Yet another reason to be wary of ChicagoK9

Whispers's Avatar
First of all.... It's been proven as well as admitted by him that he lacks the ability to value things meant to be private.

Secondly he lacks much in the way of morality as displayed by his thread where he feels the need to discuss his daughter's figure and sexuality at a time frame that is prohibited by the board.

NOW... He's back with a NEW post and trips over his words yet again.....

Personally I dislike and will not deal with a booking agent. I want to talk to the young (most of the time) lady myself. I've had several experiences where I've called a provider and mentioned that something I wanted, usually DFK, was not on their menu. Most of the time the ladies confirm it's not, and when I try to negotiate for it I'm told, almost always very nicely, that they just simply decline to do it. However, a few times I've spoken with providers whose phones obviously hadn't been ringing much, and they relented and said they would. Originally Posted by Chicago K9
Some ladies choose to be represented by booking Agents, Agencies and PIMPS even to avoid this type of behavior as well as others.

ChicagoK9., KNOWING AN ITEM IS NOT ON A LADIES MENU will call the provider and mention that he wants it. Keep in mind he KNOWS it is not on their menu.AFTER the ladies confirm it's not, he continues to try try to negotiate for it even though he is almost always told that they just simply decline to do it.

He occaisionally gets lucky though because a few times he has spoken with providers whose phones obviously hadn't been ringing much, and they relented.

I have seen plenty of threads and heard plenty of times that Ladies as well as WKs find this sort of behavior extremely out of line.

Just what kind of guy IS ChicagoK9 and why is there not more pressure to silence him?

He has no respect for the rules of the board or the sanctity of Private Information.

He has little to no personal morality.

He is not a guy willing to accept when a lady tells him No. He will continue to "negotiate" and hopefully her situation is distressed enough that she relents and gives in to his desires.

kSoze's Avatar
  • kSoze
  • 10-20-2012, 07:53 PM
ChicagoK9., KNOWING AN ITEM IS NOT ON A LADIES MENU will call the provider and mention that he wants it. Keep in mind he KNOWS it is not on their menu.AFTER the ladies confirm it's not, he continues to try try to negotiate for it even though he is almost always told that they just simply decline to do it. Originally Posted by Whispers
Everybody is guilty of this at some point in their hobby career. Everybody!

Whiskers, don't you pressure young strippers for things I am sure are not openly advertised?
Whispers's Avatar
I don't pressure anyone.

I ask.

Whatever they say I accept.

A lot of the success I enjoy comes from a combination of those things. MOST guys are afraid to ask. Most can't deal with rejection. I learned that you can never her a girl say Yes if you don't ask. So I ask a lot.

But never the same girl twice.

In addition to "asking" my ability to hear the word no and remain respectful to them often leads to a future inquiry from them to see if I am still interested. They know what I want because I asked and they know I can accept boundaries when they say No and I drop that subject.

You don't know shit kSoze.

Keep displaying the ignorance. You ARE at times entertaining.
kSoze's Avatar
  • kSoze
  • 10-20-2012, 08:16 PM
Whatever they say I accept. Originally Posted by Whispers
When you continue asking, that is not acceptance.

You don't know shit kSoze. Originally Posted by Whispers
That's what we used to say back in Jr High when we were all still week-minded.
Whispers's Avatar
When you continue asking, that is not acceptance Originally Posted by kSoze
i agree.

So you agree with me that ChicagoK9's behavior is questionable I would think.

because if you meant that statement in reference to me....

I don't continue asking .

Are you REALLY that ignorant?

Pretty simple sentences....

I'll see if I can dumb it down for you later...

For right now though... There is a young lady expecting my attention in one of the clubs.
Poet Laureate's Avatar
I read reviews that say one thing and I look at menus at other places, and there are inconsistencies. So I ask. Tell me something: How in the hell does this affect you?
You got a problem with me, come find me off these boards and we can discuss it. Otherwise, move on; you're starting to bore me.
Sire's Avatar
  • Sire
  • 10-21-2012, 02:15 AM
.... And they RELENTED.

