Funny stories

I started a thread in National Forum, but my girl London literally shit on my thread....Don't ask!

So there is a point where you are testing the waters and don't know the "hobbyist safety rules and commandments". Do you have a funny story to share?

I had a guy who wanted me to meet him at a rest stop where he worked. In exchange for my time, he offered me a gun that I could pawn. He didn't think this was an odd request because I could have gotten $300 for the gun! lol
I still shake my head at that request to this day!
DallasRain's Avatar
lol--I hate guns!!

In Oregon,I wet to see a client at a boat sales warehouse...we were playing in the bottom bedroom part of a boat...when we were through,i got up to go on deck to get some water....I was nekkid as a jaybird....When I looked up there was a man,woman,and a kid looking at me through the bay windows!!! Talk about an 'oops"!

Once in Albuquerque,i had a client come see me with a chastity belt on....his wife had found my name and number in his pocket.She was going out of town,so she ordered it and made him wear it so he would not "cheat"...he had confiscated an extra key so that way,when he came to see me,he could take it off!! that was weird!
skeeter's Avatar
I went to see a lady in a south Louisiana town at her incall and two different hotels shared the same parking lot ..... She was in room 2** ...... You guessed it the hotel that I wasn't at
DallasRain's Avatar
lol--yep Skeeter..that happened to me too

I was at Omni west houston....My guy was knocking on the door and called me asking why I did not answer...he was at omni galleria{lol}

good post heidi
Skeeter, did anyone answer the door? I've accidentally given the wrong room number before. I've purposely given the wrong room number and hotel once. (He deserved it though, I swear!)
skeeter's Avatar
Skeeter, did anyone answer the door? I've accidentally given the wrong room number before. I've purposely given the wrong room number and hotel once. (He deserved it though, I swear!) Originally Posted by heidilynnla
Lol no .... When I knocked I was looking around in the hall and thought to myself "this doesn't look like LaQuinta then a maid rounded the corner with a different uniform ......I all but ran...

And as much as I would like to see you....I'll make sure I haven't pissed you off first.....roflmao
If someone pisses me off, they know it. You can bank on that! That guy was pisses off providers all over the state though, not just me.
Wow, she really did shit all over that thread.
Wasn't that horrible stick!!?
holmes50's Avatar
12 years ago when our hobby was beginning on the internet I was going to Houston on business. Made an appointment and was told to call her as I got close by. I get close by and called, she tells me to go to the Denny's on Hwy. 290 and give her 15 minutes or so. Go in get some coffee, read the newspaper will quick. I go back to my car and begin to back out, Houston Police Dept car stops right in back of me. Doesn't look at me, just keeps looking down. I waited for 10 minutes before my foot stopped shaking and was sure I wasn't going to piss in my pants before I got out the car to see what the problem was. He was doing paperwork and didn't realize I was in the car. He moves, I called and she was my ATF for several years. She and I laughed for years about that. My Dad always said paranoia was good for the soul. Don't think so
....My Dad always said paranoia was good for the soul. Don't think so Originally Posted by holmes50

....but it's great for CYA. I'm glad yall can laugh about it now.

I think I've told this story in another thread. Once just before an appointment I dialed 911 instead of area code 915. Whoops! I hung up before it rang. So 15 minutes later my client shows up. An younger guy who had just graduated from med school the day before; never hobbyed in his life. He drove over an hour to experience the craziest 1st hobby experience of his life.

You guessed it. 30 min into out session BOOM BOOM BOOM at the door. Hell I was terrified until they let me know they received a 911 call from this address. DOH! Yeah I had to play it off like i just got out of the shower. Quickly told my client what happened and that he was my boyfriend. We played it off well but it took a lot of calming down for him to relax. Poor thing. I gave him 200%. He was happy when he left.

What I still wonder today is how APD could take 45 min to respond to a 911 call? And I lived on the good side of town. They said since it was a brand new complex it was hard to find. Hmm!
lol. Poor kid!
Due to the fact that I am very muscular, I had a gentleman to contact me asking if I would wrestle him, beat him up, and kick him in the balls. OUCH!
Due to the fact that I am very muscular, I had a gentleman to contact me asking if I would wrestle him, beat him up, and kick him in the balls. OUCH! Originally Posted by Gfe Juliette
Really, OUCH! I'm pretty non violent, but there have been a hand full of days in my life where this might have been quit therapeutic and conveniently inpunitive of guilt; well, because he requested it.

I periodically get wrestling fantasy requests. I wonder if its legit. I just wouldn't want it to go the wrong way. I'd have to hire security or something. LOL! Somebody from New Orleans last week asked me if I would wrestle his girlfriend. One of these days somebody is going to catch me in the right mood, and I'm going to get paid to wrestle.... *shrug* hehe! I'm putting that on my bucket list.
I started on Craigslist Casual encounters. I had no clue what I was doing. My idea of screening was to chat on im until I felt comfortable or ask for a picture and meet in a public place. I was extremely naive.

So I met a guy at the end of the hall when he got off the elevator. Walking to the room, I started small talk. "So, what do you do for a living?" He said, "I might scare you away". I laughed and said, "why, are you a cop?"


"I promise I'm not vice though"

lol. He saw me a few more times after that.