Buffett owns Obama and some Senators too

Guest123018-4's Avatar
Obama finally reveals that the delay is not just about environmental concerns, what a joke pipeline vs train wrecks, but also the economic impact the pipeline will have. the economic impact would mean warren Buffett would lose the strangle hold on the delivery of Canadian oil to the gulf coast and we will continue to buy communist heavy crude from Venezuela. Just another big corporation controlling Obama's puppet strings. And I thought you commie libtards hated corporations.

Chicken shit America hating liberal Senators fuck us over once again by voting against America.

At least the commies want no part of the Hildabeast.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Obama finally reveals that the delay is not just about environmental concerns, what a joke pipeline vs train wrecks, but also the economic impact the pipeline will have. the economic impact would mean warren Buffett would lose the strangle hold on the delivery of Canadian oil to the gulf coast and we will continue to buy communist heavy crude from Venezuela. Just another big corporation controlling Obama's puppet strings. And I thought you commie libtards hated corporations.

Chicken shit America hating liberal Senators fuck us over once again by voting against America.

At least the commies want no part of the Hildabeast. Originally Posted by The2Dogs

Obama finally reveals that the delay is not just about environmental concerns, what a joke pipeline vs train wrecks, but also the economic impact the pipeline will have. the economic impact would mean warren Buffett would lose the strangle hold on the delivery of Canadian oil to the gulf coast and we will continue to buy communist heavy crude from Venezuela. Just another big corporation controlling Obama's puppet strings. And I thought you commie libtards hated corporations.

Chicken shit America hating liberal Senators fuck us over once again by voting against America.

At least the commies want no part of the Hildabeast. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
So... are you just gonna run through and drop that bomb without providing proof? Because honestly, it sounds like you forgot tin foil on the last wally world run.
Or maybe... they don't need it anymore? We don't need oil from Venezuela. We got too much of it now.

  • shanm
  • 03-04-2015, 10:21 PM
So... are you just gonna run through and drop that bomb without providing proof? Because honestly, it sounds like you forgot tin foil on the last wally world run. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction

about sums it up too.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
The proof is there, all you have to do is lok at it with a small part of your brain that would allow you to see things for what they really are and not as you wish them to be.

This is no different from what the Republicans do but Obama has taken crony capitalism to a new level.

I suppose you do not know much about refining oil into usable substances. Not all refineries are built the same and do not all process the same type of oil. You do understand that there is different types of crude oil and it is not all the same. I would guess not.

I will dumb it down for you. Canada has oil sands crude that is called heavy oil and it takes a special kind of refinery to process it. There are a couple of those very types of refineries on the gulf coast. Most of the crude they refine comes rfrom communist Venezuela and the rest comes in on Mr. Buffett's choo choo train. If the pipeline was completed we could get the greater amount of oil from our friendly socialist northern neighbors the Canadians rather from the America hating Venezuela. The end reesult would be a much safer method of transporting the oil and no real change to the environment.

As far as jobs go, Warren wants to cut the workforce on his choo choos to only one engineer and eliminate the conductor and or brakeman.

I know it is a lot for you to grasp but the evidence is there, all you have to do is open your eyes and see the truth. I am positive that if a Republican administration was trying to block the pipeline that you would be all for it. Libtards are the most duplicitous among us.
The proof is there, all you have to do is lok at it with a small part of your brain that would allow you to see things for what they really are and not as you wish them to be.

This is no different from what the Republicans do but Obama has taken crony capitalism to a new level.

I suppose you do not know much about refining oil into usable substances. Not all refineries are built the same and do not all process the same type of oil. You do understand that there is different types of crude oil and it is not all the same. I would guess not.

I will dumb it down for you. Canada has oil sands crude that is called heavy oil and it takes a special kind of refinery to process it. There are a couple of those very types of refineries on the gulf coast. Most of the crude they refine comes rfrom communist Venezuela and the rest comes in on Mr. Buffett's choo choo train. If the pipeline was completed we could get the greater amount of oil from our friendly socialist northern neighbors the Canadians rather from the America hating Venezuela. The end reesult would be a much safer method of transporting the oil and no real change to the environment.

As far as jobs go, Warren wants to cut the workforce on his choo choos to only one engineer and eliminate the conductor and or brakeman.

I know it is a lot for you to grasp but the evidence is there, all you have to do is open your eyes and see the truth. I am positive that if a Republican administration was trying to block the pipeline that you would be all for it. Libtards are the most duplicitous among us. Originally Posted by The2Dogs

Firstly, not for it, regardless of who is proposing it. So take your duplicity, form it into a dick-like shape and shove it up your own ass. What canada has is diluted tar-like bitumen or dilbit for short. It's obvious you didn't read the article I linked to because it already said what you just stated above. And we're getting plenty of oil now, shit stain, you would also know that if you read the article, but you didn't and now you look like a fool. Don't talk to me like I'm a fucking child. I've forgotten more than you'll ever know.

I'm waiting on a link... just repeating things doesn't make them true.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
So today, one of Warren's choo choo trains derails. Guess what it was carrying? Canadian crude. Wonder what the environmental damage was today on this derailment. So it is all about saving the environment and not Warren's trains.

Oh and UC, you are sad to have to resort to derogatory comments toward me. Such hatred you libtards have for the truth. Shame shame shame.
  • DSK
  • 03-05-2015, 10:26 PM
SO apparently even Buffet is a #oMinion Grubered golem eating Odumbo puppeteer? That is too bad.

Moreover, we don't need anymore #oMinion Grubered golem eating Odumbo puppeteers, because we have plenty on this board alone.
SO apparently even Buffet is a #oMinion Grubered golem eating Odumbo puppeteer? That is too bad.

Moreover, we don't need anymore #oMinion Grubered golem eating Odumbo puppeteers, because we have plenty on this board alone. Originally Posted by DSK
You're sounding more like JL with each and every post!
Guest123018-4's Avatar

You think he does this because he wants what is best for this nation or for what is best for Berkshire Hathaway.

Did you catch the environmental damage caused by BNSF train coming from Canada loaded with that crude you claim we do not need?. Do not tell me that blocking the pipeline is saving the environment.

Oh and I am so sorry about your issues with your memory. I hope it dose not spoil your chance at Jeopardy.
Is Buffett's admin still in a higher tax bracket than him? Remember that little fiasco?

You think he does this because he wants what is best for this nation or for what is best for Berkshire Hathaway.

Did you catch the environmental damage caused by BNSF train coming from Canada loaded with that crude you claim we do not need?. Do not tell me that blocking the pipeline is saving the environment.

Oh and I am so sorry about your issues with your memory. I hope it dose not spoil your chance at Jeopardy. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Do you want to do away with Capitalism? Because it's all about making money. Doing what's best for mother country sounds like socialism. I thought that word was like a silver stake to you guys.

Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Your fear is second only to your ignorance. If Israel is so goddamned badass then let them take out isis. With our weapons and planes that we sold them I might add.