Tracfone tech problems

clearwater86's Avatar
Has anyone had trouble with Tracfone and their tech support recently? My old hobby phone had to be replaced so I went with a Tracphone. I used one way back when with no trouble so I figured what the heck.

The problems started with the activation process. During the process, I got an error saying that the pre-paid card was already used and thus declined. I wanted to use the phone for an upcoming date, so I went to the website and added airtime through a credit card. The site said my card was declined so I used another and that too was declined. I call tech support and they told me that the pre-paid card did get activated though the balance would not show for 24 hours. I left it at that but checked about a week later.

My balance still did not appear on my phone, on the website or when I texted their number and requested the balance as the procedure calls for. I have since called several times over the past three weeks with no resolution yet. Each time I call, they tell me that the site is having problems and the balance cannot be shown and put me on hold and say that they’ll check with another tech. I can’t believe at this point that I cannot get my balance on my own and that they do not have the ability to give it to me. Each time, I wait for about 30-45 minutes when I realize it’s the same old song and dance.

To make matters worse, I got my credit card statement and was charged for both credit cards that the site said were declined. I asked about that and asked for a refund but each person I talked to said they weren’t able to give me any transaction information. When I ask to speak to a supervisor or customer service agent, they either switch me to someone else in tech support and or put me on hold and I wait until the line goes dead.

Now I know that Tracphone has been around for a long time but if I didn’t know better, it appears like a scam. The phone itself works fine but not knowing the balance going forward is not a good thing. I know I must have a ton of air time but what happens when I need to reload again? I just can’t trust them as no one really seemed to care or want to help.

What is everybody else using for a hobby phone? I’ll probably just let my time eventually run out and then dump it. Thanks and sorry this note got so long but I wanted to explain it all.
Plastic Man's Avatar
first funnel rentin problems?

...please waits while yer ...plastic man ...frantically searches fer that last ...fuck he gaves

...then tries ...downloadin any of a ...thousand apps fer free ...callin with a free ...number
I've been using Tracfone for years and have never had any of the problems you're experiencing.
I have had a trac fone since way back when it was analog and have had no issues. Actually in my area my trac fone works better than Verizon!!!
Hey CW, have not had the problems you described, but lately my Tracphone has been using minutes on its own. Not sure what is causing it, I called tech support and they gave me 30 minutes and advised to buy a replacement Tracphone. Needless to say they were not much help.
Capt. Hooker's Avatar
Buy additional time cards with cash...never had a problem.
cowboy8055's Avatar
Never had a problem with trac phone. But I never used a credit card or added minutes online. I always pay cash when adding minutes. Keeps it anonymous that way.
Lexxxy's Avatar
My gf LadyLucy bought a tracphone while waiting for her replacement in the mail for her broken phone around Christmas. It's been nothing but problems. A lot of texts vanished in to the cosmos on the way to and from her phone. Customer service hasn't been any help either.
Have you considered Google voice or text now?
  • Sam54
  • 12-30-2017, 08:59 AM
I only add time from purchased cards, but set up fake name account online to check for minutes/texts remaining. Phone doesn't keep accurate minutes or texts as I found out one time in the middle of making a date the phone went dead even when the phone stated that I had plenty of remaining minutes/texts in my balance, but online account showed none left. I also purchase an extra 500 minutes of texts online for just $5 bucks which is a pretty good deal. Yes these phones are crappy, but they serve their purpose well enough.
swipe it in your ass like a credit it card

maybe that resets it
then take it back

This Fuhkin thing sMELLS LIKE SHIT
YO tryin to hit

legs for days

I got STATIC BITCH!fix this mutha
clearwater86's Avatar
Thanks Guys. I think i'll dump it when it's out of minutes and buy a new one, all cash...
  • rj317
  • 12-31-2017, 01:05 PM
Mine all of a sudden stopped sending and receiving texts
bigdickdaddydom's Avatar
Mine all of a sudden stopped sending and receiving texts Originally Posted by rj317
same. usin ap now.