I need a computer pro

Britttany_love's Avatar
The storm last night hit my apartment pretty hard and now my desktop computer wont work. It turns on for a second and shuts off. When you un plug it it makes a light growling sound... Not sure if it was hit by the lightening or what. Im basically trying to figure out what wrong and if i cant get it to turn on... is there anyway to get stuff off my hard drive like pictures and stuff. If you can help send me a message.
GneissGuy's Avatar
Even if the computer is toast, that doesn't mean the hard drive is toast.

You should be able to take the hard drive out of the fried machine and hook it up to another computer and copy the data off of it. (Unless the hard disk itself is toast.)

If you do manage to get it to turn on but not boot up be careful. If a clumsy computer guy tries to work on it, it's really easy for him to damage any data that remains on the disk.

Laptop or desktop? How old? What operating system? Windows XP, Vista, Win7?

Be careful about allowing hobbyists to help you. There are some sleazebags who may offer to help you but will steal info, put spyware on your computer, etc. There are lots of stalker types, including violent pimps, who use computers, photography, or web site design to trap new victims.
PeAcH's Avatar
  • PeAcH
  • 06-09-2010, 08:54 PM
The surge could have blown out your power supply, motherboard, or your processor.. I'd have to take a look at it closely to be sure..

Is it pre-built? Your hard drive is probably fine, so all your data and your OS will be salvageable.

All you'd need to do is pop in the hard drive into another working computer and BAM you can get all you want off of it. Investing in an external hard drive is good too for these types of situations. You can get a 1.5TB hard drive for like $80, and that is a TON of storage for pictures and videos and all kinds of stuff!
You don't even need to trouble yourself with installing the hard drive into another desktop computer if you don't have access to one. Just go to the store and pick up a hard drive enclosure.

Basically, it's a "case" for your hard drive. Just take the hard drive out of your desktop computer and put it in this case. Then, it works just like an external hard drive. Plug it in to another computer (can even be a laptop), usually with a USB cable, and see what you can get off of it.

Hard drive enclosures don't have to be very expensive. You can usually find one for around $20-30.

This is a pretty good how-to guide on using one:
Beagle's Avatar
Had a similar situation 3-4 years back. I had a spare PSU lying around and hooked it up to the motherboard and it worked. PSU's are easy to take out and install if you have access to another desktop. Don't know how to narrow the problem down to the processor or motherboard without actually buying new parts but found this thread online which may be helpful for whoever works on troubleshooting your pc:


It's a little technical for me. Not really interested in cracking my head trying to understand it.

As mentioned by the above posters, your harddrive is probably fine. Hooking it up directly to a motherboard on another desktop will be the quickest way of accessing your files without needing to invest in anything else, assuming you have another desktop. Personally, I would invest in an external harddrive case. Just need to determine if your harddrive is SATA or other ATA's when choosing your external case.

Just a note....do make it a habit to hook expensive electrical gadgets to surge protectors, and not directly to the outlets on the wall. It will at least be able to protect you against surges not surpassing a certain threshold.
rCoder's Avatar
Good advice above. For the next time, invest in a surge protector. I've had two surge protectors fried (which means they did their job) and have only lost one power supply while using one (it was a strange case where the power cycled on and off a couple dozen times in a minute before staying off - turned out to be a fire at the substation). When a friends system was hit it fried power supply, motherboard, and graphics card.
Schmafty's Avatar
The surge could have blown out your power supply, motherboard, or your processor.. I'd have to take a look at it closely to be sure.. Originally Posted by PeAcH
If I had to guess, I'd put my money on the power supply. I've had this happen to me a couple of times myself after a strong storm.

IIRC, power supplies have regulators built in that automatically shut them off if they are not delivering the proper voltage in order to keep them from damaging other parts of the computer or corrupting data, (which would be why the computer shuts itself off so quickly). Last I saw, new PS's run about $50, but as Peach says, probably need someone to take a look at it to be sure.
Tex9401's Avatar
I got my surge protectors hook up to UPS. It covers all my computers. I had similar situation, and the UPS kept flowing until stopped.

