If there was any doubt left

HedonistForever's Avatar
As to whether the organization BLM cared more about Marxist ideology than Black people, that was put to rest when BLM stood by the Marxist, Cuban dictatorship and against Black/ all Cubans.


Lest there be any doubt left that the Black Lives Matter crew has nothing to do with actual racial justice in America, look no further than their reaction to the mass protests in Cuba.
The group on Wednesday put out a statement, not to condemn the authoritarian regime in Cuba for violently suppressing its people, but to berate the US for long-existing sanctions on the communist state.
“Black Lives Matter condemns the U.S. federal government’s inhumane treatment of Cubans, and urges it to immediately lift the economic embargo,” BLM said. “This cruel and inhumane policy, instituted with the explicit intention of destabilizing the country and undermining Cubans’ right to choose their own government, is at the heart of Cuba’s current crisis.”
The statement is, of course, exactly backward. The US sanctions Cuba precisely because its communist dictators prevent the Cuban people from “the right to choose their own government.”
Do the leaders of BLM actually believe that Cubans "chose this government"? Are they that diluted?
Hopefully this will put an end to the dominance of the Democrat Party here in Miami-Dade, Florida.

bambino's Avatar
Do they believe the Commies in the government would share anything with the people?
rexdutchman's Avatar
The hypocrisy is all the groups "pushing" the agenda will be left out in the cold
  • oeb11
  • 07-16-2021, 02:14 PM
As to whether the organization BLM cared more about Marxist ideology than Black people, that was put to rest when BLM stood by the Marxist, Cuban dictatorship and against Black/ all Cubans.


Lest there be any doubt left that the Black Lives Matter crew has nothing to do with actual racial justice in America, look no further than their reaction to the mass protests in Cuba.
The group on Wednesday put out a statement, not to condemn the authoritarian regime in Cuba for violently suppressing its people, but to berate the US for long-existing sanctions on the communist state.
“Black Lives Matter condemns the U.S. federal government’s inhumane treatment of Cubans, and urges it to immediately lift the economic embargo,” BLM said. “This cruel and inhumane policy, instituted with the explicit intention of destabilizing the country and undermining Cubans’ right to choose their own government, is at the heart of Cuba’s current crisis.”
The statement is, of course, exactly backward. The US sanctions Cuba precisely because its communist dictators prevent the Cuban people from “the right to choose their own government.”
Do the leaders of BLM actually believe that Cubans "chose this government"? Are they that diluted?
Hopefully this will put an end to the dominance of the Democrat Party here in Miami-Dade, Florida.

Originally Posted by HedonistForever

OBLM extorted millions of dollars for their /cause/ and corruptly put much of it into their own marxist , heterophobic pockets - well documented.

They are just exactly as the fiden crime cabal behaves.
matchingmole's Avatar
As to whether the organization BLM cared more about Marxist ideology than Black people, that was put to rest when BLM stood by the Marxist, Cuban dictatorship and against Black/ all Cubans.


Lest there be any doubt left that the Black Lives Matter crew has nothing to do with actual racial justice in America, look no further than their reaction to the mass protests in Cuba.
The group on Wednesday put out a statement, not to condemn the authoritarian regime in Cuba for violently suppressing its people, but to berate the US for long-existing sanctions on the communist state.
“Black Lives Matter condemns the U.S. federal government’s inhumane treatment of Cubans, and urges it to immediately lift the economic embargo,” BLM said. “This cruel and inhumane policy, instituted with the explicit intention of destabilizing the country and undermining Cubans’ right to choose their own government, is at the heart of Cuba’s current crisis.”
The statement is, of course, exactly backward. The US sanctions Cuba precisely because its communist dictators prevent the Cuban people from “the right to choose their own government.”
Do the leaders of BLM actually believe that Cubans "chose this government"? Are they that diluted?
Hopefully this will put an end to the dominance of the Democrat Party here in Miami-Dade, Florida.

Originally Posted by HedonistForever

Frankly, I don’t care, and I don’t think the American people care.
  • oeb11
  • 07-17-2021, 08:28 AM
When they come for mm's home - no One else will care - either!
VitaMan's Avatar
Democrats need to realize this country wasn't built with lettuce and socialism. It was built with steaks, a days work for a days pay, and the true wild west value.......your word is your bond.
Ripmany's Avatar
Democrats need to realize this country wasn't built with lettuce and socialism. It was built with steaks, a days work for a days pay, and the true wild west value.......your word is your bond. Originally Posted by VitaMan
All the Democrats I know work their ass off. The republican I know on other hand have easily jobs like engineer, pastor, shift manager, house investor landlord, cop.
All the Democrats I know work their ass off. The republican I know on other hand have easily jobs like engineer, pastor, shift manager, house investor landlord, cop. Originally Posted by Ripmany
Well Democrats usually have low skilled jobs that are monotonous, where you do the same thing over and over again day after day. Where Republicans seek interesting jobs which require a certain amount of skill or training. Take the Cop for instance something different every day. You might go to a Armed Robbery and get into a shootout with the perp as he leaves the store, or a high speed chase with a violator. There's hangings, shootings bloody crime scenes. A career cop can tally up quite a few interesting stories. What the average person reads about in the paper they live it.
pfunkdenver's Avatar
Well Democrats usually have low skilled jobs that are monotonous, where you do the same thing over and over again day after day. Originally Posted by Levianon17
If you truly believe this, you are far more ignorant than I ever imagined.
If you truly believe this, you are far more ignorant than I ever imagined. Originally Posted by pfunkdenver
Let's test your theory shall we. How exciting is your job?
texassapper's Avatar
The republican I know on other hand have easily jobs like engineer, pastor, shift manager, house investor landlord, cop. Originally Posted by Ripmany
LOLOLOLOL... Only an ignorant broke ass lefty would look at that list of jobs and say they are easily handled. lol!!n If you had ever figured out how to use your brain you wouldn't be condemned to using your muscles for manual and trivial labor. But the world needs ditch diggers too.. so I salute the fact that you're even willing to work.
  • oeb11
  • 07-18-2021, 06:47 AM
Word to the wise - - Mods have objected to the use of teh word 'ignorant' when pointed at other posters , regardless of whether the ideas posted deserved the word.