SA and The Me Too Movement

This is a philosophical discussion.

You have all these young women on SA using there youth, beauty and sexuality to extract $$ out of older men with money like in time immemorial. (And like they do with me). And are they ever out there!
Yet, when they grow up it's quit a different spin, e.g these evil bad, men have use there money, power and influence to exploit women for sex....
Woman and their shit playing both sides!
its follow the money

they run outta of it

with their looks and the other mitigating factors forbidden to be discussed here

then the clawing begins
Next Best Thing's Avatar
I see very little youth, beauty, or sexuality.

Conniving, arrogance, entitlement, and guilt trips never in short supply.
pineappleguy's Avatar
Wait... What??? You're saying some people are hypocrites???