Dumbass democrap says...the federal gumment can afford anything that it feels it needs to do!!

This dipshit is just like any other democrap...totally insane and BSC!!
They don't even realize that the things they says even shock leftwing hosts, like this bitch

Yarmuth’s comments were so shocking that even the CNN host Erin Burnett’s mouth dropped open. Watch:


He went on to tell Burnett that in the scheme of things, $3.5 trillion is “pretty inconsequential”:

“It’s $3.4 trillion over 10 years. We’re going to spend twice as much during that time on defense,” he said. “If you take the entire add-up, all of the things we’re proposing to do, it would be essentially about 5 percent more than we will spend otherwise. We’re going to spend $61 trillion over the next 10 years. So to add another $3.4 trillion or $5 trillion to it is very—I think it’s pretty inconsequential when you consider all the benefits to the American people.”

When you watch and read all this keep in mind that Yarmuth is the Chairman of the House Budget Committee and he’s going on record as saying the government can spend however much it wants on whatever it wants.

This is something Republicans have long known about how Democrats and, sadly, how some Republicans have operated in the past, too, but this guy was essentially saying the quiet part out loud.

Republicans – and not just the ones in his Kentucky House district – need to play this one on loop in national campaign ads next year so the millions who are still struggling to make ends meet and are having to make sacrifices big-government Democrats like Yarmuth don’t have to can see just how little they care about not only spending the money taxpayers worked hard to earn but also spending money they don’t have, which means future generations will be on the hook.
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Governing by "feelings" Yup that insanity