Myth vs Fact for Discussion #1

As suggested by a trusted peer, I am copying a post that I made in the Main Discussion Forum for input here. I am working on an information project where I would appreciate some feedback from actual people in the know so to speak. If you are uncomfortable answering or discussing this in a public forum, please reply via email at 1. MYTH: Legalizing prostitution gets rid of its criminal elements - pimps and traffickers. FACT: Legalizing prostitution benefits pimps and traffickers. It also benefits johns. This is not a question of whether it should be legalized or not at this moment, but more of whether the statements above in their entirety are true or false. Personally I think it depends: legalize (or decriminalize) the act of individuals engaging in the trade BUT keep laws against pimping and traffickers in effect and increase the fines/jail time/etc. for pimps and traffickers. Of course it will benefit the Johns.... and? Please discuss and I thank you in advance for your contribution and statements.
I'm glad that you decided to post this in here. Since there are a lot of smart cookies in here, you should be able to get lots of great feedback.
John Bull's Avatar
Those who know me know that pimps are very, very high on my hate list. I'm not to fond of "agencies" either for I believe many to be pimps with more expenses and I know many who use "enforcers" because I've met them at socials.

I'm sure that the sleazeballs could find a way to worm their way into a "legalized game" but I think it would make it a bit harder for them. And a hearty yes! for the idea of more major penalties for them. Castration! Life in Prison! A butt plug superglued in!
GneissGuy's Avatar
Sorry, but you're simply making up your "fact."

You're expressing your political beliefs and calling it "fact."

You might be right, but calling your beliefs "facts" undermines any integrity your arguments might have. There's really no need to read any further into what you're saying.
Rudyard K's Avatar
If you want some statistics and such...I've got nothing. Like most of us, I do have an opinion though.

My initial reaction would be that the Myth listed was instead a Fact. Given that someone has it otherwise, I try to step back and figure why that would be so.

Legalization or decriminalization would reduce a barrier to entry into the business. As such, there would be more available women for pimps to prey upon. But given that it is my opinion that the main barrier to entry relates to stigma, rather than legality, I'm not sure Legal or DeCrim would increase the entry of women much.

Legalization or Decriminalization would most certainly come with some degree of regulation. Health certification, registration, licenseing, etc...or some combination of all that...would probably make more known the identity of the gals that participate. As such, pimps could have better access to prey upon them. But I would think the ability of a gal to ply her trade more openly, without the need for a sponser, would more than offset an increase there.

About the only place I can see that pimp and trafficking would increase would be at the bottom end of the spectrum. I get the impression that those people are very persuasive to young, poor and uneducated gals. Leg and DeCrim would remove one argument from that young gal to say no...and allow a persuasive pimp to persuade.

But at the middle or upper end of the spectrum, I don't see that such would increase pimping or trafficking...and can see that it might slightly reduce it. But in a vaccum...legalization & decriminalization...would, IMHO have very little effect on things (other than maybe a long term criminal record of the lady) until there was a significant move in the stigma attached to the trade. I'm sure none of the gals want soliciting on their records...but my belief is that they don't want it related to the stigma attached to such an arrest or conviction...not the arrest or conviction itself. No one wants a Public Intox arrest either...but if you get one, particularly when you are young, who really cares.
Actually the myth vs fact is NOT my wording or saying. There is a website that is anti-sexwork that is coming up with these so called facts and myths. However, there is no place to rebuttal what they are saying. I, of course, have different opinions also but wanted the opinions of my fellow peers. It's one thing for one person to disagree about a subject matter and another thing for a group of people to disagree. The site I'm referring to is I hate that site in general, there is no place for discussion or to refute what they state are facts. In general, I am sure that they are mostly referring to street prostitution but they are making it sound like all forms of prostitution which they say include pornography and stripping. And gneissguy you know me although we haven't seen each other in years. I wouldn't be making up facts or myths, especially like this.
I’m for decriminalizing it, but not for legalizing it because of all the regulations that RK outlined above. I for one, would NEVER have my name on a list which at the very least would be required. So I would still be a bandit.
GneissGuy's Avatar
Actually the myth vs fact is NOT my wording or saying. There is a website that is anti-sexwork that is coming up with these so called facts and myths. However, there is no place to rebuttal what they are saying. I, of course, have different opinions also but wanted the opinions of my fellow peers. It's one thing for one person to disagree about a subject matter and another thing for a group of people to disagree. The site I'm referring to is I hate that site in general, there is no place for discussion or to refute what they state are facts. In general, I am sure that they are mostly referring to street prostitution but they are making it sound like all forms of prostitution which they say include pornography and stripping. And gneissguy you know me although we haven't seen each other in years. I wouldn't be making up facts or myths, especially like this. Originally Posted by TxBrandy
OK, you're quoting (without attribution) someone's bad website where they're stating imaginary "facts." They are opinions, not facts, and quoting them as fact sort of renders the rest of any arguments your make irrelevant.

