Review: Disappointing Shiel

Date: 8/20/2012
Provider: Shiel
Phone: 303-514-5248
Email Address: -
URL / Website:
City: Santa Fe
State: New Mexico
Address: -
Appointment Type: Incall
Did the Appointment take place at the agreed-upon time?: No
Activities: None. Was flying into Alb. and called Shiel. Told her I would be landing at 5:00 and would like a 6:30 appointment. She sounded very sweet, and said to call 1 hour before the appointment. I got in at 5:00, left the airport at 5:30, and called as she said to do. There was no answer. I called every 5 minutes on my way to Santa Fe with no luck. Left several messages. Called once in Santa Fe and left more messages. No response. Like a dumbass I waited for a couple hours before I went to my hotel about 40 minutes away. Finally texted her around 10:00 and she responded she couldn't tonight. Would have been great information 5 hours prior.

Tried again the next night (okay, I was stupid and horny, but did you see her pictures?!). She actually answered the phone. I said I was 45 minutes away and could leave immediately. She said great, and we set it up for 7:30. I called when I hit Santa Fe per our agreement, and it was deja vu all over again. No answer, no return phone calls. Hung around for an hour, sent several text messages, and finally told her I was very disappointed, that she wasted several hours of my time, and that I understood if something came up or she got cold feet, but that was no excuse for not returning my calls. I told her in a message that I hated to do it, but I would give her a negative rating. Never did hear back from her.
Session Length: -
Fee: -
Hair Length and Color: Long brown
Age: 23
Smoking Status: -
Ethnic Background: White/Caucasian
Physical Description: 5'2", 120 lbs, 36 D (all per her ad)
Recommendation: No
Chica Chaser's Avatar
NCNS moved to coed.
On previous trips (> 4 months ago) into Santa Fe I had no trouble seeing her and had a great time. My last two trips into town resulted in failed attempts for her to answer the phone or return calls.
dolfin's Avatar
i gave up on her after never hearing back a couple times. c'est la vie, but girl could use some manners and some organizational/communication/maturity skills.
I was in Santa Fe yesterday and decided to give her another try. Called early in the day and set up a time for 3pm. She remembered who I was (shock) and told me she was at the same place and she'll see me then. Finish my business in the afternoon and I'm on my way to her location with 15 minutes to spare and I get a text from her asking what time we were supposed to meet because she couldn't remember. I texted right back the time and that I was on my way. Then she texts back that she'll have to reschedule because she's running behind. Not a great way to stay in the business.