Rand Paul wrecks the vax mandate….

bambino's Avatar
And the Biden Administration


Great video
winn dixie's Avatar
I loved when he shut fauxi up! Left him quivering and shaking unable to speak
bambino's Avatar
I loved when he shut fauxi up! Left him quivering and shaking unable to speak Originally Posted by winn dixie
Baccerra not Fauci, essentially the same thing.
winn dixie's Avatar
Baccerra not Fauci, essentially the same thing. Originally Posted by bambino
Him too. I was referencing several weeks ago.
Rand Paul is the stupidest member of Congress. And that’s saying something.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Rand Paul is the stupidest member of Congress. And that’s saying something. Originally Posted by NoirMan
Maybe in the Senate. But that’s a pretty crowded field.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Rand is a little runt in physical stature so he probably does whatever the fuck his dad tells him to do. Having said that, he is a Republican in the very conservative state of Kentucky, so I wouldn't expect him to encourage people to get vaccinated or even support wearing masks because that would cost him some votes with those reckless far right clowns who just so happen to be his constituents.
winn dixie's Avatar

Ya'll do realize hes a Dr.? Not a faux dr like jill?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
He’s farther removed from practice than Dr. Jill. In fact, she’s still teaching, while Paul is only leeching.

Why not get Ben Carson’s opinion? He’s about as qualified to provide infectious disease advice and policy as Paul. Probably moreso.

Or Dr Pepper?

rexdutchman's Avatar
Rand is a MD ,, so here we go again Denial of Fact(s) Hmm ,,,, Some just cant passed the propaganda , censorship , an subversion coming from the gov and LSM.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Rand is a MD ,, so here we go again Denial of Fact(s) Hmm ,,,, Some just cant passed the propaganda , censorship , an subversion coming from the gov and LSM. Originally Posted by rexdutchman
Rand gave up his certification years ago, so yeah, he’s an MD but he’s not a certified ophthalmologist. The “board” that certified him originally went belly up 10 years ago.


Please try and research your facts before shoehorning them into your RWW talking points of the day.
winn dixie's Avatar
Yet Rand Paul is shutting these guys mouths one after another! With little effort. Just facts.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
He’s farther removed from practice than Dr. Jill. In fact, she’s still teaching, while Paul is only leeching.

Why not get Ben Carson’s opinion? He’s about as qualified to provide infectious disease advice and policy as Paul. Probably moreso. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
LMAO “Dr Jill” is a half-assed EdD and has no medical qualifications whatsoever. You can get an EdD at the bottom of a box of Fruit Loops. NOBODY with an EdD demands to be addressed as Dr, especially ones who only scored the degree do to who they were fucking. Read her dissertation sometime, it looks like a third grader’s work and would’ve been laughed out of the classroom if it weren’t for political connections. Putting her in the same sentence as Carson, or even Paul, is a joke.
He’s farther removed from practice than Dr. Jill. In fact, she’s still teaching, while Paul is only leeching.

Why not get Ben Carson’s opinion? He’s about as qualified to provide infectious disease advice and policy as Paul. Probably moreso.

Or Dr Pepper?

Hahahahahshahahshs Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Hee Hee! ... You know, mate - yer a funny bloke for a liberal. Most of 'em aint funny. Just sad.

### Salty
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
freedom is fascism