Socialism works fine untill you run out of someone elses money

oden's Avatar
  • oden
  • 07-01-2010, 09:20 PM
The Iron Lady summed it up well.
Mazomaniac's Avatar
And capitalism works fine until somebody gets too much money.

Perhaps we can just settle on something in between? You know, like every single country on the planet?

And capitalism works fine until somebody gets too much money.

Perhaps we can just settle on something in between? You know, like every single country on the planet?

Mazo. Originally Posted by Mazomaniac

John Bull's Avatar
Take from those who work and give to those who support the regime.
discreetgent's Avatar
Take from those who work and give to those who support the regime. Originally Posted by John Bull
You must mean the Bush II tax cuts, right?
Frank Zappatista's Avatar
Take from those who work and give to those who support the regime. Originally Posted by John Bull
This is complete bullshit.

Who were the workers in this nation that toiled to produce (work!) and got fucked when their jobs were shit-canned to Red China and elsewhere? Who sold those same workers out? Ah, it was wealthy Capitalists, right?

I know who it WASN'T! It wasn't the American working man and woman. The Blue-Collar backbone of this nation was broken in half by the boundless avarice of corporations.

Show me a single human being who became wealthy by working his/her ass off, by his or herself, meaning he or she did ALL the work and I'll suck your dick. To run a company large enough, successful enough, to generate wealth requires a clan, a tribe, a labor force, a family if you will. One man or woman cannot do it alone.

Fuck Ayn Rand and her addle-brained hangers-on.

One (wo)man is incapable of becoming wealthy without the exploitation of another. You can puff smoke all day long trying to argue otherwise, but that dog will not hunt.
Rudyard K's Avatar
Show me a single human being who became wealthy by working his/her ass off, by his or herself, meaning he or she did ALL the work and I'll suck your dick. Originally Posted by Frank Zappatista

I'm getting a little woody just thinking about it.
Frank Zappatista's Avatar
Rud, I'll take that as an attempt at levity; else, I can only point out what should be obvious: That a lottery winner is not an example to match my challenge.
oden's Avatar
  • oden
  • 07-02-2010, 03:00 PM
How about Rush Limbaugh? LMAO
discreetgent's Avatar
Speaking of Rush I can't wait to hear what he says about the latest gaffe by the chairman of the Republican National Committee. A sample of reaction from Limbaugh allies:
pyramider's Avatar

I'm getting a little woody just thinking about it. Originally Posted by Rudyard K

Be sure to post if he swallows or spits.
oden's Avatar
  • oden
  • 07-02-2010, 04:11 PM
I agree with Kristol, Steele needs to go.
John Bull's Avatar
This is complete bullshit.

Who were the workers in this nation that toiled to produce (work!) and got fucked when their jobs were shit-canned to Red China and elsewhere? Who sold those same workers out? Ah, it was wealthy Capitalists, right?

I know who it WASN'T! It wasn't the American working man and woman. The Blue-Collar backbone of this nation was broken in half by the boundless avarice of corporations.

Show me a single human being who became wealthy by working his/her ass off, by his or herself, meaning he or she did ALL the work and I'll suck your dick. To run a company large enough, successful enough, to generate wealth requires a clan, a tribe, a labor force, a family if you will. One man or woman cannot do it alone.

Fuck Ayn Rand and her addle-brained hangers-on.

One (wo)man is incapable of becoming wealthy without the exploitation of another. You can puff smoke all day long trying to argue otherwise, but that dog will not hunt. Originally Posted by Frank Zappatista
After that diatribe from a person who obviously hates the American system, I'm almost speechless. Just for the record, Bush was a closet Progressive and his financial policies were crap just like all Progressive financial policies.
Frank Zappatista's Avatar
After that diatribe from a person who obviously hates the American system, I'm almost speechless. Just for the record, Bush was a closet Progressive and his financial policies were crap just like all Progressive financial policies. Originally Posted by John Bull

I don't hate the American System. I believe in "liberty and justice for all" as did this nation's founders.
John Bull's Avatar
Well one of the hallmarks of liberty is for the government to stay out of the people's pockets, bedrooms, houses in general and to the greatest degree possible, out of their lives.
Please don't start hollering about politicians of one party or the other. They all suck! And they pretty much all love to erode our freedoms.