-Trump candidates, with a few notable exceptions, had a tough time in the primaries in 2022, those who dared to run. So most Republican politicians hesitate to challenge Trump.

However, in the context of this thread, I believe Pence, DeSantis, Haley, and many other Republican politicians are actually sincere. They're not just trying to appeal to Trump's base. Rather they believe like I do that you don't jail an ex-president for paying off porn stars and failing to turn over confidential records. Yeah, "rule of law" may justify sending Trump to jail for those offenses. But in a country where your average person commits three crimes a day because prosecutors and politicians have rigged the system so they can fuck over anyone they want, what does "rule of law" mean exactly?
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...Despite all this, the USA thankfully is pretty high up there in the "rule of law" category. It's the second most important reason we're the most prosperous large country in the world. The most important, as you know, is that we leave more money in the hands of the people and businesses, instead of channeling it to an inefficient and wasteful federal government. Originally Posted by Tiny
Maybe true of a time gone by, but not any longer.

Wayne Allyn Root sums it up succinctly:
...This is pure communism thug tactics. Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Fidel Castro, and Hugo Chavez would be proud of this Biden regime.

The hallmarks of communism are rigged elections; bans on free speech; silencing all dissent; censorship; propaganda; the weaponization of government; forced experimental vaccinations; police state raids on your critics; arresting your political opponents. Look around. We are there...

...The Democrats in power and the people who run our government are evil. Demonic. Satanic. This isn’t normal. The things they’re doing are Nazi Gestapo-like, Soviet KGB-like, East German Stasi-like. God has done us a favor- he’s revealed what Democrats are really like....
You can toss those rose colored Aviator Raybans in the trash bin.
Get right in your head and heart.
Cinch up your big boy pants.
There's some heavy lifting to do.
ICU 812's Avatar
Seems to me that the "rule of law" ought to apply equally to eeveryone.

Bill Clinton

Hillery Clinton

Joe Biden

Hunter Biden
Seems to me that the "rule of law" ought to apply equally to eeveryone.

Bill Clinton

Hillery Clinton

Joe Biden

Hunter Biden Originally Posted by ICU 812
It does.

What crime is their proof and evidence bill Clinton committed. And no one gets jail time for perjury in a civil case. An independent prosecutor spent 2 years searching for a crime and came up with bill lying about a blow job in a civil matter.

Hillary’s supposed crime would never end in a conviction. It wasn’t illegal to have a separate server. Everyone that sent her an email was aware she was using her own server and email address, including the members of congress that pretended to be so appalled. Moreover, you can’t be charged for having emails that lack classification when received or sent and are classified afterwards. Regardless of the lie republicans and Fox News claims, it was well explained why she wasn’t charged.

Absolutely no proof of any crime by Joe Biden. Just a bunch of pretty dumb accusations not supported by any proof. Grassley and now Comer and Trump and Guiliani before them have attempted to find a crime for Joe and can’t find a single one.

Hunter is a prostitute using junkie scammer. He likely cheated on his taxes. He scammed people by selling the illusion of access and his name. That’s actually not illegal. He might get hit for a tax charge but is likely to plead and be done.

Trump committed real crimes, then tried to get his lawyers to commit crimes to cover his crimes and help him continue committing crimes. Not exactly a way to avoid getting prosecuted. He could have simply returned the documents when requested and the DoJ would have never got involved or started an investigation. This is Trump getting himself prosecuted.
  • Tiny
  • 06-10-2023, 08:16 AM
Maybe true of a time gone by, but not any longer.

Wayne Allyn Root sums it up succinctly:You can toss those rose colored Aviator Raybans in the trash bin.
Get right in your head and heart.
Cinch up your big boy pants.
There's some heavy lifting to do. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Yes for some reason Blackman thinks it’s just Republicans who violate the rule of law. That’s not even close.

Well if the shit hits the fan you’ll know me when you see me. While you’re standing amidst the destruction and carnage just look up on the hill. I’ll be the one with the hazmat suit, oxygen tank and goggles, and the semiautomatic rifle slung over my shoulder.