I'm not saying the idea is wrong. I'm saying that you lose any credibility in the first sentence by quoting an obvious non-fact as a fact. It's like seeing someone's post where they talk in all caps and use atrocious grammar. Their arguments may be valid, but they lose a lot of their readers before they get a chance to convince them.

Yes, I do know you. You're too smart to ruin your credibility by quoting bogus "facts" like this.
Rudyard K's Avatar
OK, you're quoting (without attribution) someone's bad website where they're stating imaginary "facts." They are opinions, not facts, and quoting them as fact sort of renders the rest of any arguments your make irrelevant.

I'm not saying the idea is wrong. I'm saying that you lose any credibility in the first sentence by quoting an obvious non-fact as a fact. It's like seeing someone's post where they talk in all caps and use atrocious grammar. Their arguments may be valid, but they lose a lot of their readers before they get a chance to convince them.

Yes, I do know you. You're too smart to ruin your credibility by quoting bogus "facts" like this. Originally Posted by GneissGuy
I guess it all depends on how you read the context of the whole post GG. I read it and saw that she was posting a query about a posed Myth and she later gave her own opinion of things. Which is, of course, what she was doing.
oden's Avatar
  • oden
  • 05-27-2010, 04:47 PM
Think of all the different variations and permutations that would exist from one community or State to another. And those disclosure statements that clients would have to sign to try to stave off the inevitable lawsuits. LOL
discreetgent's Avatar
No one wants a Public Intox arrest either...but if you get one, particularly when you are young, who really cares. Originally Posted by Rudyard K
You can even get elected President.
Lesson learned GG. For some reason when composing a reply or new topic, the paragraphs (double space) are appearing in my draft but when posted, all my sentences are smooshed together. It would have been a lot easier to read at the least. I did not mean to mislead anyone by having them believe that I'm the one that came up with this fact/myth. So now with that said and done..... Thank you guys for your answers, I'm finding this discussion very interesting.
GneissGuy's Avatar
I think I've seen that weird nospace behaviour before, but I don't remember exactly what caused it to happen.

You may want to try the preview post button.

OK, after explaining it twice, I do sort of see what you meant in the first post. The no paragraph style might have had something to do with my not seeing it. It does still sort of read like you're espousing the "fact" idea yourself rather than considering the idea.

I'll still say the site's probably not worth reading because they start off with lies as their premise.

Added - I did finally go to that web page and read it a little. What a load of bullcrap. This site is demeaning to women. Poor little things need big brother to look after them and protect them from being regarded as sex objects. Go look at the whole web site. It's rich for them to call themselves a "research" site. It's a propaganda site and a bad one at that. These are the kind of moralist morons we're all fighting against.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 05-27-2010, 08:53 PM
I’m for decriminalizing it, but not for legalizing it because of all the regulations that RK outlined above. I for one, would NEVER have my name on a list which at the very least would be required. So I would still be a bandit. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
I betcha this group thinks prostitution worse than illegal immigration Oliva!
I betcha this group thinks prostitution worse than illegal immigration Oliva! Originally Posted by WTF
You are correct; I don’t think that the folks in that group like much of anything outside their preferred boxes! lol back at'cha.