Infuriating habits of some indy providers

genus's Avatar
  • genus
  • 04-16-2017, 10:59 PM
This evening I was getting prepared to see someone. Now I had already been screened by her and she texts me back and says it will be later tonight and gives me a time range when she can see me. I agree no issues so I make sure my RW life does not interfere and get things ready for my rendezvous.

I ask her when she can confirm exactly what time I should expect her and she informs me "soon". "soon" comes and goes and its all quiet. The time range she gave me as to when we could meet comes and goes and not a peep from her. I even send her a note saying if we need to reschedule that was fine just let me know.

Why do providers think its ok to do this to us hobbyists? If you cant make it or something comes up just be a professional and say so but instead they like to leave us dangling. Can someone on the provider side might have a logical reason or explanation.

This seems to be happening more and more with indy's the only place that seems to be consistent at keeping their appointments are the studios.

I understand that real life happens and that is fine but let a brother know and not leave him dangling where he cant execute a backup plan.
pyramider's Avatar
It only happens to some fucktards.
jazz555's Avatar
You are correct it's unprofessional, I could come up with a few reasons. Couldn't get a room, had more pots on the stove than she could handle, etc etc. I've never had it happen to me personally , but I have been made to wait. Best laid plans can go awry, my back up plan will always be an Amp. But me being 50 shit just doesn't bother me like it used to, I just move on and don't worry about it. Cause real talk why would you care about someone who didn't care about YOU!
Im sorry that happened to you

Why do providers think its ok to do this to us hobbyists? If you cant make it or something comes up just be a professional and say so but instead they like to leave us dangling. Originally Posted by genus
First of all they don't "think its ok". you're going to hear this a lot; shit happens. There is not a hobbiest or a provider that hasn't been stood up if they have been around long enough. Things happen, kids get sick, car won't start, wreck on 35, whatever; calk it up to there are reasons as to why things happen and move along.

This seems to be happening more and more with indy's the only place that seems to be consistent at keeping their appointments are the studios Originally Posted by genus
Then why would you fuck with success? You apparently have a lot of RW things going on perhaps the studio is your best hobby option, just accept that. I will if you're willing to
oldmarine's Avatar
The advice about moving on that a others have posted is good but being left dangling like that is not acceptable to me. It takes only a few seconds to shoot off a text so unless she is unconscious there is no excuse for not extending the common courtesy of sending a cancellation text.
There are quite a few times wasters on both sides of the coin. It's happened to all of us at some point. Better luck next time OP.
genus's Avatar
  • genus
  • 04-17-2017, 11:52 AM
I have to admit if the person would txt me as early as they can to let me know hey "this has happened and these are my options" at least with me it would generate good will and desire to see them still.

Please don't get me wrong I agree time wasting happens on both ends and I am actually calling out both sides of the coin on this issue.
TheRealJohnnyRingo's Avatar
The very same traits that lead SOME of these ladies on this career path are the very same reasons why you started this thread. Ladies please spare me the "I've been wanting to be an escort since I was a kid" crap. Choices, circumstances of life,and just plain old luck one way or the other are contributing factors that got us all to arrive where we are in life. The same escorts that caused you to start this thread would fail in the real world just as they do here. By and large the opposite is true,a lady that can pull off escorting successfully would likely do just as well doing something else. I don't think many would argue that this gig can't be easy.
Newman's Avatar
Stuff happens. However, I do appreciate getting the news as early as possible. I have tolerated a lot of delay BS over the years and can smell it coming most of the time. Given a choice, I care much more about their looks and performance in the sack than as a professional appointment keeper. The real pros can do both or they have a screener that takes care of all the appt issues.
micktoz's Avatar
Doesn't seem to happen to me. But, I mostly see ladies that are professionals in other industries and do P4P as an extra.
Not only do they seem much more organized but they arrange their hobby time in specific blocks. My regulars also say that they really enjoy the escape from their other job.
berkleigh's Avatar
That's why you have me
I have to admit if the person would txt me as early as they can to let me know hey "this has happened and these are my options" at least with me it would generate good will and desire to see them still. Originally Posted by genus
Couldn't agree more. Every provider that has cancelled on me with plenty of notice, I still eventually met them at a later date (except the one who cancelled on me last week, but I am still trying to get something scheduled). This allows me to either see a plan B, or save the cover story for another day.

The one provider I had an appointment set ahead of time, and the day of the appointment got the silent treatment, I will never try to see her.

I have yet to cancel on a provider, but I figure it is only a matter of time before I do, and I would definitely let them know as soon as possible. Hopefully, who ever that provider ends up being, is as understanding as I have been.
Brandofan's Avatar
It only happens to some fucktards. Originally Posted by pyramider
I wish there was a way to dislike posts like this.

I used to respect members with high post counts before I realized that many of them get those high counts merely by stirring up shit and useless noise.
TheRealJohnnyRingo's Avatar
I wish there was a way to dislike posts like this.. Originally Posted by Brandofan
I think you just did an excellent job of doing just that. I have to believe he shot his intellectual wad on that oh so constructive comment.