
I'm sure this is a stupid question but what is IOP?
I'm sure this is a stupid question but what is IOP? Originally Posted by gaint456
It stands for "Illusion of Passion".
Rollypolly's Avatar
International office of pancakes
twobullhunglow's Avatar
Illusion Of Passion and some providers have it in spades.
Ok I would have never guessed that thanks
Zenovia's Avatar
Illusion of passion...(wish they had an acronym for the real passion)
Rollypolly's Avatar
Illusion of passion...(wish they had an acronym for the real passion) Originally Posted by Nova Nwa
RP or RPP real passion provider?
Illusion of passion...(wish they had an acronym for the real passion) Originally Posted by Nova Nwa
Your passion involves no illusions, sweet Nova!

How about "RAP" for an acronym - Real Awesome Passion! Might be confused with music though.
Zenovia's Avatar
I cant bring myself to use IOP..its just not me!!

RollyPolly...I luv it! Real Passion Provider RPP I will use that one in my next ad!

you are a genius but you are rite, someone would get it confused with music.
DocHolyday's Avatar
Intensive Outpatient Program. However in this instance , what Spank said.