Everything Denier Donald Trump

Since we seem to be in the mood in pointing out everything that our current POTUS said that ended up being wrong, I've asked our AI Overlords to provide some data points and dates to tie to some of the everything-denying that Trumpster did.
Though this is chatgpt, some things may not be accurate. However with skimming, I don't see anything that is obviously outright incorrect.

  1. "Climate change is a hoax invented by the Chinese." - November 6, 2012
    • Trump claimed that climate change was a conspiracy created by China to undermine U.S. competitiveness, a statement contradicted by overwhelming scientific consensus.
  2. "I had the largest inauguration crowd in history." - January 20, 2017
    • Despite photographic evidence and crowd estimates suggesting otherwise, Trump insisted that his inauguration crowd was the largest in history.
  3. "I won the popular vote if you deduct the millions of people who voted illegally." - November 27, 2016
    • Trump falsely asserted that he would have won the popular vote if not for widespread voter fraud, a claim debunked by various studies and investigations.
  4. "Obamacare covers illegal immigrants." - October 25, 2016
    • Trump wrongly claimed that the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) provided health coverage to undocumented immigrants.
  5. "We have the highest taxes anywhere in the world." - Multiple occasions
    • Trump frequently made the inaccurate claim that the United States had the highest tax rates globally.
  6. "I saved more than 600 million dollars bringing F-35 fighter jets costs down." - February 17, 2017
    • Trump took credit for cost savings on F-35 fighter jets, but the reduction had been planned and negotiated before he took office.
  7. "NATO members owe the United States money." - Multiple occasions
    • Trump inaccurately suggested that NATO members owed the U.S. money for defense spending, misunderstanding the alliance's financial commitments.
  8. "Mexico will pay for the wall." - Multiple occasions
    • Trump promised that Mexico would fund the construction of a border wall, a pledge that did not materialize.
  9. "I never said Russia did not meddle in the election." - February 18, 2018
    • Trump contradicted his previous statements by claiming he never denied Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election.
  10. "We have signed more bills than any president ever." - December 12, 2017
    • Trump inaccurately asserted that he had signed more legislation than any other president, overlooking the legislative accomplishments of his predecessors.
  11. "The Russia investigation is a witch hunt." - Multiple occasions
    • Trump repeatedly dismissed the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election and potential collusion as a politically motivated witch hunt.
  12. "The concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese in order to make U.S. manufacturing non-competitive." - November 6, 2012
    • Trump suggested a conspiracy theory that climate change was a fabrication by China to disadvantage U.S. manufacturing.
  13. "I have the absolute right to pardon myself." - June 4, 2018
    • Trump claimed he had the authority to pardon himself, a legally disputed assertion that sparked debates about presidential powers.
  14. "China is paying us billions and billions of dollars in tariffs." - Multiple occasions
    • Trump misleadingly implied that tariffs on Chinese goods were directly paid to the U.S. Treasury by China, when, in fact, tariffs are paid by American importers.
  15. "Our steel industry was dead. It was dead. It was a dead industry." - Multiple occasions
    • Trump overstated the decline of the U.S. steel industry to justify trade policies, ignoring ongoing production and employment in the sector.
  16. "We're the highest-taxed nation in the world." - October 30, 2017
    • Trump incorrectly claimed that the United States had the highest tax rates globally, neglecting to consider effective tax rates and other factors.
  17. "No collusion, no obstruction." - Multiple occasions
    • Trump repeatedly declared there was no collusion with Russia and no obstruction of justice, despite findings and ongoing investigations suggesting otherwise.
  18. "We have the cleanest air, the cleanest water that we’ve ever had." - Multiple occasions
    • Trump touted environmental achievements, but critics argued that his administration rolled back regulations that protected air and water quality.
  19. "I'm the most transparent president in history." - November 20, 2018
    • Trump claimed to be the most transparent president, but his administration faced scrutiny for limiting access to information and not releasing tax returns.
  20. "We've done more work than any other president in the first 100 days." - April 21, 2017
    • Trump asserted that his administration accomplished more in the first 100 days than any other, a claim that experts disputed.
  21. "The wall is going up very rapidly." - Multiple occasions
    • Trump claimed that the border wall construction was progressing swiftly, but progress was slower than he indicated.
  22. "I never mocked a disabled reporter." - Multiple occasions
    • Despite video evidence, Trump denied mocking a disabled reporter during a campaign rally.
  23. "The United States has a trade deficit with Canada." - March 15, 2018
    • Trump inaccurately stated that the U.S. had a trade deficit with Canada, overlooking the complexity of trade balances.
  24. "We're the highest-taxed country in the world." - Multiple occasions
    • Trump repeatedly made the false claim that the U.S. was the highest-taxed nation globally.
