Major annoyance

ECCIE maintains a "last login" timestamp, which it uses to show the user new content since his last login.

About half the time when I visit ECCIE, the first action I take (usually opening some page, either a forum section or a showcase, in a new window, causes ECCIE to update the timestamp immediately, which of course wrecks ALL of the "new content" identification instantly.

This is annoying.

It doesn't happen every time. Some days, everything works seamlessly, and I can see what's new and what isn't. Other days, it fails instantly.

This behavior started recently. I PM'ed St Chris about it, but never heard back.

I don't think I have ever seen a case where it has worked initially, then failed after a few minutes.

What causes this?

Assuming that ECCIE uses multiple servers, and users are farmed out among the various servers to balance the load, is it possible that some of the servers got a broken update, and the others didn't?
LNK's Avatar
  • LNK
  • 04-28-2014, 10:21 AM
I've never had that problem. What browser are you using?
Google Chrome under Windows 7.
LNK's Avatar
  • LNK
  • 04-29-2014, 03:32 PM
Hm. I'm using the same. Are you in Incognito mode?

Try that first, and see if the problem occurs. If it does not, then try clearing cookies, cache, etc., from "normal" mode.

Incognito mode does not save cookies and such, and without digging deeper, that's the first thing that I think of that might cause your problem.
Hm. I'm using the same. Are you in Incognito mode?

Try that first, and see if the problem occurs. If it does not, then try clearing cookies, cache, etc., from "normal" mode.

Incognito mode does not save cookies and such, and without digging deeper, that's the first thing that I think of that might cause your problem. Originally Posted by LNK
Incognito mode prevents login, which sort of defeats the purpose.

And I reiterate: This behavior started RECENTLY, and it is NOT consistent.

I suspect that it has something to do with the pop-ups that are wired to most of the subforum links on the main page. I can bypass the pop up by doing Right-click "Open in New Window" or "Open in New Tab". It is completely unpredictable whether the last login date will be updated or not.
LNK's Avatar
  • LNK
  • 04-29-2014, 11:05 PM
Well, since I use Win7, with Chrome, ALWAYS use incognito mode, and seem to be logged in now, I have to say that it does not prevent login.

I've never experienced any such problems.

Try disabling all your add-ons/extensions and see if that helps. If it does, re-enable one by one until it fucks up again.
1way2rock's Avatar
You might try using the mobil site, I now use the mobil site even from my desktop just to avoid all the clutter from the ads. I have to switch to the full site when i post a review. Its
LNK's Avatar
  • LNK
  • 05-06-2014, 09:57 PM
You might try using the mobil site, I now use the mobil site even from my desktop just to avoid all the clutter from the ads. I have to switch to the full site when i post a review. Its Originally Posted by 1way2rock
Try using an ad-blocking add-on for your browser. Then you can see the site without all those annoying ads.
jframe2's Avatar
Incognito mode prevents login, which sort of defeats the purpose.. Originally Posted by Sidewinder
I use Chrome Incognito and have no problems logging-in.

It is starting to sound like the problem is a setting on your end.

Try a different browser and see if the same problem persists; get pop-up blocker extensions for all your browsers.

Good luck
I think I see what is happening. It is somehow tied to the G**D*** popup ads on the main page.

When I just plain click on a main page link, to go to a different page, if the popup ad pops up, the last visit timestamp stays correctly set. If the popup doesn't pop, the timestamp is corrupted.

I conjecture that there is something very brain-diseased in the linkage to the popup ad server.
ElumEno's Avatar
His problem is not with logging in... his problem is that when you are browsing the site and read a thread that thread should be get marked as read.
that way when you log out then back on later (on the same device) you can tell what threads you have already read and what threads are new.

All of that gets saved into a cookie file... but for some reason the site every now and then "breaks" those cookies and then has everything marked as unread.

Now if you have cookies turned off and/or using Incognito mode then you never have your browsing history saved so nothing would get marked as read.

What some do not realize is that even with cookies turned off and you have your browser set to not save your history,
Cookies and history are still saved... and most browser do not remove them on exit but deletes them once you reopen your browser.

I agree with the OP... it can be very annoying, but then I have also gotten use to it.