“Biden’s Running In 2024”??

If trump runs, it's a lock.

Thanks for the presidency and congress.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_gi7nAGYmR0 Originally Posted by Jackie S
ICU 812's Avatar

President Biden can barely put one foot in front of the other. His physical infirmity has progressed in public since his swearing-in three years ago. Much like Senator Feinstein, Mr. Biden csan't do much of anything in public without a flock of political handlers and medical personnel around him.

I think the liberal-progressive power brokers are running scared that he cannot physically hang on, but they are more afraid of a Harris presidency.
adav8s28's Avatar
At the 2:41 mark. Hitler "I was in power when Biden was born. He probably still thinks Stalin is president of Russia" Now that's funny.

Biden can beat Trump, "Lying Ted Cruz", DeSantis, "Low Energy Jeb Bush" or Nikki Haley.

Go "Sleepy Joe".
ICU 812's Avatar
"God save the Queen!"

In view of President Biden's advancing cognitive disability, I am thinking that the liberal progressive puppeteers behind him are nervous that a Democrat will not prevail in the 2024 election. If Mr. Biden has a health crisis before the election, VP Harris will automatically take over the office and who will tell her she cannot run for the top job? No one wants a Harris presidency.

I am thinking that Ms Harris will be removed from the political scene for :reasons of health" or any other BS reason. Maybe she will have a tragic accident or just get sick. Stuff liker that happens in Russia. Whatever the casse, this will give the liberal power brokers the opening to choose s replacement VP as was doner when Ford replaced Agnew during the Nixon administration.

With this new VP in sworn in, when President Biden has to step down for real health reasons, there will be a hand-picked progressive already in line for the Oval Office.

This is not a made-up scenario from a Grissom novel. This really happened in the 1970s.
"God save the Queen!"

In view of President Biden's advancing cognitive disability, I am thinking that the liberal progressive puppeteers behind him are nervous that a Democrat will not prevail in the 2024 election. If Mr. Biden has a health crisis before the election, VP Harris will automatically take over the office and who will tell her she cannot run for the top job? No one wants a Harris presidency.

I am thinking that Ms Harris will be removed from the political scene for :reasons of health" or any other BS reason. Maybe she will have a tragic accident or just get sick. Stuff liker that happens in Russia. Whatever the casse, this will give the liberal power brokers the opening to choose s replacement VP as was doner when Ford replaced Agnew during the Nixon administration.

With this new VP in sworn in, when President Biden has to step down for real health reasons, there will be a hand-picked progressive already in line for the Oval Office.

This is not a made-up scenario from a Grissom novel. This really happened in the 1970s. Originally Posted by ICU 812
Maintaining power is first and foremost.

Heck, we don’t even know who is really running the Country. The old Obama bunch? The Tech Gurus? The Chinese?
It sure ain’t Biden.
ICU 812's Avatar
If I were VP Harris, I would get a food taster and always be looking over my shoulder.

If Nickie Haley is nominated for V
P, Ms. Harris will be made to look nearly as cognitively challenged as President Biden by comparison.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
"God save the Queen!"

In view of President Biden's advancing cognitive disability, I am thinking that the liberal progressive puppeteers behind him are nervous... Originally Posted by ICU 812
I am not a Doctor IRL or on the internets. While you can't fix stoopid, you also can't fix cognitive decline. You may be able to slow it down some. But that horse is far afield already.

So next best bet is likely ye olde compare and contrast. Show what worse looks like so that Slo-Joe don't look nearly as feeble. I give you, the one..., the only --->
...“[Biden] is here to commit to work with the governor and the delegadation to make sure that we get this fixed quick, fast, as well, too. This is a president that is committed to infructure, yeah, and then on top of that the jewel kind of a law of the infration.”...

Dummer and Really Dummer 2024
Who says great minds don't think alike?!?
I am not a Doctor IRL or on the internets. While you can't fix stoopid, you also can't fix cognitive decline. You may be able to slow it down some. But that horse is far afield already.

So next best bet is likely ye olde compare and contrast. Show what worse looks like so that Slo-Joe don't look nearly as feeble. I give you, the one..., the only --->

Dummer and Really Dummer 2024
Who says great minds don't think alike?!?
Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Fetterman is a Pittsburgh Stealer, lol.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
There ain't no way in holy Hades that the party of Diet-Woke, Woke and Super-Double woke would run an old, feeble, white guy, who is a career politician, much less run the very same again. That would be hypocrisy to the gorillion power level lunacy.
ICU 812's Avatar
Oh for he days when Jessie Jackson thought he was the Senator from Washington DC and ran for president..