Role Play

On P411 and in many bios on ECCIE, providers advertise role play as an activity of theirs. However the reality is, it is difficult to make it happen , either due to the way you set up an encounter, apathy about what you asked for or lack of the right role play idea. All in all, I have had a few that hit the mark, a few that have never taken off, etc.. What is everybody’s take on role play, any great role play sessions you want to share and I’ll even take a few PMs from those of you who want to seduce me with your role play!
I once had a June and Ward Cleaver roleplay with a very sexy lady but she had Eddie Haskell tattooed on her butt and ruined it.
Samhyde's Avatar
I think if you're trying to play out an scene, that can be hard.

But playing characters like "Daddy and step daughter" can be much easier to achieve.
SchnellerFahrer's Avatar
Doesn't work well for me.

I tried "Job Interview with young Intern and Big Boss" once, which was kinda fun (mostly because the lady is a superstar), but role play is not for me, I feel stupid trying to act out a role which is not my true nature, so it doesn't feel sexy, feels more stupid to me.
LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
if your going to pay out a scene,don't make it a novel
pick something that she will be okay with ..

I like
The Boss
Sexy Sectary
Step Mom
Neighbor Next Door who need's help fixing somethings around the house

College Professor and you need a "A"
pmdelites's Avatar
or insurance agent attempting to sell an insurance policy to a woman but requires her to show off and demonstrate her assets to make sure she's a great candidate for the ins. policy.