dont forget when the recovery started claims obama

throughout obama's white house tenure he blamed bush constantly for all bad news or downturns in the economy or elsewhere

he now reaches forward to claim credit for anything good happening in trumps administration while also saying things like trump has no regard for working people

obama has been taking credit for the historically good economic numbers that are occurring under the Trump administration in a series of speeches around the country.

don't forget when it started he and his minions tell everyone

what I remember was the almost immediate turn in the economy and various economic indicators upon trump taking office

it was a stark and immediate turn, that's what I noticed and do recall

it was as if the entire nation took an immediate sigh of relief that the leftist was gone and his millstone with him

responding to obama , the trump administration had kevin hassett, chairman of the council of economic advisors, fact-check obama’s claim, during a press briefing. hassett said, “One of the hypotheses that’s been floating around about the economy lately is that the strong economy that we are seeing is just a continuation of recent trends. You know, since we are the nerds of the White House, we decided this was a testable hypothesis.”

now here are the charts presented