Letting a Provider Down Easy?

Gotta ask to learn...Along similar lines to Brooke's thread and my newbie question last week.

Ladies: What is a fair way to exit the appointment before it even starts if there is no 'spark' the moment we meet?

Guys: Your funniest exit?

I kinda happened to me. She was sweet but that spark wasn't there. I tired but didn't finish. My fault it was the Remy shot and three beers I drank at Happy Hour, my bad. I left the full donation and spilt. What should I have done if I wanted to bail from jump?

Brooke's: http://eccie.net/showthread.php?t=775956

Newbie Question: http://eccie.net/showthread.php?t=768577
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 06-28-2013, 10:44 PM
Not really an easy way to say "you just don't turn me on baby" and not upset someone sometimes. Some will take offense and say you're a time waster. Some will want some type of compensation for opening the door. Some will tell you to do what you gotta do and leave it at that.

You never know what you're dealing with in the hobby. Some of the chicks are fucked up in one way or another. Just go if you walk in and feel like this aint what you want. Just make it a fast exit.
if you paid them (at least some) before you walking away i think that's totally fine.

they are hookers, they work 100% for your money believe me, not for your 8 inch dick or something "spark" as you do.
08cris's Avatar

Couldn't of said it better myself. I think as long as you say that it might not work out and pay a cancellation fee, it's fine on your part. However different providers will react in different ways. Some might put an alert out on you while some respect your decision.
tbone77494's Avatar
I thought the donation was only for time and companionship anyway?
Abigail (Source of JOY)'s Avatar
I thought the donation was only for time and companionship anyway? Originally Posted by tbone77494
pyramider's Avatar
I thought the donation was only for time and companionship anyway? Originally Posted by tbone77494

WTF? There are extras?
If I can tell from the jump that the chemistry isn't there, I will boot them from the server before they have the opportunity to log in.
No amount of money is worth being alone with someone who makes me feel uncomfortable.

That said, there's no reason to be mean about it; I typically say, "I'm sorry, but I just don't think this will work out today. I want us both to enjoy our time thoroughly, and there may be outside factors weighing on your mind. I think it would be best for you to go; since we will not be spending any time together, you do not have to leave a donation."

I know other ladies will probably disagree with that, but from my perspective, if the cancellation is coming from me, then forfeiting the right to donation makes sense, and helps to make their transition out the door as peaceable as possible.

I think as long as someone decides within the first five minutes that I'm not what they were looking for (I.e., before I give them any of my liquor, or they avail themselves of my shower facilities), I'm perfectly fine with them leaving unscathed. Again, I want the experience to be enjoyable for BOTH OF US.
I am glad to hear from a couple of the ladies out there.

Then along the same lines as Brooke's question, NSNP (no service no pay) should not be a bad thing, right? I mean it does waste both parties time not just the provider's but us guys also.

I guess I am going to have to get a couple more appointments under my belt, maybe getting burned a time or two will toughen me up to be willing say "I'm sorry, but I just don't think this will work out today." Risk getting put on 'Alert' but at least I was honest to myself and to her?

Please keep the comment coming I like reading everyone's thoughts. Thanks!
oilfieldscum's Avatar
I you've have scheduled with her and she is the gal in the pics you should leave some kind of donation before just doing a 180 and walking out.

If she isn't the chick in her pics, doesn't look like the chick in the pics, or seems to be off in the head then run forest run.
Abigail (Source of JOY)'s Avatar
I agree wholeheartedly with CFE...

One time I had a gentleman (very young) show up at my door... I greeted him as he walked up the back porch and he looks at me and tell me I am fat. After 15 seconds of shock wore off, I asked him if he was sure he booked with the right provider... He seemed a bit confused, and uncomfortable. At this point, I simply (an politely) told him that I didn't believe either would feel comfortable continuing with the appointment, and as I headed back inside I apologized for the confusion (whomever's part it may be) and asked him to leave. He sat in his car for another 15 minutes apologizing an asking to go forward with the appointment. I simply asked him to leave and it wasn't going to happen....and I need to shut my gate. He finally left, but no money was exchanged.

