What is up with all the lights??

Ok, so over the past 7 years in this little hobby of ours Ive read countless threads of what the guy likes, dislikes, wants, wont stand for, would rather have, blah blah about a providers incall. All good and fine with me.

BUT, why is it when a provider, well me anyway, goes to a hotel to meet someone, why do you have every freakin light in the hotel room, ON?? The room itself is not all that big, so why the 4 lamps in the actual room, the bathroom, the entry, the makeup vanity, etc. all just blazing away!! Heck, open those curtains, leave the sheer ones behind it closed and get some natural lighting. Turn on a corner lamp in the room and maybe the bathroom light with the door half open. I guess it wouldnt be so bad if each bulb wasnt at least 75 watts or more, but gheez....if you wanna make sure we are the girl you called for, believe me, the light from the hallway is good enough to tell whether or not it is her..lol But if you insist on having every light on, then at least turn the radio or TV on...anything. There is nothing more nerve racking, (for me anyway) to walk into a room that resembles an interrogation, and hear nothing but dead, ear peircing silence.

When I walk into a room such as Ive described, the first thing I do is start walking around, turning off lights, making the room more provider freindly I guess, and find some music. If the other person in the room thinks this is "too much activity" and considers this "high strung, influenced by something illegal in the system, or what ever"...it's not. Its called setting the mood for whats to come. Yes, I like a little light when fooling around, but lord all mighty, feeling like your in a spot light when doing the doo doesnt really get me in the mood I need to be in, ya know?? Im high energy enough, but when Im nervous, it's even higher, as some of you well know...lol

And yes, it may be cold outside...but the walk from the parking lot to the room is plenty of time to warm up before entering the room. Could you please kindly bring the heat down to at least 75 so I dont have to sound like all bossy or a whiney ass and ask, ya know, when I am flipping all those lights off?? lol

Providers (who care ), will go out of their way to make sure when you come see them, the surroundings in which you come to are made to your comfort to help ease the initial "hi, I'm so n so, ready to f*@*??" so you can enjoy the meeting as best as you can. Is it too much to ask for a little less lighting when we come see you?? Just a thought....

Hmm, does this mean Im becoming high maintenance in my old age??

Ok, rant over. Back to your regularly scheduled hobby.....
ferdburf's Avatar
Haha! Right there with you on the lights. I find this mostly happens with newbies or gentlemen who are accustomed to going to the lady instead of the other way around; it's just not something that (usually) occurs to them when the space is theirs to arrange.

The thermostat, however... crank that up! I get cold easily. Goosebumps because you're touching me just right are sexy, goosebumps that make me want to throw on a parka and mittens are not.

When I host, I try to always ask the gentleman if the temperature's okay for him. Usually we can find a happy medium. Or a spare parka, if not.
Chevalier's Avatar
I suspect (some) P4P clients enjoy having a lot of lights turned on because we can see the lovely ladies more clearly. When you're with a vision of beauty, you want to drink it all in, so the more light the better.

I suspect (some) escorts prefer dim lighting because of who they're looking at.

But thanks for the input; I will try to do a better job of making allowances for the lady's preferences.
shooter6.5's Avatar
I must go with Chevalier on this one, not to mention that as you get older you need more light. Besides that you look very nice so I am sure that the men enjoy looking at you.
I like the lights on.I want to see the lovely ladies.
Without them you may as well be with a hole in a log.
Because we pay so much for the room, that we just want to
get our money worth...lol
climbon2's Avatar
I'm with Sophie. Subdued lighting and music make all the difference to me. Can't really relax otherwise.
I guess this would prolly freak you out a bit, also?

mrod's Avatar
  • mrod
  • 02-04-2010, 03:10 PM
as fun as it is having a hot session... a hot session we can see is even better... its kinda like watching a virtual video... except it aint...
Guest092210's Avatar
As you well know I agree that the ambiance is all important.....

but the videos turn out better with Mole Richardson floods...lol
lilsmurf's Avatar
If Sophie ever came to see me(in my dreams) I would have it "spot on" how Sophie wanted it. Candles, jazz, champagne or whatever on ice, low lighting. A blow up doll in the corner, vibrators, a swing, midgets, oil wrestling, whatever you want. Your not high maintenance, your sexy, you and your sexy little ass stickin up in the air, damn!
Light a couple of candles. I think that candlelight flickering in a darkened room is sexy as hell. Makes the shadows all the more fun! There's something to be said for a bedroom not being illuminated like a dentist's office.
Randall Creed's Avatar
Dimmed lighting does set the mood a lil better, much more so than night game stadium lighting. I never complain about, but it does suck being blinded when you're lying on your back, staring at the ceiling, or even when your eyes are rolled in the back of your head.
HUGO's Avatar
  • HUGO
  • 02-04-2010, 04:30 PM
If I'm with a provider who has the room darkened or softly lit I always request the lights be turned on/up or at least the shades or blinds be opened. To directly answer your question Sophie men enjoy looking at beautiful women, we are visual creatures and yes I also enjoy watching the action. But also having good eye contact is important. I've walked out on some providers especially at AMP's or SPA's if the lights don't get turned up to my liking, I prefer to see the goods sweetie!