Manic 4 AM Rants

Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 04-12-2015, 08:23 AM
What would cause someone to have the urge to go on a manic mission at 4AM?

Is it chemically induced?
Is it a birth defect? A brain injury? A seething disease eating away at the fiber of the brain?

Whats your thoughts?
Are they chemically induced?
Is it a birth defect? A brain injury? A seething disease eating away at the fiber of the brain? Originally Posted by Toyz
I'm going to go with YES / All of the above. I'm not even trying to be ironic or funny. Although Alcohol+deep loathing of self and therefor humanity probably account for the bulk of it. For those of us that have experience with brain injury before and after situations it is unnerving how much this can change a persons demeanor and personality.
gfejunkie's Avatar
See "Helpful links" in my sig.
fun2come's Avatar
or may be he just wants to give one quick Hooray before going on an unexpected vacation/exile...

Hey we can always dream... or hope or have wishful thinking
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 04-12-2015, 09:11 AM
or may be he just wants to give one quick Hooray before going on an unexpected vacation/exile...

Hey we can always dream... or hope or have wishful thinking Originally Posted by fun2come
Seriously little brother...not much surprises me here at all...but this is demented by any measurement.

Its as if the train finally found its destiny.
In his defense, it appears that he started the thread bump 'splosion much earlier than 4am. It just takes a hot minute to bump 25+ of your own super awesome and thought provoking threads.

If I recall correctly, this is how Mozart worked at his most prolific. So now we wait for our hero's final descent into hell or something while making loud noises in d-minor.
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 04-12-2015, 09:24 AM
In his defense, it appears that he started the thread bump 'splosion much earlier than 4am. It just takes a hot minute to bump 25+ of your own super awesome and thought provoking threads.

If I recall correctly, this is how Mozart worked at his most prolific. So now we wait for our hero's final descent into hell or something while making loud noises in d-minor. Originally Posted by JennsLolli

I ate a shit ton of Brisket I smoked yesterday...I think I could have a few D-Minor noises if I sat just right...maybe a few High F's too....

But I never mentioned anyone by name in my initial post...just sayin'. Could be anyone!
Mike Vronsky's Avatar
I just think he hates everyone but maybe 5 people here. And its amazing how he doesn't get called out for the shit he does or penalized for what he does but yet we do.
I think the real answer lies within your thread title. Like, the very first word.
Whispers's Avatar
What would cause someone to have the urge to go on a manic mission at 4AM?

Whats your thoughts? Originally Posted by Toyz
I was awake at 4 am this morning after an incredibly wild afternoon and evening that ended in a mash up of female flesh that included a rather hott waitress... Some of your thoughts there Toyz are not really allowable subjects on the board. Please be careful. It would be a shame to see you point out first.

As I was saying, I was awake at that time and was posting myself and not aware of the "manic mission you mention. Can you provide a link?"

I just think he hates everyone but maybe 5 people here. And its amazing how he doesn't get called out for the shit he does or penalized for what he does but yet we do. Originally Posted by dante0322
Perhaps he understands the guidelines better than you do? Knowing what the guidelines are as well how they actually apply is a by product of many years in the environment.

And of late, I am with you in the feeling that a few of us are being unfairly penalized but that is more about MODs lack of desire to actually MODERATE
in my opinion.
You left out the most likely cause..... Text book DESPERATION!

When 90% of your adversaries have blown you off thus removing your fangs and supply of desired negative attention what is there left to do?

a) Share personal board info with ANYONE who will email you. (I'm sure those emails to him are being archived for future devious use as well).
If literally anyone in the real world can get him to compromise board security with an email trail of personal info then so can LE. That will bite him in the ass before anyone else.

b) Resort to extreme measures such as bumping as many of your past threads as possible in a desperate attempt to get the desired attention this thread just gave him.
It really would have annoyed him if no one had even acknowledged this attempt. Basically we just gave him his fix for the morning as talking about him is no different than confronting him.

c) Get your personal Quasimodo to start quoting your comments.

That problem was immediately solved as I now have two individuals removed.

As I stated in the original thread the key is to not only remove the source of poison but to remove his enablers as well. I'm beginning to think the high session count is more about the attention it brings more-so than actually fucking.

Like yourself Toyz I have enjoyed the board much more without having to roll my eyes at the constant bombardment of BS.

I must admit I never expected to see such measures of desperation or spiraling out of control so early on.
Both he and his lackey are revving things up several notches which shows a simple ignore list really does work wonders when utilized by everyone who's had enough.

I say let this thread be the final acknowledgement he gets from anyone period otherwise he will continue to push the extreme boundaries in order to get attention.

He will become more desperate and aggressive for the the short term but after a period of being completely irrelevant he will lose his steam. Either that or the two of them will look like complete idiots bouncing all over the board shouting "Look at Me".
Mike Vronsky's Avatar
Interesting how he thinks everything is about him when no names are mentioned.
ffireman's Avatar
Speculating about illegal drug use or another member's medical condition is not allowed.

Be careful gentlemen on how you respond in the future
