Psychological dependence on male enhancer drugs

I have a male friend who is in his early 40's who has used Cialis for years now off and on. He says he went to the doctor several times and had a complete workup, cholesterol, heart, etc. All came out fine. When he isn't taking the Cialis he says he gets semi hard but stresses and thinks that his body has something wrong even though he has been told he is fine and this could all be in his head.

I really do think he has built up a psychological dependence to the male enhancement drug. He will absolutely fret and worry when he runs out and can't perform sexually unless he is on it. I do think that this has become a real problem for him.

Has anyone else out there experienced something similar?

A curious mind wants to know.
I think it's possible. I've never used any of those male enhancemet drugs( Viagra,Cialis, Levitra) But I workout regularly and use a lot of Bodybuilding supplements. When I run out, or cycle off of them for a little while, I notice my workouts are a bit more difficult to get through. Iam sure it varies from person to person. He should try and rely on his body to do what its designed to do than to depend on a little pill. Iam in my early 50's telling ya this. So it's not always age.
Yea, I tried to tell him it isn't age either, but he has it in his head that it is. No matter what I say to him he just puts up a wall to any suggestion. I feel bad for him, just wish I could make him see it is all in his head. I really do think he is dependent on them and I am like you with the though he needs to allow his body to respond in a natural way and use his imagination to let things follow through.

I also think he is one of those who gets easily distracted, so I often times think that might be another problem as well. ADD?
London Rayne's Avatar
Most likely any drug is possible to get hooked on. It's amazing how powerful our minds are and the thoughts we let dictate our lives. If one truly believes they can't function without it, they won't. It's his mind that is the problem...not the drug.
Yea, I tried to tell him it isn't age either, but he has it in his head that it is. No matter what I say to him he just puts up a wall to any suggestion. I feel bad for him, just wish I could make him see it is all in his head. I really do think he is dependent on them and I am like you with the though he needs to allow his body to respond in a natural way and use his imagination to let things follow through.

I also think he is one of those who gets easily distracted, so I often times think that might be another problem as well. ADD? Originally Posted by Guilty Pleasures
Well as you age Testosterone levels fall and can affect sexual performance as well as sports performance. I've used Test booster that really weren't that strong. Nitrous Oxide supp can be as good as Viagra and all those. In fact Viagra activates the Nitrous Oxide that our body would normally produce anyway thats one of the pathways. I can't say how NO2 would work for him in the bedroom but it is outstanding in the gym, lol. Especially on tight dense muscle tissue like in the Shoulders, Upper and lower arms and calves. Anyway it probably won't hurt him so don't worry about it to much. One day out of the blue he may decide to stop using it.
Most likely any drug is possible to get hooked on. It's amazing how powerful our minds are and the thoughts we let dictate our lives. If one truly believes they can't function without it, they won't. It's his mind that is the problem...not the drug. Originally Posted by London Rayne
Iam sure you believe the cliche " What the mind can concieve the body can achieve"
SlowHand50's Avatar
Some good BLS might convince him the pills aren't needed . . .
London Rayne's Avatar
Iam sure you believe the cliche " What the mind can concieve the body can achieve" Originally Posted by acp5762
If I could only believe it for myself, I might be able to convince myself I can be less of a biaatch without my little pill.
doublebogey49's Avatar
I agree that the little blue pill (or orange or yellow) gives a guy a much greater sense of security. I use them whenever the opportunity arises (there's a pun in there somewhere) just to make things easier. Of course, there's a difference between a guy in his early 40s vs. early 60s. I have tried to explain to my SO that as a guy gets older, he needs more stimulation to get and stay hard, but it isn't meant to be. So in that scenario, it's a must. When seeing a provider, where the chance of extended stimulation is much greater, my motivation for taking the pill is that I don't want to miss out on a great experience or to embarrass myself with someone I really don't know that well. In addition, I haven't been at this all that long and I am usually kind of nervous, especially when seeing someone for the first time. I hate to say it, but there is also that factor that I am spending a certain amount of money and want to get the most out of it. Funny thing is I never really need it during a solo performance, so it might well all be in my head. My urologist isn't all that encouraging, though, since he says 60% of guys my age have a problem "in that area". As long as I can fill a prescription, I will continue to do so to enjoy that comforting feeling that everything is going to be in working order.
jughead1171's Avatar
Never used anything so can only hazard a guess but I suspect it is probably in his head. Mental or physical though it is going to be just as tough to overcome.
shorty's Avatar
If I could only believe it for myself, I might be able to convince myself I can be less of a biaatch without my little pill. Originally Posted by London Rayne
Its all about your tolerance to being patient with other people and being stress free. If you can conquer these two things, then a person doesn't need to be dependant on pills. Your not a biaatch, your just yourself!