Good advice above. For the next time, invest in a surge protector. I've had two surge protectors fried (which means they did their job) and have only lost one power supply while using one (it was a strange case where the power cycled on and off a couple dozen times in a minute before staying off - turned out to be a fire at the substation). When a friends system was hit it fried power supply, motherboard, and graphics card. Originally Posted by rCoder
PeAcH's Avatar
  • PeAcH
  • 06-10-2010, 12:30 AM
If I had to guess, I'd put my money on the power supply. I've had this happen to me a couple of times myself after a strong storm.

IIRC, power supplies have regulators built in that automatically shut them off if they are not delivering the proper voltage in order to keep them from damaging other parts of the computer or corrupting data, (which would be why the computer shuts itself off so quickly). Last I saw, new PS's run about $50, but as Peach says, probably need someone to take a look at it to be sure. Originally Posted by Shmafty
It generally is ALWAYS the power supply.. hehe
More times than not anyways.. =P
computer pro i am not, that is why when things like that happen i take my computer down to discount electronics and get a diagnostics run. last time something crazy happened i took it to DE, they found that the mother board had been dislodged a little. so he took it off and put it back on and presto i was good to go.

i am not saying the same will happen for you, but you most likely will save a little money going to discoun electronics

matchingmole's Avatar
Best thing to due before a storm is unplug the power cord from the wall outlet, ups or surge suppressor. If using wired ethernet cable...unplug that too as surges can travel through cabling via cable modem or router. My guess is weakened power supply...especially if it's a name brand desktop. Most of the power supplies in Dells, HP's etc are cheap and supply just enough power to just get by. Vantec makes a handy little item that has usb to sata or ide that is very handy in transferring data from one hard drive to another.
Guest062716's Avatar
... is there anyway to get stuff off my hard drive like pictures and stuff. Originally Posted by Britttany_love
To answer your question, I will second the recommendation for an external hard disk drive enclosure. It will allow you to drop your hard disk into the enclosure and you will be able to connect it to any computer using the USB.

I recommned taking your old hard disk drive with you to the store (Best Buy, etc) so they can make sure you get the right enclosure. The connectors on hard disk drives have changed over the years. (SATA, EIDE, IDE, etc). There are also different sizes in hard disk drives... likely yours is 3.5". If that sounds geeky to you, then take the drive with you.

I am sorry this happened to you. I would also second the recommendation for a good surge protection power strip or UPS. (The surge protection power strip is less expensive, but does not provide back up power).

Hope this helps.


(Formerly Microsoft Certified Professional and Dell Certified Technician... in a life long ago and far away.... LOL)
I also recommend an external hard drive enclosure with USB. Not every system will have an eSATA connector. Fry's has a lot for a decent price if you have to buy locally.

Like Sarge mentioned, you may have IDE or SATA hard drive and taking it to the store will help ensure you get the right enclosure.

Peach, never thought hearing any tech advice would be so hot
sixxbach's Avatar

(Formerly Microsoft Certified Professional and Dell Certified Technician... in a life long ago and far away.... LOL) Originally Posted by OldSarge

dell needs you back! I have had several people I know have issues with their Dell PC's! Never had an issue with my gateways....
Guest062716's Avatar

Dell needs you back! I have had several people I know have issues with their Dell PC's! Never had an issue with my gateways.... Originally Posted by sixxbach
ON TOPIC (slightly): Well, less we have a thread started that spreads another rumor about Old Sarge, I did not mean to imply that I ever worked for Dell.....

My personal computer experience goes back to the 80's. My computer certifications go back to 1993.... my last Dell certifications (PowerEdge Server, Inspiron Laptop, Lattitude Laptop, Optiplex Desktop and PrecisionWorkstation) were completed in 2002....

(NEAR THREAD HIJACK) I got these certifications while in the Army and running some rather large networks.... my training, experience and positions, required the security clearance investigators to ask specific questions of me with respect to hacking/cracking and certain other computer activites......as I said, in a life long ago and far away....

All before I started scrubbing toilets for felons, covering up for "providers who know mods", persecuting hobbyists, banning whackos and generally being "too fuckin nice and polite."

Jeez, if only certain three letter agencies could see me now......


If you can help send me a message. Originally Posted by Sexy Brittany Love
Please shoot the lady a PM if you can help....

Respectfully submitted,
