Ebola in Central Texas

illuminati's Avatar
I'm not trying to scare anyone but it turns out that two central Texans were on the same Frontier Airlines flight that the other Dallas nurse was on. This is the nurse which was seen on the news today being flown to the CDC in Atlanta. It's scary how quickly this disease can spread.
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Ah say nuke 'em all. Frum Africa ta Dallas ta Belton ta Lubbock ta Amarillo. Nuke 'em all. Better safe than sorry.
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 10-16-2014, 04:52 PM
Stop all inbound flights from those countries...
Isolate ALL potential contacts with any ebola patients...

All the while our government, CDC, media outlets say "there is nothing to worry about"...

Go look at what they were saying before...."no way anyone gets infected here because we know how to protect ourselves".

Now you are hearing "we made mistakes".

When are the mistakes big enough to actually take drastic measures to STOP the spread?

And now one fool on fox comes on reading from a teleprompter telling us we are silly to worry? A fucking news broadcaster???

The dumbing down of America is at an all time high.
nuglet's Avatar
too funny. When I brought this up after the first news report, there was a lot of pooh pooh's.. NOW it has attention.. Doesn't seem so innocuous now does it..?
And our Brilliant government is sending 5000 troops directly to the hot spot to build housing for isolation.. YEAH.. that probably won't backfire.. lol
Perfect Playmate's Avatar
I believe it to be very serious. The government is not going to allow information out that will cause people to freak out. They are releasing enough to make you aware as well as the things they can not hide. They are not going to school you on how serious the situation is or how easy it is to catch... I hope everyone takes it serious... Don't freak out, there is not much you can do... But don't just run with what the news is reporting... There is more to it...
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Ah thinck e'erybody 'roundt 'bout h'yar oughta pack yer bags and git pree-pared ta head ta one o' them thar FEMA concentrayshun camps thet Obama's been pree-parin' fer all y'all since Day One. Right after he takes yer guns away so yew won't be able ta say no ta tha FEMA/CDC stormtroopers.
fun2come's Avatar
Think this will bring hoogar prices down?
Stop the monthly Salmon runs?

We are ways off from that. Still No State of Fear here, but disappointed how poorly this all has been handled.

I am concerned about and have sympathy for the people affected and infected.
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 10-16-2014, 10:26 PM
Think this will bring hoogar prices down?
Stop the monthly Salmon runs?

We are ways off from that. Still No State of Fear here, but disappointed how poorly this all has been handled.

I am concerned about and have sympathy for the people affected and infected. Originally Posted by fun2come
They showed the first girl infected in her room before she was moved to Maryland. She is so cute & sweet & tiny....and she was in such good sprits. I sincerely hope she pulls through and has no permanent effects from this.

She was just doing her job & had no idea that guy lied to get into the country and now her life is in danger....

BTW now we have someone voluntarily isolated in Georgetown who was in close proximity to the second infected nurse...

Is Georgetown a bit closer for everyone or still "too far away"....
fun2come's Avatar
Is Georgetown a bit closer for everyone or still "too far away".... Originally Posted by Toyz
I can't see Georgetown from my house ....

... but the world has become flat again, so everything is basically a short plane ride away. Point in case.
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Ah'm sorry fer them four people thet feller was a livin' wif in thet apartamento. Eemagine, a-eatin' an' a-sleepin' an' a-bathin' an' a-sittin' 'round an' a-goin' ta tha baffroom wif a guy sicker n' a dawg wif tha ebolarooskie fer days an' days a-fore tha hospital finally took'em in. As fast as thet thing is a spreadin' an' a-killin' folks, them pore basterds mus' be six feet unner tha ground by now. It's bin 'bout three weeks sincet ennybuddy's heard from them folks. Ah betcha they dun gave up tha ghost. Last Ah herd they wuz quarranteened but thet wuz prolly jus' a cuvver story. Thet ol' CDC's prolly jus' a-keepin' thar 'orrible dee-mise all hush-hush ta keep from a-causin' a panic.
The CDC is a force to be reckoned with.

There were 4 cases of the pneumonic plague in Colorado this year.
It's an airborne virus and only 4 cases.

Given that Ebola has no cure or vaccine, I'm sure they are going to be working over time on this one.
Something needs to be done about the source.

As for the hobby and the 2 from central texas..... That is pretty scary.
Limited GFE time? eek!

Then again the Ebola virus is only communicable though bodily fluid. The nurse was in contact with the infected man. The Central-Texans where just on the same plane with her. The chances they came in contact with her bodily fluid, though possible, are slim...... but still. Eek!
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 10-17-2014, 08:20 AM
The CDC is a force to be reckoned with.

There were 4 cases of the pneumonic plague in Colorado this year.
It's an airborne virus and only 4 cases.

Given that Ebola has no cure or vaccine, I'm sure they are going to be working over time on this one.
Something needs to be done about the source.

As for the hobby and the 2 from central texas..... That is pretty scary.
Limited GFE time? eek!

Then again the Ebola virus is only communicable though bodily fluid. The nurse was in contact with the infected man. The Central-Texans where just on the same plane with her. The chances they came in contact with her bodily fluid, though possible, are slim...... but still. Eek! Originally Posted by Ebony Jasmine Love Austin
"Only contractable from bodily fluid"

How do we know that?

Because our friends in the media have told us that, and they are never wrong...

"No one here will contract this because we are taking all precautions"

Again...from our media. How'd that work out for us?

I'm being smartassed for a reason EJ. I would submit that we DON'T know as much about this disease as we think. I would further submit that the nurses not being contained is quite possibly just the tip of the iceberg.

Also...sweat is a "bodily fluid" is it not? And why is snot that's sneezed on you not a bodily fluid?

I don't think we are being told the whole truth because they don't KNOW the whole truth.

Nothing's scarier than people who talk in absolutes... (There is NO danger....we will NOT catch this).
I made sure to give an example of how the CDC has success in containing communicable disease. Then I still mentioned it's a scary thing.

I don't believe everything the media says either and no I'm not a pathologist.
If you have some info that I don't, please share. If you can speak of specific misinformation in the media, I am open to hearing you out.

Do you want me to go running in circles with you? I mean I could use the excersize, but damn!

Calm down dude.
Centaur's Avatar
From a current micro-perspective, I'd say the risk of contracting the disease is smaller than numerous other daily risks waiting for you to step out your door in the morning. From a macro-perspective, there's an unknown and thus unquantifiable (by us peasants, anyway) risk of an epidemic in the US. But if it does become an epidemic, the micro-risk will skyrocket, even if it isn't airborne. Right now the best thing you can do is push the State and Federal government to light a fire under the CDC. But I'm not convinced it's time for martial law.

Just my 2 pence.
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 10-17-2014, 10:12 AM
EJ...when u say something that you are passionate about I don't say "quit flipping out". Its simply discussion topic.

And it's the MINIMIZERS that scare me the most Centaur. The ones that say "oh the chances are small".

They were the same ones saying "no one in the US will catch it, its thousands of miles away".

All I AM saying is the CDC and Washington are not reacting properly and we...as a people...should not parrot what we hear like the minions we've become.

WHY is it a government decision always? A bunch of lemmings waiting to be told "its dangerous...no it's not dangerous"...