Everybody is guilty of this at some point in their hobby career. Everybody!
Originally Posted by kSoze
That's a pretty bold statement. How do you know about "Everybody"?

I've never done this. I don't "pressure" a lady, until she "relents" unto me to do something she doesn't want to do. I do my research, and see the ladies who provide things on their menu that I require.

I've been attempting to read you, and give you the benefit of the doubt since you've made the scene here, but you make some very broad generalizations a lot of the time, acting as if you speak for the whole.

You do not speak for all.
You got a problem with me, come find me off these boards and we can discuss it. Otherwise, move on; you're starting to bore me. Originally Posted by Chicago K9
Sheesh. Another fucking tough guy.
Rand Al'Thor's Avatar
Everybody is guilty of this at some point in their hobby career. Everybody!

Whiskers, don't you pressure young strippers for things I am sure are not openly advertised? Originally Posted by kSoze
I challenge you to bring one bit of evidence that I have pressured or asked any provider multiple times for something not on their menu.

In fact, I challenge you to bring one evidence of ANY KIND that I have been guilty of this at any point in my hobby career. Until then, STOP MAKING ASSUMPTIONS while you continue to accuse others of making assumptions.
Whispers's Avatar
I read reviews that say one thing and I look at menus at other places, and there are inconsistencies. So I ask. Tell me something: How in the hell does this affect you?
You got a problem with me, come find me off these boards and we can discuss it. Otherwise, move on; you're starting to bore me. Originally Posted by Chicago K9
I have no interest in what you do in your everyday life. But what you do here in the boards will get handled here on the boards.

Everytime you open your mouth and insert your foot will be an opportunity to point out what a real sleaze you are capable of portraying.

Watch. It will catch on.....Others will see the entertainment value in making you WISH you had been banned and lost PA. Heck. HAD you been banned, your ban would probably have been lifted by now and non of this would have come to light.....

Maybe your REAL punishment was in being allowed to remain....
The following post is strictly for entertainment purposes only !

I have a real hard time believing it's that difficult to find DFK , so.........

When I read this I like to play a little game , it goes like this . Replace the acronym DFK with BBFS .

Originally Posted by Chicago K9
Personally I dislike and will not deal with a booking agent. I want to talk to the young (most of the time) lady myself. I've had several experiences where I've called a provider and mentioned that something I wanted, usually BBFS, was not on their menu. Most of the time the ladies confirm it's not, and when I try to negotiate for it I'm told, almost always very nicely, that they just simply decline to do it. However, a few times I've spoken with providers whose phones obviously hadn't been ringing much, and they relented and said they would.

There doesn't that make more sense as to the difficult time ?

Apparently he noticed he had foot in mouth disease again and changed his entire post !

Originally Posted by Chicago K9
A booking agent is not a pimp in my mind, in the same way as a driver is not a pimp. They're business partners with the provider, but they don't affect a provider's status as independent, at least not to my way of thinking.

Things that make you go Mmmmmm !
knotty man's Avatar
haha! we all know dfk happens in the hobby,
its all part of the seedy underbelly of this world
bareback tongue on tongue action! ....whats next, we all start lickin each others private parts, Damn you Obama!!
Lol!!! And some people are proud to be lounging in strip clubs all day.
The very fact that the phrase "And they Relented" would be used in how K9 conducts business with providers says it all in terms of his general opinion of others.
I've concluded that there is really no need to bad mouth him. Just give the guy lots of rope and he will do the rest.

To me he's old news and IMO is getting far more attention than he deserves. I say just add him to the ignore list like I did with all the "Miss" accounts and KSoze and let everyone else deal with them.

What's the point in trying to get him banned when he'll only return one way or another just like a few others in this very thread? He's not the only unsavory character in the hobby however he does seem to enjoy advertising it.

The bottom line is as long as he has Benjis to spend he'll have no problem booking providers in spite of these threads and the wheel goes round and round.

Notice how some of the unsavory providers who have been exposed as high risk in terms of both STD safety and criminal behavior are still advertising and posting on the board? They are still getting reviews in spite of it.

When the smoke clears it's every Monger to himself when it comes to doing his research. The same applies to the ladies.