Bad news from Kynsley Morgan

She just called me from Virginia and the road conditions have gone to hell from where she is, thru the Carolinas and thru Georgia. Roads and bridges are closed so she can't make it to Biloxi or the party she had planned. So all activities with her ae cancelled until futher notice. Damn global warning.

Can't fight nature.
I told her today when we were talking that there was no way she should even try and drive down here right now. She was adamant that she was coming even after I told her it wasnt a good idea. Good thing she came around. Its fucking nasty out there. Fuck this weather you can have it.

To be honest RL the only reason I told her to stay home was so you wouldnt get your boobs and barbeque play date. RL doesnt deserve those giant boobs in his face while he slurps down ribs and brisket. Now me on the other hand I do and even though I am not into food play I would do it just so I could rub RL's face in it or more honestly to rub my face between those giant boobs Ms Kynsley is toting around these days.
This really sucks the biggest balls that there is.
This is 2 friggin times this snow has intercepted on my plans! I am stubborn to the core, but I wont chance it.
Now, I will be down, come hell or high water, on Feb 7.

Fuck global warming.

And Basscat, you are incorrigible lol!
How about both of you motorboat me!
Cravinhead69's Avatar
We would rather you stay home & be safe. It is too dangerous out there on the roads. A lot of flights are being cancelled too.
Feb. 7th maybe warmer. Of course this weekend it's suppose to be 70 on Sunday.
Go figure. That would have been the day I headed back east
Cravinhead69's Avatar
Yep, That's the way it goes. 16 degrees tonight & the AC on again Sunday. Fucked up weather. If you don't like it, stay a few minutes, it will change.
How about both of you motorboat me! Originally Posted by Kynsley Morgan
God knows you have enough boob for two grown men so I would take you up on it. The only problem is RL is known to be selfish. There is no way he would share his barbecue much less your boobs. I will have to wait for you to make your way to the coast but I am eating cake from between your gorgeous melons not hot meat. RL is the one that likes hot meat around here just ask anyone who frequents gay bars and they will all tell you yeah we know the Road Lizard lol
I only went there one time and that was because you wanted me to meet that 'someone special' in your life. I just really didn't know you were into hipsters...strange.
Hey if I a going to fuck a dude you can bet its going to be a twink not no fucking hipster. I dont know what that is exactly but they seem the most desirable sect when my gay buds talk about pounding on mangina. I am often reminded that I am a bear because I am big and hairy. I dont think we are that desirable in the gay hierarchy. Its funny how the gays have sects and stuff that they all fit in.

Dont know how many of you hang out with homos but let me tell you they can make great friends. I dont have any close at the moment but when I was young I had a some gay buddies that I partied with all the time. They moved off to a more gay area but we still talk. The girl from the relationship hooked me up with tons of poon. I must have fucked two dozen women at least that he put on me.

See its my years of hanging out with gay guys that made me able to pick up on closeted homos with ease. Thats why I know that RL has a secret that he wants to share but he is to afraid. Lets all give ole RL our support and let him know he is in a safe place lol Maybe I am just a little jealous that he gets his hands on Kynsley's tits first
Hanging out with them and banging their beards makes you ?????
I kid, I kid.
Hanging out with them and banging their beards makes you ????? Originally Posted by aNameinGulfport
Hey I'll tell you the same thing I used to tell the little weak guys in prison "a holes and hole" lol
guest071618-1's Avatar
What snow? Little flurries... u should’ve book flights
I do not fly. I drive everywhere.
Too many asses on one airplane.
And to close for comfort.