Mob Mentality / Lynch Mobs / Crowd Hysteria

Whispers's Avatar
A Lynch Mob has formed in Austin and in several cases guidelines are being stepped on and long standard principles relating to privacy are being set aside,

I think we have all seen parallels in real life situations to the one in the Alert Thread that has polarized many in the community.

What disturbs me most about the thread is how far some seem to be willing set aside some basic principles we all tend to hold tightly to as a few people yell and scream and play on the emotions of others.

1) At what point did it become allowable for the personal information of a member, sent to a provider for screening purposes, to be shared with male members of this community?

2) At what point did it become allowable to post so much personal information about a member of this community that anyone with the tools to reverse search that information can determine exactly who that person is?

3) At what point did it become acceptable for a member to summarize and specifically describe to a mass of people actions they might take to destroy an individuals life?

Hypothetically ......

PurcillaPlays4Pay shows up at an outcall sees a WillieWantsWhatHeWants and he decides she is not who he thought she would be..... Her pictures are deceiving... she gained 50 pounds since....... She is not what he wants so he asks her to leave...... She pauses not sure why he has made such a decision, sees the envelope on the dresser, picks it up and leaves. WillieWantsWhatHeWants is outraged and posts an Alert because she took the money and left. No session occurred. Maybe he follows her out the door buy sees PercyPimpPapa getting out of a car and asking her what happened, feels threatened and returns to his room

We can argue all day whether or not PurcillaPlays4Pay was entitled to the money or if WillieWantsWhatHeWants was just a fool for leaving the money on the table.

Along comes NedKnowsItAll and gets in the mix riling everyone up.

He posts where Purcilla goes to school, who the program heads are, on what date she was last charged with a crime, tells everyone step by step how to unlock her personal life in a very public fashion and suggests people use it to fuck with her..... He provides so much information that anyone with a computer capable of reading and following directions can land themselves on her personal facebook page and begin emailing her mom, dad, friends and family to tell them she is a hooker and send them links to her life here on ECCIE.....

Maybe all the above happens over a simple NCNS as a result of a few that believe a NCNS has cost a hobbyist time and money and the lady should compensate him as such FOR his time...

Does ANYONE see just how far the precedents being set in that alert can be taken?

If the above described methods of dealing with someone become acceptable to any of us here all we are left with is an argument of what justifies their use.

My personal opinion of the Alert Thread is that Kingman has been outed to the community by the actions of more than one person here.

Whether or not he committed some digression in his dealings with a Provider is not an issue for the Staff of this board to involve themselves in. Staff should deal with those that have posted personal information that directly links us to exactly who Kingman is in his real life and some that have specifically issued threats to out Kingman in his personal life should be dealt with. The thread creates some very dangerous precedents that NONE of us should want to see condoned in any manner.

Discussing a member or a member's actions or any information a member shares with us is fair game. Bringing into the mix additional information from his or her personal life is a bannable offense unless it is information they shared with us themselves. Threatening to out someone is a bannable offense.
I can only say_ karma
police finds you one
way or another.
Sometimes you have to get dirty taking out the trash. One instance of thievery is easily dismissed. Two possibly a mistake. lol
But as it continues time after time, it's time for a community to put an end to it. As you know the guidelines very well, you also know that Eccie has no say in information shared off site.
As far as suggestions of what could be done? I could suggest someone jump off a tall building, but the only one responsible is the one who jumps.
If no one has in fact jumped, what are you suggesting pre-crime minority report?
Fuck him!
Whispers's Avatar
I can only say_ karma
police finds you one
way or another. Originally Posted by siberia
I believe in "karma" as well.......

What I do not believe in is personal life information being dug up by others and posted in public threads with detailed instructions to any and every person reading on how to destroy someone's personal life.....

