81 million votes my ass the truth bomb

Redhot1960's Avatar
Ripmany's Avatar
Lazy demcract, only 81 million votes should 10 billions if I was running the printer.
winn dixie's Avatar
No matter what happened. Biden is president. And will be in 24 if we don't dump trump for good. Conspiracy theories are killing the gop. Time to move on from 2020. Nothing is gonna change.
Redhot1960's Avatar
No matter what happened. Biden is president. And will be in 24 if we don't dump trump for good. Conspiracy theories are killing the gop. Time to move on from 2020. Nothing is gonna change. Originally Posted by winn dixie

Your Dailey Reminder
No matter what happened. Biden is president. And will be in 24 if we don't dump trump for good. Conspiracy theories are killing the gop. Time to move on from 2020. Nothing is gonna change. Originally Posted by winn dixie
... "No matter what happened"...

#### Salty
winn dixie's Avatar
And Biden is still prez. No matter how many conspiracy theories come out.
ICU 812's Avatar
No matter what happened. Biden is president. And will be in 24 if we don't dump trump for good. Conspiracy theories are killing the gop. Time to move on from 2020. Nothing is gonna change. Originally Posted by winn dixie
If President Trump is not the Republican Candidate in 2024, President Biden will have to face a Republican who is seen by regular folks to be an actual adult.

Mr. Biden will be compared to a man or woman who is intellectually sharp and physically vigorous. By comparison, Mr. Biden will appear to be an intellectually incompetent, drooling old fool.

The Democrats better hope that Mr. Trump is still on the campaign trail in October of 2024.
  • cc314
  • 06-12-2023, 08:39 AM
Yep, 81 million votes and 306 electoral votes, certified on 01/06/2021. The Defendant would call that a landslide victory, maybe the greatest margin of victory in the history of victories.

Multiple unnecessary investigations of voter fraud, including unsuccessful Cyber Ninjas (they found more votes for Biden, TFF).
And don't forget the unsuccessful trials. "We weren't allowed to provide evidence,"...nope. The evidence wasn't there. Was it Rudy G. that said, "We've got lots of theories, we just don't have the evidence." (JFC!)? Here's the thing: you can lie to the public, but you can't lie in a court of law without opening yourself up to perjury charges. You can tell the public you have evidence of voter fraud, but you have to produce it for a court of law. I remember an AZ judge (appointed by the 45th President) even took a look at the evidence...and noped out.

Anyway, what kind of loser loses to a stuttering, gravity-sensitive (the Earth just loves to hug him), old man?

Still waiting for credible evidence of massive election fraud. Poor songwriting won't cut it.
  • Tiny
  • 06-12-2023, 10:24 AM
No matter what happened. Biden is president. And will be in 24 if we don't dump trump for good. Conspiracy theories are killing the gop. Time to move on from 2020. Nothing is gonna change. Originally Posted by winn dixie
Winn Dixie, I don't think our friends recognize that Trump is losing elections for us. And if we nominate him in 2024 we'll lose again. Forget the polls, the Democrats are mad as hell at him, and they're going to turn out in huge numbers to vote if Trump's on the ballot.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
You should answer that call, because reality doesn't leave a voicemail message. Even at 81million (My Ass) votes, that's still roughly a 50/50 split. Sure some will go one direction or the other in a pinch, as we have seen throughout history, but it's, at best, a 50/50 split. More likely to be a 60/40 for the good guys, as I would see some of the "woke" actually waking up in the course of human events..

At worst, it's a small matter of where the split lives. In this case, one side lives on the coasts - which would mean there is only one side to blockade. The rest live in big cities, scattered about - meaning they just need cut-off at a few major access points and encircled.

Odd Aside: Keep your eyes on Philly with the I-95 closure and you'll get an idea. All of a sudden millions of people will get routed through surface streets and the lovely, yet highly unrefined, avenues of Kennsington. Good times fo sho.

Look, this sort of thing has gone on for thousands of years. It's called history. Eventually, one side gets a bit uppity about about it's fine self and imposes their tyranny on the other. We are here.

The other side is scattered about the country side, with some burrowed within the the confines of the tyrants domain (enemy within) and that's a good thing.As you may surmise, not that we have a full and complete - let alone legal - gun registry - but most know the disbursement level of such things favors one side over the other. Plus they would have God on their side, not Satan.

But back to history. Cities have been besieged forever and they do fall. Not fun, certainly not pretty. Guess you could say Reality is a beotch. Might even go so far as to say it can be Biblical at times. Most likely true in this case, given the level of Satanic perversion prevalent on the bad-guys' side. And let's be honest about it - many of those cities are rotting and destroying themselves already (sheet-holes) .A little extra "pressure" exerted on them and they will devolve into one seriously hot mess with little to no escape routes. One should read some of the writings by a Mac Slavo. he has lived through besieged cities like this. Cities do devolve when under extreme pressure - basically.

