Another Reason Newt Will Lose

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Hmmm . . . I guess Mr. Constitution wasn't always that way. If Newt lasts through January, I'll be surprised.

I think that Newt and Romney have effectively shot each other. There is a vacuum at the top right now, and it would be a good time for Huntsman to come out of hiding. He will look like the only adult in the room, and I think he's the odds on favorite for the Republican nomination.

Of course, I picked Perry earlier. Not one of my more brilliant moments. But I'm not supporting any of them anyway, it's just fun to watch.

You've lost your mind. Huntsman stands absolutely zero chance of being the GOP nonminee. Not going to happen.

It'll be Newt or Romney....who are now calling on each other to return the millions of dollars each has made: Newt while lobbying against the interests of the American people and Mitt while running companies into the ground yet ensuring a personal profit while doing so....

It's surreal.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
It was an observation. You have anger issues.

joe bloe's Avatar
Huntsman is a total Rino and so is Newt. I'd prefer Bachmann, Santorum or even Romney.

I heard this morning that Newt's favorite president is FDR. He is also a big fan of Andy Stern, former president of the SEIU, Marxist and good buddies with Babaoona.

We need another Ronald Reagan.
Roothead's Avatar
As a registered Republican, but one that votes across party lines, I am very disappointed in the current crop of Republican presidential candidates....

It is soooo funny that they invoke the image of RR, to somehow align their respective platforms to that of the "great communicator"

Not one has a chance in hell, IMHO:

Also Ran's: Rick P, Rick S, Michelle B, H Cain and even good old Ron P - too fringe oriented - while the die hard right wingers may embrace them, the general public will not

Huntsman: a bright and accomplished guy, I wish he had more "ummphf" going for him, but I fear that he is just a distraction

Newt: where do we begin? Another bright guy, albeit one that can be crackpot.... it is too funny how the religious right is now embracing an admitted adulterer (+2xs - right?).... guess core religious beliefs can be adjusted as circumstances require...

Mitt: arguably a very successful businessman and governor, he is ironically not acceptable to the right because of his religious beliefs

Obama and team are enjoying the on-going Republican melt down.... while Ronnie is rolling in his grave
waverunner234's Avatar
Huntsman is a total Rino and so is Newt. I'd prefer Bachmann, Santorum or even Romney.

I heard this morning that Newt's favorite president is FDR. He is also a big fan of Andy Stern, former president of the SEIU, Marxist and good buddies with Babaoona.

We need another Bill Clinton. Originally Posted by joe bloe
I thought I'd fix it for you. You don't have to thank me, I always try to help.