How to Meet......

Here's the situation: There’s this really hot looking lady that lives at my apartment complex. I’ve seen her several times, going to & from her car, however I don’t know which apartment she lives in. We’ve waved to each other, and I’d really like to meet her. She doesn't have a set schedule, so short of hanging around her car 24/7, to try and strike up an "innocent" convo, my chances of encountering her are slim and none.

Question for the ladies: If an attractive looking man you’ve met only by a wave put a note on your windshield and asked you to text him, would you? Or would you report him to the apt mgt, or LEO?
Stalk her a little longer...
Find out where she lives in the unit and send her flowers with your number☺
Just put forth your best effort in presentation without being too forward.
Send Red Roses ( we love those) it adds intrigue.
Unless,you want to send a fruit basket with a welcome new neighbor note��

Do not leave the note on the windshield that's just kinda,weird people get highjacked☺.auto thefts.

Just be polite in your note with out being too pushy about how hot you think she looks.

Oh and if she's a provider ��
Good luck..we don't date at all

She may be interested in a "friend "
I'd go with the dear neighbor welcome basket and work your way up to ��the good stuff.

DEAR Abby rates��

That will be 20.00
Do you have any cash apps?

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Question for the ladies: If an attractive looking man you’ve met only by a wave put a note on your windshield and asked you to text him, would you? Or would you report him to the apt mgt, or LEO? Originally Posted by Oldrogue
1.) No...No...and No!!! That's tacky as fuck.

2.) Do you consider yourself attractive as you see her? Be realistic is all I'm saying. Sometimes (and we're all guilty of it at times) people look in the mirror and see George Clooney when they're really dealing with Homer Simpson.

If you're really set on meeting her the one thing you shouldnt do is misjudge intent. In the real world in 2020 women speak if spoken to and sometimes are very nice...however, dont get yourself caught in misjudging intent. You're seeing a "hello" as "Ohh she thinks I'm hot" while she's likely seeing your hello as "ooh what a nice old man." Now if you still have confidence that you can approach her then acknowledge that you are being a bit creepy but go ahead and take your time and be patient. Try waiting the same time you saw her last time and eventually you'll get a break. But dont do no silly shit like putting a note on her car. It's likely to freak her out and she will likely tell her friends about it and they will likely laugh at your gesture which means by the time you formally meet she will already think you're a creep.

Just chill and be patient. Go watch some porn or book a session in the meantime.
MarcellusWalluz's Avatar
Whether he looks like Clooney or Simpson doesn't matter, he has confidence so that's all he needs. He should wait until he runs into her again and strike up conversation & go from there.
OK, thanks everyone for your opinions & suggestions; I'll hold off on the note and will try to be more patient and meet her in a more conventional manner .