does hobbying make you less sensitive to love...

As a single hobbyist who has(or had) plans to find a love someday, I have noticed that, since I started hobbying I am becoming less sensitive to love or even to pursue real relationship. Has this occured to you ? Is this a common consequence of hobbying?
lizardking's Avatar
Maybe. But, on the other hand, it helps with latex and peanut allergies. So as far as sensitivity goes, I thinks it's a wash.
landon's Avatar
I have found I enjoy hobbying more than the traditional relationship with all its BS. I believe my sexual preference is to rotate 3 or 4 hot gals for great sex and skip all that relationship garbage.

I have been seeing this young housewife whore x stripper for a coupla years and have experienced more intense sex enjoyment with her than I ever did with my wife at that age. I have found there a lot of women off SD sites wanting to get in the game too.
It means you are not ready for it, so don't worry about it. When it is time, you will know.,
It means you are not ready for it, so don't worry about it. When it is time, you will know., Originally Posted by hartboyz20
Pica Flor's Avatar
I do not believe it makes you less sensitive to love but I do believe it significantly raises your expectations from one to love. I also believe it makes it very difficult to leave the hobby even if you find the right one
Still Looking's Avatar
LOVE..... give me a break. If there was such a thing hobbying would be done!
SoHouNeedsGFE's Avatar
Maybe not less sensative to love, but certainly less tolerant of the BS that sometimes comes in relationships, and definately your going to have a more difficult time finding someone is sexually compatible. IMHO
One of my single clients told me that having a sexual release with me enabled him to date the way he wanted to date.

He didn't rush to the sex while he was still getting to know a woman. He could let the relationship build based on emotional connection, not on his immediate physical needs.

He also wouldn't bother sleeping with a woman he knew was bad news. Previously he WOULD sleep with this type and then have the drama of trying to extract himself from her.
  • Sami
  • 05-15-2011, 07:47 AM
I actually have many single guys who visit. We talk about this, some say they don't have the time it takes to put in a relationship due to their jobs,traveling, ect. Then I have the ones that say it's too much bs to have a relationship.

I also had a guy say that if he goes on a date with a civie, that by the time he takes her to dinner, out for the evening. He could drop a couple hundred and not even get a kiss at the end of the evening. So he finds it more satisfying taking me to dinner, and less stressing to know he will be happy at the end of our date.

He doesn't have to worry if I will call him.
He doesn't have to worry if I will get mad because he didn't call me the next day.
He can call me and I will always be happy to see him.
He can call me for a reference if he wants to see another lady, without me being pissy.

I think if a guy is single and is not ready to settle the hobby world will satisfy him and teach him alot, until he is ready to commit.
K2S0's Avatar
  • K2S0
  • 05-15-2011, 08:46 AM
does hobbying make you less sensitive to love...
no, your individual interpretations of your personal experiences do.
this is not limited to anything within the hobby

for example my sensitivities to love have been shaped far more by
experiences suffered from outside the hobby than from anything within it.

One of my single clients told me that having a sexual release with me enabled him to date the way he wanted to date.

He didn't rush to the sex while he was still getting to know a woman. He could let the relationship build based on emotional connection, not on his immediate physical needs.
Originally Posted by HoneyRose
I'm also in agreement with this sentiment. When the "driving need for sexual release"
is removed from the equation, personal, not just romantic, relationships become a little
more simplified.
I actually have many single guys who visit. We talk about this, some say they don't have the time it takes to put in a relationship due to their jobs,traveling, ect. Then I have the ones that say it's too much bs to have a relationship.

I also had a guy say that if he goes on a date with a civie, that by the time he takes her to dinner, out for the evening. He could drop a couple hundred and not even get a kiss at the end of the evening. So he finds it more satisfying taking me to dinner, and less stressing to know he will be happy at the end of our date.

He doesn't have to worry if I will call him.
He doesn't have to worry if I will get mad because he didn't call me the next day.
He can call me and I will always be happy to see him.
He can call me for a reference if he wants to see another lady, without me being pissy.

I think if a guy is single and is not ready to settle the hobby world will satisfy him and teach him alot, until he is ready to commit. Originally Posted by Sami

Ok. I am a single guy, in my mid 40's and I agree with the above and would like to add this:

When I was in my mid 20's and 30's most women seem to A) have a hidden agenda or B) were drama queens.

Not every woman out there is like that but when a woman wants to control a man's life too early in the relationship the man will object. Some women know how easy it is for a man to have an affair so they become clingy.... to the point the man wants to avoid his wife or GF. Trust is everything. If both are happy with their sex life, communicate often about things etc then the odds of problems are diminished .
The hobby has made me much more sensitive to love.
Meoauniaea's Avatar
If I met the right woman, this hobby would be dropped quickly and I wouldn't look back.
I believe what some have said to be more truth than we realize..

I believe its the outside the hobby relationships that influence the hobby.. not the other way around..

meaning its the B.S that often goes into realionships and the unwillingness of the women guys love to satisfy them sexualy that makes them more apt to hobby..

The hobby simply makes you see how easy sex can be and it makes you less tolerable of the sexual hangups that many women have that you will try to love.. thus it makes you less patient to work at that "love"..

however..when ms. right comes along..and trust me it won't be that girl you just paid.. you will know it.. and the hobby will be an after thought a mere time frame of fun and care free sex