Wanted to say hello and give a update on my stage 4 cancer.

Kayleehotchick's Avatar

Boy, I've had the biggest scare of my life!!! STAGE 4 cancer (cervical). It's been both an emotional and financial struggle so far.

The good news is, the chemo is working (8-10 ten hour rounds every 3 weeks) and my health is improving every day!!!! The chemo sickness is a beast and I got chemo yesterday so I'm going to be hating life for a few days. I really feel like I'm going to beat this damn cancer and survive!

So remember, health is wealth and those of you who have it, take time to really be thankful for that MASSIVE blessing you have. I can't WAIT until I get mine back.

So hello eccie world! I hope life it treating you kind and don't be afraid to say hello via pm (I don't check my pro email anymore). I don't miss the drama here but I DO miss those who keep eccie awesome and fun.

I'm bald as a boiled egg right now but I'm feeling so full of hope about life. :-)

Love and blessings to you all,
DentBick's Avatar
You're a sweetheart. Glad you're still kicking cancer in her twat.
Kayleehotchick's Avatar
Thank you so much. Your pun made me laugh so hard. Thank for the smile you just gave me. :-)
FLReWrite's Avatar
Great post, Kaylee. Much hope, I'm sure, to others who are hurting or suffering.

Your attitude must surely do wonders to assist your treatments. All the best to you.
Kayleehotchick's Avatar
Great post, Kaylee. Much hope, I'm sure, to others who are hurting or suffering.

Your attitude must surely do wonders to assist your treatments. All the best to you. Originally Posted by FLReWrite
Thank you so much! I DO believe this journey of mine is meant to help other's who are suffering so thank you for the meaningful kind words.

Going through it with 2 friends right now... Thanks for being up front here. It will inspire others to fight the good fight and support their loved ones and colleagues also. I'm rubbing my magic lamp for you (avatar) right now, and bet you look fantastic bare!!!!
Kayleehotchick's Avatar
Awwww thank you!! Sending positive healing vibes to your two friends.
My friend's grandmother is going to go as pain free as possible due to her age from stomach cancer.

I'm glad to see you fighting this and I hope to hear that you beat this.

Upside, you are saving lots of money on styling products and shampoo and hair appointments.

Downside - too many to count!

I've seen many people beat cancer and I hope to hear that you are one of them!
jayt4567's Avatar
Keep fighting you can do it.
Kayleehotchick's Avatar
Not to mention, saving money on razors....
It's all been amazing that TOTAL strangers, some as far away as India has donated to my gofundme and paypal. One lovely provider whom I've never met donated $200 out of the blue a few weeks ago.

I've really got to see how people can be so kind and loving. It's what kept me strong!!
Oh no. I'm so sorry to hear this. I hope you continue to feel better. I'm wishing you nothing but good thoughts and good vibes.
TheEccie214's Avatar
Appreciate the update and very happy to hear you're doing well. Hope the positive news continues!
waterfalllover's Avatar
Bless you dear,

having only met you once, when you first started in the hobby working out of the apartments on the west side of east loop 820 in Fort Worth. Yes that was a long time ago sweetheart!

I've prayed for you ever since this cancer demon was diagnosed. My mother had unoperable under the breast bone cancer and went through the whole kit and kabootle. She lost her hair too. Passed 12/92

It's Really good to hear you & your upbeat positive attitude and talking about it! You Go girl!
Hey Kaylee !!
Though we have never met before, I wish you a very speedy recovery !!
And, very happy to hear of your Successful Battle with the dreaded disease !!! Wish you all the very best !!
Kayleehotchick's Avatar
Thank you so much everyone!!!

I hope to make it through this battle and help others who are in a very dark place themselves and going through something so scary. I TRULY believe that keeping a positive attitude about the whole thing (even though I had some VERY dark days) is HUGE in surviving this disease. Now don't get me wrong, I still have a road to travel but I AM getting batter.

Every seed we sow, comes back to us weather it's good or bad. Believe me a kind word goes a long way when someone is suffering.

Health is wealth!