Comedic moments in the hobby, share yours

In SpankyJ’s “500” thread, Ginger alluded to something that happened the first time I saw her. It is a story that has been told here before but it has been a while, so newer members don't know it. I am not too proud of myself to keep me from telling it again - and as she said, it's hobby comedy gold. I know it is something that she and I will never forget.

The first time I saw Ginger it was the 4th time I had seen a provider - and the 2nd, 3rd and 4th of them happened over an 8 day period (I was a little younger then, lol), with Ginger on the tail end of that as she passed through on her way back home from a tour of the southeastern part of the country. With 3 dates under my belt by then, I was starting to think that maybe I half way knew what I was doing - but until certain things happen to you in the hobby, you don't know Jack.

Long story short, in the middle of the festivities there came a knock on the door. Not a light knock but an insistent pounding. My first thought was "oh shit, it's the cops and my ass is toast". I immediately jumped about 6 feet off the bed. I have no earthly idea where I thought I was going, whether anyone might notice a naked man running through town or what the hell I was going to do when I got to my undetermined destination - but I was in a panic and looking hard for a back door that did not exist. I was literally running around the room like the naked madman I was in that moment.

She calmly got up and went to the door and, in an angry voice, informed the maid that she didn't need any clean towels. Then she turned around and looked at me and started laughing her ass off. It's a miracle that she regained junior's attention after that because I was a damn wreck - but she managed quite nicely - after, as she said, "pulling my head out of the ceiling".

Funny as hell - after the fact. We still laugh about it after all these years.

I still don't enjoy a knock on the door when I am playing but I am happy to say that when it happened a couple of more times later on in my hobby life, I did not make a damn spectacle of myself.
You forgot the part about trying to escape through the bathroom! Lol

That’s one of the funniest situations in my hobby history, as well. Good times!

Maids are so agressive when you’re a good tipper.
That's right! You said, "Where are you going? That's the bathroom." And I said, "Right. I don't know." I could have sworn I saw a backdoor in that bathroom, lol.
That is pretty funny! I've had a quite similar situation but instead of it being a maid it was the guys wife! Had to be one of my craziest experiences LOL
Parttimehobbyist's Avatar
It was circa 2011. In WLR. I replyed to an online ad from a provider who no longer lives here. She invited me to her residential incall, we got together, had a great time, and by the end of the session we already had our clothes back on (this is very important) and to my surprise she wanted me to stay a little longer just to chit chat and keep her company. I was like ok sure.

We're talking and all of a sudden there are loud knocks on the door, "boom boom boom boom" I was like "oh I done fucked up real good now." I hear the jingle jingles of keys going in the door lock and a man comes in and says "who the fuck are you?! Is that your car out there?" I had to improvise, adapt, and over come. My inner homo sexual came out and I turned to provider and said "oh honey he's really cute!" (I lie. He was not) I introduced myself and gave him a fake name,said that was my car, and she backed me up and said I was there to vent because I was having relationship problems with my man. Dude was like oh shit my bad. Sorry to be an ass. I said no worries and kept flirting with him and said he should switch sides and he kept laughing and having a ball with me.

I left and she texted me to say she would like to award my clever and smooth operating moves by giving me a free session next time I wanted it and to apologize that I had to go through that ordeal.

You're goddamn right I returned the following week.
Great stories!
That's right! You said, "Where are you going? That's the bathroom." And I said, "Right. I don't know." I could have sworn I saw a backdoor in that bathroom, lol. Originally Posted by watchoutthegameisrigged
Well, all drains lead to the ocean.

Parttimehobbyist, that’s a great story.
I would like to know how Taylor handled that situation.
arkansasknight's Avatar
My funniest experience was when I showed up for a double at my go to weekly girl's residence. Things were going very nicely and all three were enjoying ourselves. It was girl on girl and me in the back doing some doggie style with one when... Speaking of doggie, I feel a cold wet nose on my ass! I turn to see a big lab panting and watching the activities. I tell my friend her dog opened the door and came in the room and she jumps out off the bed and tells the other woman and I to hide. We run naked into the bathroom. She returns later and let's us know her ex who has a key brought home the kids and the dog early and that he was a jerk. But one of her kids needed to use the bathroom and we had to hide somewhere else. Closet no, under the bed Yes! So now myself and the other provider are naked under a bed trying not to laugh! We can here her and her ex speaking loudly and not too friendly. He was asking whose cars were in the drive and she said it was the neighbors next door but what business is it of yours. So under the bed we are and laughing about us and the dust bunnies when wouldn't you know it here comes the dog sniffing our feet and let's just say neither one of us could hold it together then. Luckily she had got her ex and the kids out in the front yard and we were able to get dressed. She came back in and said I'm taking the kids for icecream and y'all leave after. It was a great inside joke for a while. I miss those good times, just not the cold wet nose sniffing my ass! Lol!
I remember meeting Ginger and much to my surprise he voice sounded just like my sister. I was Able to make it through the date but told he it was just too weird to do again.
Almost forgot this one. I had an overnight with Sexy Brittany out of town. We went out to eat and she forgot and left a hair scrunchy in the car. My wife asked me the next week who it belonged to. I said what are you talking about? She said well it’s not mine. I said back indignantly. Well it’s not mine!!!
Not a funny story,but one of those I remember where I was at ,when this happened.Ginger Doll was changing in the bath room ,she had CNN on the tube, breaking news Robin Williams was found dead in his home, apparent suicide.not funny however he was a very funny man.
Damn, that's a total mood killer - or an opportunity to appreciate the fact that you immediately have a hottie to snuggle up with. Either way, NOT a comedic moment. But thanks for throwing this thread off it's intended track.
I mean - suicide - what could be more comedic than that?
Told it before, but I was on top, pounding away and had been for a while. "I want you to get off!" she said, and I immediately disengaged my apparatus and moved off of her to comply with her wishes, or so I thought. She was just trying to encourage me to get over the finish line.