If we are accepting of that then all that is left is an argument over when it is justified.....
It's justified when said worm starts making threats about putting chrome in one's dome, after being caught red handed being a thief on several occasions. He could have apologized, made good, but he decided to threaten lives.
Whispers's Avatar
Sometimes you have to get dirty taking out the trash. One instance of thievery is easily dismissed. Two possibly a mistake. lol
But as it continues time after time, it's time for a community to put an end to it. As you know the guidelines very well, you also know that Eccie has no say in information shared off site. You are correct. Off site is one thing. Handled Off site though there is no audience to incite or posture and pose for.

As far as suggestions of what could be done? I could suggest someone jump off a tall building, but the only one responsible is the one who jumps. If no one has in fact jumped, what are you suggesting pre-crime minority report? Fuck him! Originally Posted by rockerrick
You never know how far someone sitting on the sidelines goes until the effect is seen.

Here on the site was not the place...... What is entertainment for a few becomes incredibly emotional to others and with too many getting too emotionally charged by a few that are not only whipping them into a frenzy and handing out fliers with a map to someone's home it only takes time for it to slip out of control and people to get hurt.

In this case though this man has been outed here on ECCIE. SO much personal information regarding him was publicly shared that less than an hour in front of a computer can put his personal life in anyone's hands that can pause and think about how to connect the dots.

That should not be acceptable to anyone.
Whispers's Avatar
It's justified when said worm starts making threats about putting chrome in one's dome, after being caught red handed being a thief on several occasions. He could have apologized, made good, but he decided to threaten lives. Originally Posted by rockerrick
Please. You are capable of a much better formed argument.

I read the thread.

I think it is fair to say that the actions of a group of people indicating they might confront someone in person tends to lead to a comment by a person that may in some manner defends them self in about 95% of those type of scenarios.
Whispers's Avatar
Let's try to leave some of the specifics out of this and discuss the principles.

For example.....

Why/When is it OK for a Provider to share a man's screening information with other men on this board?

Why/When is it OK for members to state personal details of someone's personal life and tell others exactly where to go to match those details to a specific individual and describe in detail how to present that information and who to present that information to in their personal life for the end result of destroying a person's life?

Would any of you condoning such actions endorse the loss of a person's education, career and future over bouncing a $300 check at Target? 3 Bad Checks at Target?

Remove specific people from the discussion and THAT is what you are condoning.
One should really consider his actions prior to bringing this kind of thing upon themselves. Would you think that if you ripped someone off and they knew info on you, that it wouldn't get out? Or would you straight out think you would get away with it? I personally would have been concerned that someone might be looking for me, and I wouldn't want to be looking over my shoulder, so I would never have done it.

Would any of you condoning such actions endorse the loss of a person's education, career and future over bouncing a $300 check at Target? 3 Bad Checks at Target? Originally Posted by Whispers
The minute they start gloating about their actions YES!

Plenty of people in jail that lost their jobs, education, marriages for writing bad checks.
Whispers's Avatar
One should really consider his actions prior to bringing this kind of thing upon themselves. Would you think that if you ripped someone off and they knew info on you, that it wouldn't get out? Or would you straight out think you would get away with it? I personally would have been concerned that someone might be looking for me, and I wouldn't want to be looking over my shoulder, so I would never have done it. Originally Posted by rockerrick
Step back for a moment and remove the personality from the crime.....

A guy makes a reservation and shows up for dinner at an upscale restaurant that is sold out..... He looks around, looks at the menu and decides he does not care for it and leaves. Or perhaps the establishment decides he does not fit their criteria.... They ask him to leave..... Is anything owed anyone?

Later we find that the guy walked into 3 prior restaurants, drank a bottle of wine at each and had an expensive meal running up a $250 to $300 bill..... went outside to get his wallet supposedly and left.....

The business can call the police, file a complaint and deal with it just as there is a proper way for any of the providers wronged to deal with what occurred....

When caught he will be tried , receive some disposition and be dealt with.

Should that person have others, not remotely involved, mobbed up outside wanting to lay it all out for his friends and family, employers and school to know?

