Careful! Referral Friendly ONLY!

TristanThick's Avatar
I, for the life of me, with all the positive vibes, amazing times and connects I’ve had, that I can’t manage to get any of those to bless me with a solid referral. Smh. It’s my fault for being foolish.

From here in, it’s independent only. Apparently, I haven’t done my due diligence and digging, and have been dealing with people other than those I see here (thinking with the wrong head). Fool me once...

Won’t happen again. Ladies, if you aren’t a functioning independent, on your own accord, and 100% sans any “upper management”, we just simply won’t be able to connect. Sorry.

For those of you who are cool, sexy, indie, and looking to have some fun with a good dude - hit me anytime.

But strung out, unitelligent chicks who are part of a stable....well, this may sound mean, but please take a long walk off a short pier. Or get some help (therapy) learning to stand on your own two. Sorry, not sorry.

I’m not mad, though. Just...slightly bewildered. Lol!

Okay, tangent over! Fellas, be cautious out here.

Dickey9090's Avatar
Don’t be a racist.... pimps gotta make sum moneez too
TristanThick's Avatar
Lol!!!! Nothing to do with race - at all. But that’s funny.
Me Me Me....LOL
You say Hit Me Up ANytime. MAILBOX IS
TristanThick's Avatar
You say Hit Me Up ANytime. MAILBOX IS Originally Posted by Majichands
That sounds about right. Let me empty that out real quick. Try again in about 10! Would love to connect.
LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
should keep that inbox Open at all times
never know who might need to send you a love letter !
TristanThick's Avatar
should keep that inbox Open at all times
never know who might need to send you a love letter ! Originally Posted by LustyBustyGina38FF
Oh, I know, G. I’m terrible about letting it fill up. <3
JanaeLove's Avatar
You can use me as a referral. I know you’re good & I’ll vouch for you. I’ll be back next week. I’ll get a new number to you.
The downside of your post Tristan is that not one single managed girl youre addressing will even see this post
justjackie's Avatar
The downside of your post Tristan is that not one single managed girl youre addressing will even see this post
ijs Originally Posted by Butch Cassidy

Yup because their pimp does all the typing and messaging and just tells the girl who she is seeing and when.
TristanThick's Avatar
I know. Silly. I just vented in a fit of frustration. Pardon the tangent, good peeps.