The Story of Jarrett Jess and Z

Someone wrote the Great American Novel about the hoe game. This is blowing up on social media, but I don't think anyone has posted it here yet.
blowmypop23's Avatar
That's some crazy shit there!!
Mr. Rogers's Avatar
Damn, that was fucked up.
Wow. Those people may very well be eligible to vote.
oldmarine's Avatar
That is one fucked up work of fiction
It was my interesting read of the day. Almost better than a dramatic day in ECCIELand.
threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
I only made it through about 2 pages. I can't handle the ignorant ass hood rat ghetto talk.

TinMan's Avatar
The Glamorous Life.
TheEccie214's Avatar
I only made it through about 2 pages. I can't handle the ignorant ass hood rat ghetto talk.

. Originally Posted by threepeckeredbillygoat
Same here. Was that joke? I read a few pages and my mind starts to hurt from having to translate the posts to English.
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
I read that last night it sure has been making the rounds on the internet lol

I wonder if it's true... Surely she would be charged as an accessory after the fact or at the least a witness.
Phrasing's Avatar
Haha, I read that this morning...what a waste
I don't think that's the way twitter is supposed to work. Lol...
You lost me at "ok listen up" and the nose ring, but A for effort. And you weren't a kiddin on the long part. Cliff notes pls. Thx for the story though!
The story could be real...check out this news story.
TinMan's Avatar
Zola appears real:

Someone call Tarantino or the Coen Brothers!