Punishments are designed to fit a crime and criminals are not punished until they have been convicted.....

Lynch Mobs rush to judgement, their punishment typically far outweighs the nature of a crime..... and their damage can seldom be undone in those cases where it is found to have been inaccurate.....

Some of the participants in that thread are going way to far with what they are suggesting....
You familiar with a trail by a jury being in judgement of something they were not remotely involved in?

Out of curiosity, what do you feel is an appropriate punishment?

I believe that most think him being run off is good enough.
This thread could possibly incite it to a higher level.
Whispers's Avatar
The minute they start gloating about their actions YES! Originally Posted by rockerrick
On that subject I need to ask...... Was he here gloating about his actions or was he responding to a group of angry people in a similar fashion as we all know we can provoke others to do.......

Rick..... We know how to push people's buttons right?

Can you take someone apart and get them to yell and scream and curse and call you names? Does that define who that person is or does it reflect how little self control he might have when pushed hard enough?

If you are going to respond please tell me if you would support the exact same personal information about a Provider being posted in threads here on ECCIE if she were to be accused of entering an outcall and leaving with the money not providing services.......

Because I can probably generate 2 or 3 of those scenarios and I want to know if you will defend the rights of those that might want to out her over those type of accusations?

There are proper ways for the ladies to deal with these issues...... A lynch Mob of members is not the way and outing someone is never the answer.
Whispers's Avatar
You familiar with a trail by a jury being in judgement of something they were not remotely involved in?

Out of curiosity, what do you feel is an appropriate punishment?

I believe that most think him being run off is good enough.
This thread could possibly incite it to a higher level. Originally Posted by rockerrick
Rick..... Please.....

YOU are proof positive of the inability of the staff or community having no ability to "run anyone off"

And posting someone's personal information and describing to a mass of people how to fuck with him is doling out punishment WITHOUT a trial.

Isn't the common response on these boards to a lady that has not been paid to call the police and report she was robbed?

New providers arrive every day, members can form new handles and there is nothing any of us can do in the long run to keep this guy from continuing to see ladies and do the same thing.

To answer YOUR question as to what I think the proper punishment is? I think that our legal eagle should inform us of what the punishment is for multiple cases of Theft of Services is if convicted of the crime by a jury of his peers. I believe with all instances being within a smaller defined period of time and of this nature it would probably be in the nature of 3 to 5 years Deferred Adjudication and Probation with some monitoring.

Not the destruction and loss of an education or career.....

Whatever the correct punishment is it is NOT for a mob of people here to decide and whip out......
Of course buttons can be pushed, and how one responds can be very different.
Are you taking responses by all his handles into the scenario?
The other two were inflammatory in other alerts about him.
IMO a thief is a thief regardless of gender. That scenario is exactly why I joined Eccie. Would I like that thief's info? You bet I would.
What would I have done with the info? I don't know. I probably would let the police handle it.
Whispers's Avatar
This thread could possibly incite it to a higher level. Originally Posted by rockerrick
I hope not. I hope it has the opposite effect of causing people to pause and think....... Should any information of a personal nature be presented here I would hope it would be RTMd as well as edited swiftly.

As a proponent for such actions rick......

At the top of the Alert Section is a report from a member ripped off by a lady that a good bit is already available on.... Why not rally the MOB and start the process of outing her in the same manner as what we are discussing?

I think it would be pretty easy to bring examples of ladies guilty of multiple NCNS situations to the table....... Will you support outing them for the time wasted of others?

Come one..... We are talking about OUTING here..... There are plenty of ways of dealing with things without any of us condoning that it is EVER OK to do so.

The ONLY instance where I have EVER felt that outing someone needed to be discussed is where no other solution existed in order to keep THAT person from outing them..... That is not close to the situation being discussed.

I think it is an action that is far worse than any crime we can consider here....

Punishment needs to fit the crime.......

The mob was way over the line in my opinion.....