Here is the really, really sucky bit about reality - at this point it just don't matter about Trump personally. If he's convicted it happens, if he's acquitted it happens, if he gets jailed then pardoned it happens. Maybe you haven't done that math yet.

From Jules Winnfield - Philosophy major? and Biblical scholar?
“Ezekiel 25:17. "The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness. For he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost <non-voting aged denizens>. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know I am the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon you."..."
Gheeesh, May Heaven help us all:

Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the
wickedness and snares of the devil; may God rebuke him, we humbly pray. O Prince
of the heavenly host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all the evil
spirits who wander through the world for ruin of souls. Amen.

Maybe you should read more, but yeah, yeah, yeah - I know - kinda heavy and dark, stark even - but that realty thing can be a real beotch if you ain't paying attention to it., Be careful out there and have a Nice Day
  • cc314
  • 06-12-2023, 03:07 PM
The Defendant said a 304-to-227 victory was a landslide victory, so 306 to 232 is still a landslide using his definition, but okay, the 2016 result had a higher margin of victory than the 2020 result. Speaking of reality, there have been biglyer victories than 2016 or 2020, https://www.thoughtco.com/landslide-...-votes-3367489 . In reality, neither 2016 nor 2020 was a landslide.

Did someone mention the Bible? https://www.benjaminlcorey.com/could...l-predictions/
Blah, blah, blah.
Just more bad math and bad fiction.
If you like dead authors try Clive Cussler.
You should answer that call, because reality doesn't leave a voicemail message. Even at 81million (My Ass) votes, that's still roughly a 50/50 split. Sure some will go one direction or the other in a pinch, as we have seen throughout history, but it's, at best, a 50/50 split. More likely to be a 60/40 for the good guys, as I would see some of the "woke" actually waking up in the course of human events..

At worst, it's a small matter of where the split lives. In this case, one side lives on the coasts - which would mean there is only one side to blockade. The rest live in big cities, scattered about - meaning they just need cut-off at a few major access points and encircled.

Odd Aside: Keep your eyes on Philly with the I-95 closure and you'll get an idea. All of a sudden millions of people will get routed through surface streets and the lovely, yet highly unrefined, avenues of Kennsington. Good times fo sho.

Look, this sort of thing has gone on for thousands of years. It's called history. Eventually, one side gets a bit uppity about about it's fine self and imposes their tyranny on the other. We are here.

The other side is scattered about the country side, with some burrowed within the the confines of the tyrants domain (enemy within) and that's a good thing.As you may surmise, not that we have a full and complete - let alone legal - gun registry - but most know the disbursement level of such things favors one side over the other. Plus they would have God on their side, not Satan.

But back to history. Cities have been besieged forever and they do fall. Not fun, certainly not pretty. Guess you could say Reality is a beotch. Might even go so far as to say it can be Biblical at times. Most likely true in this case, given the level of Satanic perversion prevalent on the bad-guys' side. And let's be honest about it - many of those cities are rotting and destroying themselves already (sheet-holes) .A little extra "pressure" exerted on them and they will devolve into one seriously hot mess with little to no escape routes. One should read some of the writings by a Mac Slavo. he has lived through besieged cities like this. Cities do devolve when under extreme pressure - basically.

Here is the really, really sucky bit about reality - at this point it just don't matter about Trump personally. If he's convicted it happens, if he's acquitted it happens, if he gets jailed then pardoned it happens. Maybe you haven't done that math yet.

From Jules Winnfield - Philosophy major? and Biblical scholar?Gheeesh, May Heaven help us all:

Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the
wickedness and snares of the devil; may God rebuke him, we humbly pray. O Prince
of the heavenly host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all the evil
spirits who wander through the world for ruin of souls. Amen.

Maybe you should read more, but yeah, yeah, yeah - I know - kinda heavy and dark, stark even - but that realty thing can be a real beotch if you ain't paying attention to it., Be careful out there and have a Nice Day Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
As you may recall:
Joe Biden announces he is running for president in 2020
By Arlette Saenz, CNN Updated 9:42 AM EDT, Thu April 25, 2019
But when was he told he was going to run anyway? These things take a lot of planning and multiple discussion, with multiple parties over a long period of time.

For example: Here is a transcript of a recorded call, from 10/25/2018 at 7:14 PM EDT, that was found on ye olde laptop which 51 current and former intelligence officials, the LambSCREAM media, NYT and our very own VS said does not exist and then is clearly Muh Russia, Russia, Russia disinformation, but subsequently does exist after a Presidential election.

Apparently, ye olde laptop's previous owner had some doubts that Slow Joe would necessarily be the nominee to garner said 81 Million votes.
  • cc314
  • 06-13-2023, 07:08 AM
marcopolousa.org, an organization co-founded by former 45 White House adviser Garrett Ziegler. Do you have a better source?
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
marcopolousa.org, an organization co-founded by former 45 White House adviser Garrett Ziegler. Do you have a better source? Originally Posted by cc314
How would that mean he can't run a decent website? Are you better credentialed yourself? You going to share stories of your own working years, advising US Presidents?