can you SMELL it?

Black Gold.....

Texas Tea....
No, thankfully I have you on Ignore. I am spared the odor.
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 11-09-2024, 05:13 PM
The Drummer's Avatar
No, thankfully I have you on Ignore. I am spared the odor. Originally Posted by brasil
well thank you for

the utmost compliment although

do you have the button in the

On position...

nevertheless I will read your funny posts

for the entertainment value

weather you like it or not

doesn't change the fact we need

the strategic oil reserves for our protection

you don't fill that back up by paying Russia or iran

to undermine our interests

you fill it back up with our GOD GIVEN

reserves under our feet with OUR citizens

creating jobs fool

not drawing it down to our own peril

trying to artificially keeping gas prices down

luckily that strategy fell flat on its ass

not by my opinion but your side had

to recognize that also to cross over and landslide

your ass outta power

so don't take my word for it but

by all means keep pressing harder on your failed shit