  25. "Windmills cause cancer." - Multiple occasions
    • Trump made baseless claims that the noise from windmills causes cancer, a statement refuted by health experts.
  26. "We have the best testing system for COVID-19 in the world." - August 5, 2020
    • Trump claimed the U.S. had the best COVID-19 testing system despite challenges and critiques of testing availability and efficiency.
  27. "I single-handedly passed Veterans Choice." - August 7, 2020
    • Trump exaggerated his role in passing the Veterans Choice program, which was signed into law by President Obama in 2014.
  28. "I've been tougher on Russia than any other president." - July 7, 2017
    • Trump claimed to be tougher on Russia, but critics argued that his statements and actions suggested a more conciliatory approach.
  29. "I'm the least racist person there is anywhere in the world." - Multiple occasions
    • Trump defended himself against accusations of racism by claiming he was the least racist person, a statement disputed by critics.
  30. "I never called Meghan Markle 'nasty'." - June 1, 2019
    • Trump denied calling Meghan Markle 'nasty,' despite audio recordings confirming the statement.
  31. "I never told John Bolton that the aid to Ukraine was tied to investigations." - January 27, 2020
    • Trump disputed claims by John Bolton regarding the withholding of aid to Ukraine, which became a focal point during the impeachment proceedings.
  32. "I know more about ISIS than the generals do." - November 12, 2015
    • Trump asserted his superior knowledge of ISIS, a claim that drew criticism from military experts.
  33. "I never worked for Russia." - January 14, 2019
    • Trump denied allegations that he worked for Russia, a statement made amid investigations into possible collusion.
  34. "We're rounding the corner on the pandemic." - Multiple occasions in 2020
    • Trump frequently claimed the U.S. was turning the corner on the COVID-19 pandemic despite ongoing challenges and rising cases.
  35. "I have a great relationship with the Black community." - Multiple occasions
    • Trump asserted positive relations with the Black community, but polls and criticisms suggested otherwise.
  36. "The pandemic is disappearing." - October 27, 2020
    • Trump claimed the pandemic was disappearing, contrary to the rising number of COVID-19 cases at that time.
  37. "I'm the best thing that ever happened to Puerto Rico." - Multiple occasions
    • Trump claimed to be a significant positive force for Puerto Rico, but critics pointed to controversies surrounding hurricane relief efforts.
  38. "I've done more for African Americans than any president since Abraham Lincoln." - Multiple occasions
    • Trump touted his accomplishments for African Americans, but opinions on the impact of his policies were divided.
  39. "The concept of 'QAnon' is one I don't know about." - August 19, 2020
    • Trump claimed ignorance about the conspiracy theory QAnon, despite being asked about it multiple times before.
  40. "We have the best economy in the history of our country." - Multiple occasions
    • Trump boasted about having the best economy in U.S. history before the COVID-19 pandemic, a claim subject to debate.
  41. "I never played golf during the pandemic." - Multiple occasions
    • Trump insisted he did not play golf during the pandemic, despite evidence to the contrary.
  42. "I never had a series of mini-strokes." - September 1, 2020
    • Trump denied having experienced a series of mini-strokes, a claim that had not been widely reported.
  43. "I won the first debate against Joe Biden." - October 1, 2020
    • Trump claimed victory in the first presidential debate against Joe Biden, a subjective assertion amid widespread criticism of the debate's chaotic nature.
  44. "We're going to have a healthcare plan that's far better than Obamacare." - Multiple occasions
    • Trump promised a comprehensive healthcare plan to replace Obamacare, but such a plan was not presented during his presidency.
  45. "The United States has a trade deficit with Japan." - April 17, 2018
    • Trump incorrectly stated that the U.S. had a trade deficit with Japan, overlooking the complexities of trade balances.
  46. "I've been totally exonerated." - Multiple occasions
    • Trump claimed total exoneration in various contexts, including the Mueller investigation and impeachment proceedings, which did not provide such clear conclusions.
  47. "I've been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize." - Multiple occasions
    • Trump claimed nominations for the Nobel Peace Prize, but the process for nominations and the credibility of those nominations were questioned.
  48. "I never called Tim Cook 'Tim Apple'." - March 6, 2019
    • Trump denied referring to Apple CEO Tim Cook as 'Tim Apple,' despite video evidence to the contrary.
  49. "I don't know anything about WikiLeaks." - April 11, 2019
    • Trump claimed ignorance about WikiLeaks, despite praising the organization during his 2016 campaign.
  50. "I'm the most successful person ever to run for the presidency, by far." - June 16, 2015
    • Trump asserted that he was the most successful presidential candidate in history, a subjective claim open to interpretation.
Immediate 1-star vote on this. Must be opposite day!
Trump only lies when he opens his mouth. I just don’t get it.

Off topic, what do those flags mean?
Off topic, what do those flags mean? Originally Posted by Charley3
What do you mean? Do you mean the bullet points in OP? They are showing up as small circles for me. If not, I don't know what you mean, sorry
... Surely look like FALSE flags to me.

#### Salty