Now, on another note, I had a client schedule an appointment with me, and when he showed he felt too guilty to proceed. In this case I could have booked another appointment and felt as though he wasted my time. We did agree that 1/2 the donation was a fair gesture.

Guess it all depends on the situation. In Brooke's case I think it falls under my second scenario. What many don't understand is (and this goes both ways) when we schedule with someone and they back out at the last minute it is frustrating. For the ladies, it is impossible to reschedule someone else, so there is a loss of anticipated earnings. With the men, it is impossible to schedule someone else, so it is a loss of opportune play time that they may not get a lot of.

It's just common courtesy, that if one needs to reschedule or cancel, to let the other party know as soon as possible.

I kinda happened to me. She was sweet but that spark wasn't there. I tired but didn't finish. My fault it was the Remy shot and three beers I drank at Happy Hour, my bad. I left the full donation and spilt. What should I have done if I wanted to bail from jump?
Originally Posted by lhtx
If you do your homework in advance, and from your communications in arranging a meeting, you should have a good enough idea whether there will be good chemistry or not. Certainly, it can happen that there just isn't any, or you were disappointed if she appeared substantially different from what you expected. Drinking alcohol beforehand doesn't help.

Best thing to do is apologize, say you think you're making a mistake and feel guilty about going through with it. Offer a cancellation fee. That way, no one is offended and it does not come off as a personal rejection, just that you got cold feet.

Great advice! I am not rich by any measure but have left tip when things went well so I do have a soft heart. I left a tip with my first couple ladies, my last one didn't go well so I left the full donation without tip.

What's a fair cancellation fee?

Have y'all seen Big Joe latest review? When I look for a provider I try to be as detailed about it as possible but sometime the pictures and descriptions the ladies provide just aren't up to date.

Big Joe: http://eccie.net/showthread.php?t=774433

Great advice! I am not rich by any measure but have left tip when things went well so I do have a soft heart. I left a tip with my first couple ladies, my last one didn't go well so I left the full donation without tip.

What's a fair cancellation fee?

Have y'all seen Big Joe latest review? When I look for a provider I try to be as detailed about it as possible but sometime the pictures and descriptions the ladies provide just aren't up to date.

Big Joe: http://eccie.net/showthread.php?t=774433 Originally Posted by lhtx
Well, it also helps if you read all of the Reviews on a lady beforehand. That'll generally give you a good idea if her pics are accurate. "Fair" ... different people define that in different ways. 50% of the donation seems appropriate to me, but that's just imho.
I agree with some of the above. If she is a complete unknown and the pictures are fake or twenty years old, or if she posted skinny pics and has since gained a hundred pounds, I think all that needs to be said is "You misled me with your pictures, no than you." I have done this before, years ago, and stupidly used to give a modest (maybe 20 bucks) cancellation fee. I won't even give the 20 bucks anymore if the pictures are fake or grossly misleading. If she has gained a few pounds and I feel no chemistry, I'm not a complete dick, I will give some sort of cancellation fee. But again, completely misleading, I will quickly retreat without giving her a dime. On a few occasions I have had providers argue for a cancellation fee as if they are entitled to it. It almost seemed like they must have been through this drill many times and collecting cancellation fees are their next best thing. If guys keep paying cancellation fees for fake or completely misleading photos, these gals will never take them down.
Now, with regard to an unfulfilling session. I've had a couple of sessions where for whatever reason, the session just wasn't doing anything for me. Assuming she was at the very least going through the motions and making an attempt at pleasing me, I may still end the session, but allow her to keep the entire donation. As much as we bitch about poor customer service, if you and the provider are both naked, she has already sucked your dick and you just "aren't feeling" things, I think it is unfair to try and negotiate something with her at that point. I believe she is owed the full amount. I've had a couple of sessions where I lost interest shorty into the session, I basically just brought things to a pause, asked for a handjob and left. When asked why I wanted to wap things up, again assuming she was accommodating enough, why hurt her feelings? I have just said, "It has nothing to do with you, I'm just tired and not really as into things as I would be if I had more rest." "I would just like it if you could help me out with a quick handjob." At the very least, if the girl does nothing for me, I might as well get a nut with a handjob before leaving.