
How does the reference thing work? A provider requires references, how do I do that? Is it a link to their profile? I dunno! School me please
tallliwhacker's Avatar
Something a former mod once posted on the same question.... Basically, find an ECCIE lady that also advertises on BP.....his quote from that thread.....

Well said ladies. Thanks for speaking up.

We have a great corner of ECCIE, where the ladies actually contribute more to the discussions than in most of the board. I credit this with the overall lack of drama we have here (compared to elsewhere on the board).

Strange, to recap: Schedule one of the ladies that also advertises on BP.

IN GENERAL, the screening process is lighter.

I recommend you DO TELL THEM that you are an ECCIE member and a newbie, that you have done your research and will be asking to use them as a reference in the future.

I am big on laying things out up front. SOME of the ladies on both BP and ECCIE here, have different menus and/or prices for BP vs ECCIE gents. Always best to do your research. Feel free to ask any questions along the way.

Be polite, clean, on time and have the proper donation. Treat the ladies with respect.

It gets easier as you go along.

I have met many wonderful ladies here, to include all the ladies in this thread. Good people, all.

Try not to take yourself to seriously, give the benefit of the doubt, be respectful, be honest in your reviews and enjoy your time in our corner of the hobby world.

Each of us was a newbie at one time.


OldSarge Originally Posted by OldSarge
From me, Welcome. I hope you enjoy our corner. The Search button is your friend and a post like this made in CoEd would get more people chiming in on answers.

Good luck,